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25 September 2013
First ”administration” Council meeting on Friday
This Friday is the first full Umvoti Municipal Council meeting since 17th July when Province intervened in terms of the Constitution and appointed Mr Martin Sithole as Administrator to rescue the Municipality from being in a state of chaos, instability and dysfunctionality.
The Municipality’s state had come about “due to a lack of properly constituted governance structures, lack of institutional capacity associated with high vacancy in senior management level and incomplete organogram, lack of structure service delivery initiatives, as well as lack of rule of law which inevitably creates an environment conducive of abuse of municipal resources and interference in administration just to mention a few.”
High on the list of the draft recovery plan to be presented by Administrator Sithole is the finalisation of the outstanding Court case on the status of the removal of Exco and Speaker;illegal election of new Exco and office bearers . So all executive and administrative functions have been taken over by the Administrator who has given the deadline of 31st January 2014 to have the status quo restored.
The draft recovery plan is very comprehensive covering good governance and public participation;Municipal transformation and organisational development;financial viability and management; basic service delivery and local economic development (LED) and will be discussed by Council at the full meeting scheduled to take place on Friday 27th September at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber. Council is required to review the intervention on a regular basis to monitor progress and make recommendations to the Provincial Exco.
Also on the agenda will be an update by IGODA, the consultants appointed by the Municipality to undertake a comprehensive meter management 3 year project to decrease electricity losses due mainly to illegal connections,tampering thefts, and occasional malfunctioning of meters, In 4668 inspections carried out 85 cases of tampering were found with 445 credit meters not sealed. A total of 854 meters are prepaid sales showing an increase. One of the challenges being faced by IGODA is that work in Enhlalakahle has stopped due to the safety of their employees and other factors. Consultation is ongoing with stakeholders who requested certain concessions for consideration.
Matters raised at ward committee meetings held in all eleven wards from July last year to June this year - include RDP houses;transport for school children; shortage of water and electricity; youth unemployment;lack of ID,grants and pensions; more schools ; and clinics.
Traffic stats for the month of August show that 68 abnormal loads were clocked of which 60 were escorted raising R27 000 for the Municipal coffers. There were 570 prosecutions totalling R433 300 with 2 arrests.At the testing station the issue of various licences,roadworthy certificates etc. brought inR185 442.
In December last year, Municipal officials confiscated goods from informal traders -without prior notice. In May this year Council authorised an amount of R17 156 to be paid out to traders affected who had lost edible goods.Five of the traders did not receive payment due to technical hitches on their part. As this is deemed wasteful expenditure in terms of the MFMA Council has to approve a further R2 990 to be paid out to these vendors.
In regard to the FET College to be established by the Department of Education, Council requested Mondi to excise .a portion of Townlands for the FET college and landfill site -Mondi has agreed.
What could cause controversy is the item “for noting” - Council had approved an allocation of R300 000 for the Matomela Memorial lecture . 8 tables were purchased at a cost of R200 000 which was paid directly to the Education Trust of the AmaNxamalala clan .It is understood that a number of Councillors who indicated they would attend the dinner did not do so. Municipal staff overtime costs and necessary purchases will be presented to Council and will be met by the balance of the R300 000.
This Council meeting should be interesting...and long the agenda and supporting documents total 987 pages!!!
School holidays and terms for 2014 (Department of Basic Education) - for the first time all nine provinces have the same school calendar (excluding private schools) as follows:
*First term: Schools open 15th January until 28th March. A total of 11 weeks -52 school days and 1 public holiday.
*Second term: Schools open 7th April until 27th June.
A total of 11 weeks with 52 school days and 8 public and school holidays.
*Third term :Schools open 21st July until 3rd October.
A total of 11 weeks with 54 school days and 1 public holiday
*Fourth term :Schools open 13 October until 10th December.
A total of 9 weeks with 43 school days.
In 2014 pupils will be at school for a total of 42 weeks equal to 201 days and have 7 + 3 public holidays!
As has become tradition over the past few years, members of the public will be able to have a basic will drafted by an attorney free of charge during National Wills Week from 7 to 11 October .Greytown legal firms, Nel and Stevens and van Rooyen and Forder are participating in this project. Contact details of all participating attorneys can be accessed on the LSSA website at .
‘By ensuring that you have a valid will, you as the testator, can protect the interests of your loved ones and ensure that there is no delay in settling your estate after your death. It also ensures that your executor will act according to your wishes as set out in your will. A valid will allows you to state who should inherit your assets and property, to appoint an executor of your choice for your estate and also a guardian for your minor children,’ say Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) Co-Chairpersons Kathleen Matolo-Dlepu and David Bekker.
A practising attorney has the necessary knowledge and expertise to ensure that your will is valid by complying with all the legal requirements in the Wills Act and also that it complies with your wishes. . Often a will is not valid because the person who drafts it does not have the necessary legal knowledge to ensure that all the legal requirements of the Wills Act are met.
If you die without leaving a valid will, your assets will be distributed according to the provisions of the Intestate Succession Act.But, the following problems may arise:
Your assets may not be left to the person of your choice;it can take a longer time to have an executor appointed; and there could be unhappiness and conflict among members of your family because there are no clear instructions on how to distribute your assets.
Issued by co-chairpersons Law Society of South Africa.
Greytown Racing Pigeon Club news
How does one start in pigeon racing? First and foremost a pigeon loft is required. It does not have to be an elaborate structure and one can be constructed by anyone handy with their hands.
Preferably built of timber with asbestos roofing with four wall ventilation to allow a free flow of air;raised off the ground about half a metre to allow access to your dog to keep away stray cats or rats.
Dimensions should be about 5 metres long and 2 metres deep -this can be divided into two section to separate the sexes while not breeding.
The roof should slope front to back to allow rain water to drain away and most importantly the loft should be dry as dampness will bring disease.
This size structure should comfortably hold 30 pigeons.
The next step is to stock the loft and any fancier of worth would be only too pleased to breed babies to help a newcomer get started.
Spend as much time as possible with a fellow fancier and learn his methods etc. He will be only too pleased to pass on any knowledge to help you -don’t be afraid to ask questions.
The newcomer will also require a pigeon clock so he is able to clock his winners on race day. Second hand clocks can be obtained at a reasonable price. One will also require a basket for carrying the birds but once again a handyman can make one.
I have been referring to the male gender here, but believe me I have known some lady fanciers who are far better than men, so ladies think about it.
St Cathryn’s news
This week we are saying goodbye to a well respected member of St Cathryn’s - Barry Oehme-- the current St Cathryn’s club champion is relocating to Margate after taking retirement. Barry was always a competitive golfer and has indicated that he will stay a country member and will still visit St Cathryn’s. Good Bye Barry….and we look forward take you on - in your own backyard in Margate.
Well known Mandini golfer - Chris Knight died last week after a Quad bike accident. Chris was instrumental in keeping the quadrangular competition going - when support and interest faded. Chris was always a gentleman and the well respected golf captain of Mandeni club and knew his rules well. Chris - Thank you for helping to put St Cathryn’s on the golfing map. To Coral and his family we send our condolences and we will all miss seeing Chris at St Cathryns.
This weekend the green keeper will be having his own “Green keepers revenge” tournament. It is his turn to take revenge on members, when after golfers have had a few brown liquid refreshments - complain and tell the man how to do his job. Golfers will be treated fairly and unlike other green keeper revenge tournaments held over the golfing world, a golfer will not be expected to play from the middle of the island onto a green on the other side of the plantation, or having the pin set on top behind the slope on the eight green. Golfers will play in a three ball alliance - and could find the course to play in a clockwise setup - playing hole 1 from the 15th tee box and hole 2 from a temporary tee box to a temporary green. It’s going to be fun - with a cost of R100 per handicapped golfer, halftime and a complimentary drink from the green keeper. Come and have fun and say goodbye to Barry. Please note the names will be put in a hat and the “Revenged Green keeper” will do the draw for the three ball partners. Tee off is from 10 o’clock from the 15th Tee.
The final team selection for the KZNGU Interclub tournament is to be announced soon. We have entered two teams in the Frog C division so far. Any other golfers still interested in playing in this event please contact Piet 083 2691661.
This Friday there will be supper – Chef’s surprise – please phone 082 555 2661 to book
Don’t be an irresponsible driver!
In a period of just 100 hours last week ER24 (Emergency Medical Care) attended accident scenes in which a total of 23 lives had been lost and numerous others left with injuries as a result of these collisions. Spokesman for ER24 said that the sad reality was that most of these accidents were preventable.
With a long weekend and school holidays and lots of people travelling the roads, ER24 stresses the importance of motorists taking responsibility when driving and to take heed of the following:
*Do not speed! There is not enough time to perform expansive maneuvers should something go wrong.
*Obey the rules of the road. Use indicators, travel in the correct lane for the speed that you’re travelling at, stop at red robots and don’t overtake where you’re not supposed to.
*Wear a seat belt.
*Be patient! You will all get there. Take those extra minutes and get there alive.
*Do not drink and drive.
*Before you get behind the wheel, consider having to live the rest of your life with the thought of having taken someone else’s as a result of your irresponsible driving.
Ngomgqibelo mhlaka 28 kuSeptember, kusekela NGO7 Ekuseni simema abazali, abafundi, abadala basecreche Inkanyiso,amabandla, abafundi bezikole zaseGreytown.
Zonke , amasonto, abeminyango kahulumeni, isibonelo;othisha,ojele, amanesi, odokotela, omabhalane njll,ukuzovuselela, kupendwe, kukhandwe okonakeleyo, kwakhiwe i-Jungle Gym,nemishwibom kuvuswe nogandaganda omdala.
Sicela ninikele ngezingodo eziphekiwe,amapulangwe, upende izipikili nangamakhono enu okubaza, ukushisela nokwakha.
Impahla namathoyizi, sicela ishiywe ecreche.
Inkayiso creche is the oldest creche in Enhlalakahle having been established in the early 1950’s and is now seriously in need of repairs and painting.
This Saturday 28th September a work party will be at the creche from 7 a.m. to carry out renovations etc. Members of the public, Government Departments, churches, former creche students and local businesses are asked to donate their skills and time on the Saturday as well as materials such as paint, poles , planks etc -please drop off at the creche.
Inkayiso creche committee is led by Mr. BP Madondo , acting Chairperson Ms Ntombintombi Hlanguza secretary,Mr.Mlungisi Mbhense and Ms Nana Mkhize as additional members. If you can assist or require further information please contact Ms Hlanguza on 082 937 2778.
A creche in a remote rural area is being forced to turn away half of its children as no response to its request for assistance has come from either Government or Umvoti Municipality .
Sicelinhlanhla Creche has been accommodating 93 youngsters in the only two classrooms it has but the Department of Social Development officials has informed the creche that maximum 27 children per classroom is permitted and that the balance of the toddlers must go..
In an interview with the Greytown Gazette, creche secretary, Mr M.M Shange, said that the creche only received a subsidy for 54 children which they had to spread to cope with the 93. The creche, situated in Gwinyamthe, Matimatolo( Umvoti Ward 2), services children from deep rural areas with an over 90% unemployment rate of parents... many just about surviving on old age pensions, foster and child grants etc. There is no way that the classrooms could be financed by parents, guardians, child headed families etc.
It has been proved that early childhood training and education is vital for the future growth and development of a child .and unless action is taken to build at least another two classrooms it means that 54 children will be at a huge disadvantage from the start of their school lives
There is a dire and crucial need for such a facility and if the creche is forced to de-register 54 children this could adversely affect their futures.The nearest creche is 4 kilometres away - too much of a distance for the little ones to get there.
Anyone who can assist in solving this problem is asked to contact Mr Shange on 072 258 9377 or the principal Ms Bhengu on 079 412 9087
Greytown Country Club news
Greytown Country Club would like to congratulate Mascor Toyota on their move to their impressive new premises. Mascor has been a longtime sponsor of Greytown golf and we wish them a happy and prosperous occupation. We remind our golfers to diarize Umvoti Tyres Golf Day which will take place on Saturday 5th October. It will be the first opportunity to play on our spring treated greens and tee boxes while enjoying the hospitality of one of Greytown’s prominent businesses. Not to be missed is the annual GCC Golf Classic on the 26th of October,which is fast approaching. We have confirmed that the Safire ladies will be “manning” the halfway watering hole again for us this year! The format will be Betterball Stableford and entry lists are up on the board at the Club.
Course closed for SPRING TREATMENT from 16th September to 27th September
Eve Drury was the lucky winner of Friday’s attendance draw. The next attendance draw will be on Friday 11th October with R100 up for grabs.
Friday night the 27th is Happy Hour, come and enjoy your evening with friends and family. Tickets are available to buy @ R20 - win R1000 or a bottle of Chivas Regal, ticket includes your meal.
Don’t forget about the Beer Festival on Friday 4th October
Durban’s band “Chameleon” will be the entertainment for the evening. Tickets @ R50 includes your meal (Pig on the spit) and 330ml free draught beer .
For further information contact Lone du Plessis at the Country Club at 033-417 2441.
Dates to diarize
16 – 27 Sept Course closed for spring treatment
27th September ; Happy Hour
4th October; Beer Festival
5th October ; Umvoti Tyres Golf Day
12th October; Mascor monthly mug
An urgent warning has been issued by cell phone companies, Cell C, Vodacom and MTN on the latest scam.
If you receive a phone call from any person, who claims to be a company engineer who is checking your mobile line, and will tell you to press # 90 or #09 or any other number.
Just end the call immediately without pressing any numbers.
There is a fraud company using a device that once you press #90 or #09 can access your SIM card and make calls at your expense.
18 September 2013
Umvoti and district farmers, big and small, took advantage of a face to face meeting with President Zuma on Saturday to raise crucial questions relating to the future of commercial farmers. The meeting, at Greytown Country Club, arranged by former Umvoti Mayor P.G. Mavundla and chaired by Municipal Manager Bongani Xulu was positive and productive . The President promised to return to Greytown within 4 to 6 weeks , together with the Ministers of Agriculture;Rural Development, Water Affairs,Energy and Basic Education to answer the queries raised which related to the different Minister's portfolios.
In response to the query whether there was a future for the commercial farmer in terms of ANC policy President Zuma stated categorically that "there would never be a Zimbabwe situation in this country" .The land claim programme was emotive but had to be dealt with in terms of the Constitution. He appealed to those present to refer to "big" farmers rather than "white" and the emerging farmers as "small" to eliminate any racial connotations.
There was a positi8ve reaction from the big farmers who spoke of their willingness to assist and guide new farmers as this was of benefit to all. This approach was endorsed by the President who said that for the farmers to work together with the Government to make new farmers productive would go a long way to ensuring productive farming enterprises and food security for the country.
Matters of concern raised related to:
security - with the increase in farm attacks, the President said that it might be necessary to look at reviving citizen's participation in security.
* legislature delays - processing of legislature requirements in forestry subject to lengthy delays which adversely impacted on timber farmers who in the area directly employed 20 000 with a 1 to 6 dependency ratio
*dumping of milk and dairy products was creating problems for dairy farmers and protective import duties were needed .Also retailers were profiteering on agricultural products - an investigation was needed into the food chain
from source to consumer.
*the sugar industry had over the years looked after "small" cane growers but because of large scale dumping from Brazil were been forced to mechanize because of input costs adversely affecting the farmers and workers.
*new farmers needed theoretical training as well to assist them with farming practices-vocational training centres were required .
*incorrect and unsuitable use of land
*pressure on the agriculture sector to provide employment but sector's economy down so upliftment and creation of job opportunities vital to building strong future together.
The President accepted the points raised as a mandate from the farmers and said that he did not want the very productive Umvoti and surrounding farming areas to be adversely affected in any way.
President Zuma was in Greytown for the annual Inkosi Matomela memorial lecture and gala dinner which took place in the Greytown Town Hall on Saturday night.
Earlier this year the heavily indebted Umzinyathi District Municipality was placed under financial administration but last week KZN finance committee was not happy about the district's irregular expenditure, failure to service debts and to collect money owed. Although heavily in debt more than R2 million had been spent in 2011/12 on bodyguards -.District manager Mngomezulu said they were hired to protect its councillors and Mayor J.M Mthethwa who has been summoned to appear before the committee later this month.
CFO Mdletshe has been a consultant for the district since 2008 but the district had regressed from a clean audit in 2010/11 to a disclaimer in 2011/12 when the auditor general could not find supporting documents on Council expenditure.The CFO earned more than Mngomezulu and the committee queried the post of the deputy municipal manager, who also earned more, saying it was unnecessary.
On hearing that a VAT consultant had also been contracted, committee chairwoman Belinda Scott told the two officials -"that(post) is new to me.For years you have been involved in illegal activities!"
It took eighty days to travel around the world……….or so the story goes, but over the weekend eighty golfers descended on St Cathryn’s golf course. Golfers played in the Hermannsburg golf day and either tee’d off on Friday afternoon, Saturday morning or the main field.
With the course decorated in banners, tractors, bakkies, lawn mowers and motor vehicles a farm trade fair atmosphere was created. Learner ( Hmb Grade 9’s) caddies had a crash course in caddying and were classed in as bag pullers and spotters. They volunteered to raise funds for their school trip to Germany next year.
If the wind had been measured - one would say that it was gusting at 35 -40km/h and the temperature hovered at 32 degrees. Very, very warm conditions and if one looks at the results you will see that the hardy St Cathryn’s members came through as the winners taking the first four positions.
1st Zane Padoa and Brent Barkhuizen 47 points oco
2nd Deon van Dyk and Barry Oehme
3rd Merwin Rabe and Paul Els 46 oco
4th Liekie Steyn and Daniel Deane oco
5th Lynton and Brendon Dedekind
The Longest drive for men : Boy Zuma
The Longest drive Ladies : Liekie Steyn
Nearest to pin for 2 on the 12th : Pat Peckham
Nearest to Pin 2/11th : Boy Zuma
Nearest to Pin 9/18th : Badger Aherin
Most Golf : Reuben Surendorff and Carlo Stegen.
It was great to see many Greytown stalwarts still supporting this golf day - Rudolf Aulfes, Wally Kohne among others. There were old scholars from Hermannsburg – Willie Kusel and Ewald Kohne and Carl Groenewald ( past Greytown tennis champion) Low handicapped golfer – Rob Martin unfortunately reported sick and we all wish him a swift recovery. Thank you to everyone who came to play.
The Golf day was characterised by Hermannsburg School Families’ hospitality, friendliness and good food. Halftime was at the usual high standard and the supper excellent. Thank you to catering managers Jan Holger and Tilje Sinn and Kevin and Annette Williams.
Piet and Cathy would like to thank HMB School, all sponsors, players and caddies for playing golf on our St Cathryn’s golf course over the weekend. We enjoyed your visit and we look forward to this again next year.
This Friday 20th its a bring and braai, please contact on 083 269 1661 to book for golf and / or meals.
Heritage Day, Tuesday 24th September, highlights the histories of all racial groups in South Africa and recognises all the men and women who have contributed to the heritage and culture of the nation. I
t is a day in which all are encouraged to celebrate their cultural traditions in the wider context of the great diversity of cultures, beliefs and traditions which make up this great nation.
In 1996 when the proposed Public Holiday Bill was under discussion in Parliament,the IFP objected to the bill as Shaka Day, in memory of the legendary Zulu King Shaka which had always been celebrated on 24th September ,was omitted .A compromise was reached when it was decided to create a day on which all South Africans could observe and celebrate their diverse cultural heritage.
In an address marking Heritage Day 1996, President Nelson Mandela said”When our first democratically elected government decided to make Heritage Day one of our national days, we did so because we knew that our rich and varied cultural heritage has a profound power to help build our nation.”
National Braai day has now been officially recognised as part of the day on 24th September with a view to celebrating shared culture rather than focusing on cultural divisions. When first mooted the National..
[06:29:33 AM] Pippa: When first mooted the National Heritage Council scorned the ideas as trivialising but then endorsed it in 2008.
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, is national spokesman for Braai Day and has been quoted as saying:””We’re going to have this wonderful thing on the 24th September ...when we all gather round one fire. It’s a fantastic thing, a very simple idea. Irrespective of your politics, of your culture, of your race, of your whatever, hierdie ding doen ons saam!
Just South Africans doing one thing together and recognising that we are a fantastic nation.”
Umvoti Tyres fun trips , played on Sunday was a great success with a host of players making a full field.
Drawn in teams of three, with an experienced bowler as the skip of each team, every novice bowler stood a chance and some good fun was had by all.
Winners of the first session were Chris Fischer, Martin Platt and Lizbeth Lubowitcki.
Second session winners were Omo Dinkelmann, Keith Cowie and Ingrid Surendorff..
Overall winners were Andre Roberts, Chris Morrow and Johan with Karen Cordy, Tony Wheeler and Jack Mason coming second.
Consolation prize went to Jacques Minnaar, Les Moss and Estelle Beyleveldt and lucky draw to Charlene Wenke.
The Spider , sponsored by Dulcie Brown, was won by Karen Cordy.
Everyone brought along their own meat and with the Club providing salads, pap and sous , a tasty lunch was enjoyed
Many thanks to all committee members and players who helped on the day and all the ladies for the catering, and Chris Fischer for the magnificent greens!!!
Next fun day is 6th October - make a note now not to miss out.
Saturday’s final singles playoff was a showcase of two of the finest proponents of drawing bowls when Chris Fischer and Jacques Minnaar had a nail biter - after 21 ends the score was 19-20 before Jacques managed to pull it off!
Many times I have been asked the question “how do pigeons find their way home?”It is a question that cannot be given a definite answer.
Is it by sight? Although a pigeon see a distance of approximately one hundred and twenty kilometres at its maximum flying height on a level plane, how does it know its way home when released from a point where it has never been before?
Is it by smell? Highly unlikely although if one moves ones loft to a new residence without cleaning it, there is less chance of losing pigeons than if the loft had been cleaned. This I have experienced myself on moving from
Durban to Pietermaritzburg and from there to Greytown. On my Greytown move I lost only four pigeons from approximately one hundred after only one week’s confinement , which seems to prove that pigeons home to a loft , not a site.
Is it the earth’s magnetism? This theory appears to be the most probable as it has been scientifically proven that pigeons, and I should imagine any bird, has a magnetic nerve, for want of a better description, located in the front nodule of the brain,seeming to bear out the magnetic theory. The boffins have discovered that the magnetic north of the earth which is normally twenty degrees East of the true North, is now lying at 24 degrees East ,thereby throwing out the bird’s magnetism and also causing migratory birds to be found where they have never been seen before.
Something to think about!
If a human gets bitten by a rabid animal and does not receive a vaccination within a short window period, they will die; there is no cure after the window period expires.
World Rabies Day, observed this year on Saturday 28 September, is an international campaign coordinated by the Global Alliance for Rabies Control to educate the public and promote rabies prevention. Ra.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States of America states on its website that more than 55,000 people, mostly in Africa and Asia, die from rabies every year.
“Rabies is completely preventable, and prevention is always better than a cure,” says Bernice Dyer, manager of the Society Liaison Unit of the National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA), the largest animal welfare organisation in South Africa. “The rabies virus can infect human beings, especially children, wildlife, and domestic animals. This time of year underlines the need for responsible pet ownership; including keeping a pet’s vaccinations up to date, and population control through sterilisation” Domestic pets to the vet at least every 12 months and keep their annual vaccinations up to date. If you you or your pet have been in contact with a rabid animal, contact your doctor and take your animal to the local vet immediately.
Signs of rabies infection AS FOLLOWS - In humans: After an incubation period, an infected person may experience flu like symptoms, psychotic behaviour, nausea, hydrophobia; a fear of drinking water due to throat spasms, paralysis starting in the legs moving towards the head, cardiac arrest, coma, and death. In animals: a behaviour change; aggressive animals may lose their fear of humans, while a docile domestic pet may suddenly become aggressive. Watch for paralysis starting at the hind quarter and moving forward. It is important to note that while not all the characteristics may be displayed, all infected animals will show excessive salivation due to an inability to swallow.
World Rabies Day coincides with the anniversary of the death of Louis Pasteur who helped to develop the first vaccine against the disease.
Report :Claire Winson:National Council of SPCAs
Greytown Country Club news
Course will be closed for Spring treatment from the 16th September to the 27th September .
Tubby Larkan lost out on the money at Friday’s attendance draw, as he was not present at the time of the draw. The next attendance draw will be on Friday 20th September with R1000 up for grabs. Be here at 6:30 – 7pm and you could be the lucky winner.
Friday night 27th September is our next Happy Hour, come and enjoy your evening with friends and family. Tickets are available to buy @ R20 - win R1000 or a bottle of Chivas Regal, ticket includes your meal.
The “Sunday 9@9” entry fee is R25 to play 9 holes. Richard Chiazzari is sponsoring a chicken that will be up for the winning on Sunday mornings.
Dates to diarize
16 – 27 Sept :Course closed for SPRING TREATMENT
24th September : Cheap-as-Tuesday
27th September : Happy Hour
4th October : Beer Festival
5th October : Umvoti Tyres Golf Day
12th October : Mascor monthly mug
readers write
At my age, I don’t often see something new. Specially not something that is so novel that my jaw drops. But on Saturday playing tennis at Greytown
Tennis Club , I was grinding my teeth at a group of people drinking in the Park and just tossing their rubbish and bottles onto the grass next to their cars.
The sudden appearance of a police vehicle made them all put away their drinks (they were obviously aware that you cannot consume alcohol in public).
The cop driving the vehicle spoke to them, they all went to collect their rubbish scattered around the park and put the bottles into a box, and put the box into one of their cars.
The police vehicle then slowly moved off to talk to another group of people who were also surrounded by bottles and litter.
Repeat performance!
Greytown first!
Well done to the Greytown Police and the Greytown Station Commander/Mayor - you all went up hugely in our estimation, and offer some hope for the environment in Greytown
Well done also to the revellers who, once the cops left, did not throw any more rubbish onto the grass, but took it away.
Long may this public awareness of the evils of noisy public drinking an littering last!
Mike Barrow.
I usually don’t complain, but whilst driving through to Pietermaritzburg last Saturday I was concerned to see that trucks transporting logs did not have safety nets on the back. You can’t imagine what would happen if the poles fell out onto a vehicle. Shouldn't’t the Provincial traffic officers be checking this.
Also sugar canes trucks drop large amounts of cane on the road which again could create safety problems.
“Worried driver”
As next Tuesday is a Heritage Day and a public holiday the Greytown Gazette office will not be open. However your hardworking editor, will as usual, be processing the paper at The Witness, so it will be on the streets as usual on the morning of Wednesday 26th,
Although normal advertising and copy deadlines apply for the issue of 26th it would be appreciated if all items can be submitted as early as possible.
Many thanks for your co-operation.
FET College to open in Greytown for 2014!
Mention was made at the President’s meeting with the farmers in referring to the question of providing training and education for new farmers that this could be achieved through the FET College to be established on the outskirts of Greytown. Department of Basic Education has put into process the technical requirements to ensure that everything is in place to accept students at the start of the 2014 academic year! Further information on this exciting and positive development for Umvoti will be published next week.
Although this month’s Garden Club meeting takes place later in the month than usual to coincide with the blooming of myriads of clivias, azaleas and rhododendrons, the outing to Benvie on the Karkloof road is likely to be a highlight of the year. Apart from being a palette of colour in the Spring, the Benvie garden is also renowned for having the largest collection and variety of coniferous trees in the Southern Hemisphere. The gardens of Benvie date back many decades and attract botanical experts and gardening enthusiasts from across the world. Anyone wishing to make use of this opportunity to visit a truly exceptional garden is welcome.
Members and guests who wish to car-pool for this excursion are asked to meet outside the Wimpy to leave by 8.30 a.m. on Wednesday 25th September.
There is an entrance fee to Benvie of R50-00 per person and R40-00 to assist with petrol costs. Refreshments will not be provided at the venue but members and guests are encouraged to take a picnic tea to enjoy in the ambience of the gardens.
11 September 2013
> Fatal crash on killer road
> One man died and a family of five were seriously injured on Sunday
> afternoon on the "killer" stretch of road between New Hanover and
> Greytown.
> Thuthukani Zondi, was driving the bakkie seen in the photograph -he
> was dead
> on impact. The Mohan family who were travelling towards Greytown were
> all
> seriously injured and Poretian and Rishi Mohan, and their three
> children Prakesh, Duran and Shalon were taken to Northdale Hospital .
> At the time of going to press they were all reported to be in a stable
> condition.
> EMRS, RTI, Police and Security firms were rapidly on the scene - the
> jaws of life were used to extricate Thuthukani from his vehicle. A
> member of the Mohan family expressed his gratitude to the prompt
> response from the disaster teams and members of the community who
> assisted.
President Jacob Zuma will be in Greytown this weekend to celebrate the fifth annual Inkosi Matomela memorial speech, gala dinner and commemoration.
Inkosi Matomela was the great grandfather of the Zuma or Nxamalala people who are an integral part of the Zulu nation. President Zuma is chairman of the Zulu Royal Council.
At the inaugural lecture in 2009 the President, who delivered the keynote address, said that the clan had gathered to remember their roots saying "we believe that every South African should be proud of what they are" .Inkosi Matomela had played a huge role in uniting the Zulu nation .
Saturday's programme will start in the morning with the commemoration of Inkosi Matomela at a function at Lake Merthley. In the evening the gala dinner will take place with keynote speaker being National Minister of Rural Development Gugile Nkwinti.
Proceeds of sponsorship of tables or individuals at the gala dinner are all channelled through to the Education Trust of the AmaNxamalala clan.
His Excellency President Jacob Zuma will be in Greytown the weekend of the 14th and 15th of September for the Annual Matomela Gala Dinner. He would like to extend an invitation to the Farmers in the Umvoti area to meet with him on Saturday the 14th September at Greytown Country Club Meeting room at 12.30pm. Minister Mr. Gugile Nkwinti will also be in attendance at this meeting.
Please RSVP to Theresa Edwards on or sms 082 379
5232 to reserve a seat.
An intensive manhunt is under way in the area following the assault of a
62 year old farmer in the Seven Oaks district on Monday. It is reported that the farmer was riding her horse near a plantation when the attack occurred. According to reports she was hit over the head and raped. She managed to make her way to the closest farmhouse who alerted all the security forces.
Police spokesperson Thulani Zwane confirmed the attack and said that Greytown Police are investigating a case of robbery and rape.
911 Ops chief Dave Carroll appealed to farmers to be alert and report any strangers seen on their lands -;phone 033 417 2911 to report anything out of the ordinary.
September is Arbor month during which thousands of trees are planted to
highlight the essential role trees play in the sustainable development of
the environment .Trees selected for this year are :Blossom tree or Keurboom(Virgilia oroboides which is more suited to the Western and Southern Cape; for KZN crossberry or Kruisbessie ( Grewia occidentalis); Powder puff tree or Poeierkwasboom (Barringtonia racenosa) .According to Country Nursery, the Crossberry is a fast growing semi-deciduous shrub or small tree, with small pink flowers from November to February followed by small edible berries which the birds love.
Arbor Day originated in Nebraska, USA, when the editor of the local newspaper, a Mr J. Morton encouraged the planting of trees in the treeless plains of Nebraska by publishing articles on the value of trees for soil protection, fruit, shade , buildings etc. On 10 April 1872, the first official Arbor Day, Nebraska residents planted one million trees!
Arbor Day emphasises the benefits of planting and conserving trees to offset carbon emissions and greening to improve the quality of life and uplift the environment and communities. As trees grow they absorb and store carbon -it is estimated that for every 5-6 trees planted and which live for 50 to 100 years, that they offset one ton of carbon dioxide.
Reduce your carbon footprint by planting as many trees as you can...and remember you are planting for life!
Umvoti Municipality will this weekend close some streets in the town centre due to the Matomela lecture to take place and to be attended by President Zuma and many other VIPS.
From 12 noon on Saturday 13th until 2 p.m. on Sunday the following will be
Cnr Bell to Cathcart to cnr Pine and Bell Streets. From corner Pine to Bell Street and from corner Pine to Maitland Street.
Greytown Racing Pigeon club news
For those involved in the pigeon game there are various names which crop up regularly -such as Stassart,Logan, Osman, Delbar and many others - all named after the fancier who developed them over years of breeding. Although these fanciers have been dead for many years, their names linger on.
In South Africa the best known name for a family of pigeons was Puttrie.
Frans Puttrie was a Belgian diamond cutter who emigrated to this country in the late 1930's. He imported seventeen pigeons form Belgium and over the years he developed his own family of pigeons that nobody liked, but which cleaned up the opposition. Just goes to show that beauty doesn't mean much and its brains that count!
We have fanciers in South Africa whose bloodlines can be traced back to the Puttries and are still winning!
Some fanciers have different fads and fancies, such as only keeping certain colours of pigeons and shunning others although they can and do win in all shapes, sizes and colours.
Speaking of colours, we find that all the different colours of the racing pigeons derive from the Blue Bar and the theory is that if a loft full of pigeons were left to breed indiscriminately they would eventually revert back to the original Blue Bar from whence they came - at least that is the theory of evolution!
Despite the windy and hot conditions on Sunday ,the twelve teams who entered for the popular fun filled 4-A-side tennis tournament sponsored by Daddy's Service Station had a great day on (and off) the tennis courts. Each team played all the other teams - 88 games in all. Thank you once again to the members who provided the scrumptious tea eats which the energy levels up!After a day of severe exercise, laughter and some good , as well as somewhat weird shots , players and their families enjoyed a great bring and braai.
Lynn English handed out the prizes on behalf of the sponsors, Daddy's - a huge thank you to Daddy's -without your sponsorship,such a fun filled day would not be possible.
Winners of the tournament were "The Lob Stars: Clive and Wendy Edkins, Trish Köhne and Ingrid Surendorf. Runners up- were the "Tram Tramps":Kyle and Kelsey Edkins, Jane Harold and Jason Dames. The booby prize went to Deon and Ester van Rooyen and George and Corne Nefdt.
Considerable imagination was used by the teams in their choice of theme outfits making it quite difficult to choose the best dressed team. The winners were the "Rainbow Nation" team consisting of Jack and Ruth Drew and Roy and Sue Thompson. Best named team was "What's 4 Tea Love". In this team we had Pierre and Kim Steyn and Shaun and Lee-Anne Watson.
On Saturday there will be a spoon competition. Prizes up for grabs. Join in any time from 14h00. Late comers also..
[05:17:52 AM] Pippa: . Late comers also welcome.
See you all at tennis on Saturday!
The good news is that registration for students at the newly established Muden college starts today, 11th September!
Zibambeleni Development Organisation is delighted after many months of liaison with Umgungdlovana FET College and Construction SETA, the College has become a reality.
First course which will start immediately is Community House Building, including building, plumbing planning etc - this is NQF level 2 one year learnership programme. Students will receive a stipend.
Anyone interested and with a Grade 10 upwards should be at the Muden Centre to register - and remember your ID book!
Greytown country club news
Mascor monthly mug / business League was played on 7th Sep[temer with the following results:
A Division: 1st - M. Msomi, result 65 nett
2nd - B. Ngonyama, result 69 nett
B. Division: 1st B. Oehme, result 64 nett (Congratulations to Barry, who won the Monthly Mascor Mug.)
2nd : S. Muna, result 76 nett
Hayden Chiazzari lost out on R800 at Friday's (6th September) attendance draw, as he was not present at the time of the draw. The next attendance draw will be on Friday 13th with R900 up for grabs. Be here at 6:30 - 7pm and you could be the lucky winner.
Friday 27th September is the next Happy Hour, come and enjoy an evening with friends and family. Tickets are available to buy @ R20 - win R1000 or a bottle of Chivas Regal, ticket includes your meal.
"Sunday 9@9" entry fee is R25 to play 9 holes. Richard Chiazzari is sponsoring a chicken that will be up for the winning on Sunday mornings.
Dates to diarize
27th September 2013 - Happy Hour
4th October 2013 - Beer Festival
5th October 2013 - Umvoti Tyres Golf Day
12th October 2013 - Next Mascor monthly mug
16 - 27 Sept - Course closed for SPRING TREATMENT
A small field set off on the Farmers Agri-Care Monthly Mug on Saturday 7th September , as some members were away overseas, some busy with the Hmb bazaar and others involved with school sports. For the first time ever - a golfer who came second won the captains is that possible? It happened like this. Small field in the mug, one golfer does not arrive to tee off. Then there were three golfers. One golfer injures himself and the field is left with two golfers. Golfers visiting avoided the Medal competition so the field was small - very small. Thanks to the players who played.
1st Paul Els Nett 66
2nd Zane Padoa nett 74 and Captains Putter
This coming weekend we will be playing the Hermannsburg Golf Day - a field on Friday 13th from 12 noon and on Saturday 14th a field at 8.30 a.m. and then from 11.30 onwards. Format 4 BBBS. Please contact Piet should you wish to play. There will also be supper on sale on Friday and Saturday nights, but please contact Annette at the school to book meals 074 125 0054. This promises to be a fun competition and is always a day to be enjoyed with tasty German food and great fellowship.
Newcomer to the take away scene,El Sultan has made an impact on local tastes with a range of Mediterranean and Egyptian meals adding a different flavour to the scene. For Ali and Lyla El Sterbiny who opened the take away recently its been a busy and exciting time. The couple who married in 2008 have a four year old daughter - Lyla has always had a dream to open her own business and the two of them are enthusiastically building it up.With a staff of 8 it is open 7 days a week from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. for customers to choose from a tasty menu of pizzas;pastas; schwarmas; bunny chow; chicken;and a lot of new meals to come!
Beware...Friday the 13th!
ts the first Friday the 13th for 2013 so those suffering from paraskevidekatriaphobia , that is fear of Friday the 13th, have had it easy this year. But do not get too excited - next one is in December!
Having for years thought that triskaidekaphobia was the fear of Friday the 13th, Internet now informs that is just a fear of Fridays whilst paraskevidekatriaphobia encompasses the day and date!
Apart from the wellknown superstitions such as unlucky to open an umbrella in the house;unlucky to put new shoes on the table;seven years bad luck to break a mirror;unlucky to walk underneath a ladder etc.etc, some lesser known ones:
*when finished eating a boiled egg, break through the bottom of the shell with your spoon to let the devil out!
*An old Yorkshire one - bread would not rise if there was a dead body nearby -so they used to cut off both ends of the loaf which would cause the devil to fly over the house!
*In some areas black Rabbits are thought to host the souls of human beings.
White Rabbits are said to be really witches and some believe that saying White Rabbit on the first day of each month brings luck.
*It is thought very unlucky to have the feathers of a Peacock within the home or handle anything made with them. This is possibly because of the eye shape present upon these feathers i.e. the Evil-Eye associated with wickedness.
*Other bad luck superstitions::Get out of your bed in the morning on the same side which you got into it the night before.
*If your left palm itches, you are soon to lose money.
*If the bottoms of your feet itch, watch your step. This means you are in danger of falling down.
*When fishing, you must throw back your first fish. The others are safe.
4 September 2013
>> Well aware of the fact the pythons are protected in terms of the law,
>> a Muden community followed the correct route in removing the "hugest "
>> python
>> which had been living very close to their houses.
> Last Thursday Mr Percy
>> Dumakude arrived in Greytown with a "small" python of about 2.5 to 3
>> metres in length. He had brought it in to show Honorary Wild Life
>> Officer Nico Herbst requesting him to remove the larger one which he
>> said was over 5 metres in length, which could be a danger to the
>> people and animal as it was very close to the homes.
> Together with Honorary Officer Nic Klaprott the two set
>>out at about 4 that afternoon to Muden to capture the "big one"
>> Nico, a wellknown Umvoti herpetologist told a Greytown Gazette
>>reporter that this was one of the larger African Rock pythons he had
>>seen in this area. And the python had not eaten recently! The two
>>reckoned it weighed over 70 kgs . After capture it took four
>>strong men to lift the bag!
>> Both pythons were then transported and released in a "safe" area.
>> Mr Dumakude and his neighbours took the correct action as they know
>>that anyone found killing or trying to sell a python can be
>>prosecuted as they are protected .
> caption: The smaller python which Percy Dumakude brought into Greytown
> to
>> get assistance in capturing its very big mate.
A couple of below freezing temperatures were recorded in August just to prove that this is winter in Umvoti!The frosty mornings were recorded on 1st;2nd;3rd;23rd; and 31st. Lowest maximum recorded was 9.54 on 9th August on which day 17.8mm rain fell!. Total for August was 36.6 as recorded by Ram Bagdath at the Pannar Seed research department.
In Greytown itself Grant Gifford recorded 38mm for the month.
Hottest maximum temperatures were 28.07;28.9;29.39;29.61 and 30.77 all from 26th to 30th August.
40 year mean August rainfall is 28.2295 with the lowest recorded , 1.2mm , in 20008/2009.
Archbishop Philip Russel,who served as Rector of St James in the 1950's,
will be commemorated on Friday as his ashes are interned alongside those of
his wife Eirene in St James churchyard on Friday.
Paying tribute to this remarkable man and human rights champion, the present
Archbishop of Cape Town, Thabo Makgoba will preside at the celebration of
the Eucharist at the service. Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu will deliver
the sermon and the Bishop of Natal, Rubin Phillip will take the service of
the internment of the ashes.
In a tribute to his predecessor as Archbishop of Cape Town, Archbishop Tutu
said that as Bishop of Port Elizabeth and then Durban, he had campaigned
enthusiastically for human rights, supporting the Institute of Race
Relations , Civic Rights League, Diakonia, and the S.A. and World Council of
A member of the S.A. Engineering Corps in World War 11 after the war he
studied to become an Anglican priest at theological college. As a parish
priest in various Natal congregations be started expressing his doubts about
apartheid in sermons.
Archbishop Philip retired to Australia where three of his four children
lived. He told how at the frail care home in Adelaide, where he spent his
last year, he was known as Bishop one -one- unlike his friend the more
famous Bishop Tutu!
The Requiem Eucharist at St James will start at 11 a.m. on Friday and will
be followed by the internment of the ashes.
Ali Baba and the over forty thieves
The title says it all -the music, dance and fun show to be presented by the
Farmyard Theatre group in Dalton on 6th,7th and 13th September. "Ali Baba
and the over 40 thieves", written and produced by John Love features the
same talented cast as last years most enjoyable "Mama Mia" and an evening of
laughter and enjoyment is guaranteed! The cast volunteer their spare time to
take part in support of fundraising for different beneficiaries, each of
which enjoys the proceeds of one performance. Beneficiaries this year are
Wartburg's Rencken Centre on September 6th, Wartburg's Altenheim on
September 7th, and the Wartburg Catholic Church and Dalton Methodist Church
on September 13th. During the evening a tasty three course meal is served -
take along refreshments and glasses. Tickets R120.00 per person and are
available from Rencken Centre, Altenheim and Bridglee Coffee Shop in
Wartburg . For further information please contact 033 503 1906.
On behalf of all at Mhlopeni Reserve, I would like to express our deep
thanks to those many precious friends and neighbours, who rallied to our
assistance during the recent Muden/Greytown road blockage problems.
As violence spiralled out of control, the criminal element took over, with
arsonists, thieves and anarchists working in unison for a wicked destruction
of properties, and including beautiful trees that were over a thousand years
Thanks also to those, at a distance, who sent their prayers for our safety,
goodwill and love during this difficult time. I cannot name you all, because
the perpetrators have not yet been brought to book and intimidation remains
an obstacle to peace and stability, until law and order is fully restored
and the culprits face the "full might of the Law" whatever that may mean,
these days.
God bless and stay strong.
Joy and Richard Alcock
and all at Mhlopeni
Greytown Country Club news
A small country club such as Greytown relies heavily on large sponsored golf
days to thrive. The Wembley College golf day held on Saturday 31st August is
a fine example of such an event. A record entry of 88 players participated
on a bright sunshiny day, despite the gloomy weather forecasts and all
players were in before sunset, thanks to the good discipline maintained by
our starter, Jack Mason. The day was a huge success, in no small part due to
the efforts of the Wembley PA under the very capable leadership of Tanya
Schneider. It was a special privilege to host the players from St Cathryns,
led by captain Piet Nel, as well as the erstwhile management of our club,
Stan and Bridget Kippen. After the prize giving Capitol Caterers served up a
delicious supper and everyone managed to catch the last bit of the Sharks
thrashing the enemy!
Results were
1st: D Mason, R Furniss, B Zuma, W Kohne (96pts):
2nd: F Botha, R Botha, O Ndawonde, M Msomi (92pts), 3rd: G Schwarz, P
Schwarz, S Bondesio, P Hardy (91pts).
The next attendance draw will be on Friday (6th September 2013) with R800 up
for grabs. Be here at 6:30 - 7pm and you could be the lucky winner.
The "Sunday 9@9" entry fee is R25 to play 9 holes. Richard Chiazzari is
sponsoring a chicken that will be up for the winning on Sunday mornings.
Thank You UFO.
An early reminder of the Greytown Country Club Beer Festival, which will be
taking place on Saturday 4th October Durban's Premier Party Band "CHAMELEON"
will be the entertainment for the evening. Tickets are available and selling
@ R50 which includes your meal (Pig on the spit) and 330ml free draught beer
of your choice.
For further information contact The Country Club at 033-417 2441.
Some St Cathryn's members played in the Wembley golf day on Saturday and
enjoyed the day - thank you to all concerned.
On the first day of Spring the golf course was
white with frost !!
Interesting weather we are having .
Members are reminded of the Farmers Agri-Care Monthly Mug to be played this
coming Saturday 7th. This will be a useful practice for members before the
stiff competition of the Hermannsburg Golf Day field. We still have some
spots available for the Hermannsburg day - Friday 13th or Saturday 14th
September , so please contact
the school to sponsor or Piet should you want to play.
Supper this Friday will be Devilled Chicken, rice and salad - please phone
083 269 1661 or 082 555 2661 to book for golf and / or meals.
Its Casual day on Friday!
Remember, remember Friday 6 September... is Casual Day!
It's the final countdown to Casual Day. -wear your sticker and go big on this
year's theme
Casual Day gives communities the chance to come together to raise funds for
organisations in the area that render services to persons with disabilities.
Casual Day supports the right of persons with disabilities to education,
housing, training, accessibility, employment... in other words, full
inclusion into society..
Casual Day is a project owned by the National Council of Persons with
Physical Disabilities and has been run in partnership with its national
beneficiaries, SA National Council for the Blind, Disabled People South
(DPSA), SA Federation for Mental Health, Deaf Federation of SA (DeafSA) and
Epilepsy SA, for the past 18 years.
Casual Day has invited eight new organisations to join its beneficiary
family: Autism South Africa (ASA), Down Syndrome South Africa, The National
Association for Persons with Cerebral Palsy (NAPCP), the South African
National Deaf Association (SANDA), the National Institute for the Deaf
(NID), QuadPara Association of South Africa (QASA), Alzheimer's South Africa
and the South African Disability Alliance (SADA).
To find out how to go big visit the website Leading
retail group Edcon, is Casual Day's principal financial sponsor.
Stickers are available at all Edcon stores,(Greytown: Jet, and also Absa,)
New Hanover School Bike ride
The New Hanover School Bike Ride is an annual fund raiser that has been held
for a number of years, either at New Hanover or Seven Oaks. This year it
takes place at Westcliffe Farm, Seven Oaks, on Sunday 8th September. Funds
are raised for New Hanover Prep, including the Pre-primary and Mphelandaba
High School at Ekhamanzi. Part of the ride goes through the tribal area and
the Mphelandaba Matrics act as marshals. The ride itself has some
challenging sections, but there are always alternate routes for quads and
less adventurous riders.
For more details, go to the website at or call Andrew
Braithwaite on 082 859 0947.