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26 September 2012
Greytown Stock Theft Unit serves a total of fifteen stations in the Greytown and Kwadukuza Police Clusters -which means it covers a vast area and really appreciates the assistance of the communities.
It is very important for animals to be branded, as required by law. Unbranded animals cause a number of problems whilst branding stock actually acts as a deterrent.
Stock Theft spokesman told the Greytown Gazette that a lot of goats have been stolen in Msinga over the past months, but only a few cases have been solved.
The STU appeals to the community to unite with them in the fight against this crime. Stock theft must be reported as there have been cases, where because the theft was not reported, the animals have been auctioned at the Weenen pound. The STU is looking at improving communications by centralising all reported cases as well as recoveries.
Stock Theft information forums are about to be introduced at all stations - stakeholders on the forums, Station Commander, representatives of commercial farmers;emerging farmers; indunas; and the Department of Agriculture.
Lieutenant Colonel Shezi, Greytown STU chief, on behalf of the Unit wished W/O Bobby Pistor who retires at the end of Septmeber, having served in Greytown from 1971, many years of good health and enjoyment.
Lt Col Shezi’s contact number is 079 500 0805.
Crime statistics released last week for the year ending 31st March reveal whilst the overall trend is slowing there has been a significant rise in drug related crimes and business robberies. There is still a long long way to go ... about 40 people (including children) being murdered each day and 25 000 children sexually assaulted every year. KZN still has the highest murder rate in the country - 22% and has the second highest incidence of sexual crimes.
Detailed statistics relating to Greytown and surrounding Police areas are:
murder rate in Greytown and Kranskop is up, but decreased in Msinga, Matimatolo and Wartburg. Attempted murders increased in Msinga, Matimatolo and Wartburg, decreased in Kranskop and New Hanover and in Greytown remained the same as the previous year,.
Aggravated robbery, defined as any unlawful and intentional taking of another’s possession using force, increased in Greytown, New Hanover, Matimatolo and Wartburg and decreased in Msinga and Kranskop.
Sexual crimes, which are notoriously underreported particularly in the rural areas reflect an increase or decrease of 1 except for Msinga which jumped from 54 to 82.
KZN MEC community Safety, Willies Mchunu welcomed the drop in major crime but said serious attention and intervention was still needed. He was very concerned about crime targetting women and children and drug related crimes.
A message that comes over loud and clear in statements made by community roleplayers on the publication of the stats is that in order prevent and reduce crime, communities must work together with the Police
An armed robbery victim, whose Greytown business has been robbed three times -the most recent last week, expressed his disappointment at the reaction of the local Police. He said they had been provided with CCTV footage and information on the suspects, who were known, had been given to the Police, but the suspects were still at large.
During this robbery about R100 000 in cash and R65 000 airtime had been stolen - a reward of R50 000 has been offered for the information leading to the arrest and conviction of the robbers.
A Greytown Gazette reporter was told on Sunday, by security personnel, that one of the suspects had been seen during the week playing cards in Bell Street!
Greytown Community Policing Forum chairperson, Strike Buthelezi told the Greytown Gazette that the Forum would investigate this complaint and report back. He appealed to residents, businesses and the Municipality to get involved with the CPF and attend the monthly meetings at which a wide range of Policing matters were discussed.
Greytown Gazette publishes a monthly Shadow Column listing events to take place throughout the year. Main objective is to notify the public of what is scheduled to take place, or about to, and to avoid, as far as possible, “double dating” -that is two events on the same day which could create problems not only for the organisers but also for the public.
An appeal therefore to all Churches, ngo’s, sports bodies, clubs etc. to submit dates and event details to the Greytown Gazette for publication asap.
From now, until the end of the year, there is an increase in the number of functions so please schools, churches, organisations etc. which have not yet submitted dates and details for publication in the Shadow Column are requested to do so for the next issue.
2013 is just around the corner -so school holidays have been added to the list.
27th:Supper Theatre Hmsbg
28th:Schools close
9th:Schools reopen for fourth term
9th Garden Club open day at home of Deon and Esther van Rooyen.
16th:Boss’ Day
20th:Greytown Classic
24th/25th:Open Days at Concordia
27th:Braam Malherbe to talk at dinner
2nd and 3rd:Strawberry Festival
13th:Garden Club meeting -German Christmas at Beehive
24th:Wartburg Chrismas market
4th:Hmsbg Primary awards
4th:Greytown Junior awards
5th:Hmsbg High School awards
7th:Schools close
16th:Day of Reconciliation
16th:Hmsbg Kindergarten graduation
18th: Community Carol Service Lutheran Church
19th: Xmas issue Greytown Gazette
25th:Christmas Day
26th:Day of Goodwill
16TH: First issue Greytown Gazette
16th: School open for first term
2nd:Mudman Hmsbg
21-22:Open day Hmsbg school
21st:Human Rights Day (Thursday)
28th:Schools close for Easter holidays
29th:Good Friday
1st: Family Day
8th:Second school term starts
27th:Freedom day (Saturday)
1st:Workers Day (Wednesday)
4th:Hermannsburg Schulfest
16th:Youth Day(Sunday)
21st:Schools close for June holidays
15th:Schools open for third term
9th: Women’s Day (Friday)
20th: Schools close for Michaelmas holidays
24th:Heritage Day (Tuesday)
1st:Schools open for last term
4th:Schools close for Christmas holidays
16th:Day of Reconciliation (Monday)
25th:Christmas Day (Wednesday)
Wellknown businessman dies
Wellknown and popular businessman Klaus Kluver died on Sunday after a long illness. Klaus was much respected for his business skills and the engineering business he built up and ran . A great golfer who loved the game to such an extent that he was one of the first to build a home on the St Catherine’s golf estate -he will be much missed by the many both on and off the course.
A memorial service for Klaus will be held this Sunday 30th September at 12 noon at Greytown Lutheran Church.
Somewhere out there is a computer fundi who can help...please! Greytown SPCA needs a volunteer to set up a Website - it has been found this a good way of generating donations by other SPCA’s , Greytown SPCA is urgently in need of funds but with no fundraiser, needs to try this means of fund-raising.
The website would feature the wide ranging work being carried out by the SPCA to make the public aware of what we are doing and hopefully generate income to do perform the vairous services.
It would be greatly appreciated if someone could volunteer to do this -please contact Sylvan Havemann on 072-0969634.\
Cellphone thefts on the increase
Cellphone thefts increased by nearly 25% in the first six months of this year not so much taken by force but opportunistic criminals such as pickpockets, off desks etc. These figures were released by Dial Direct Insurance -the company suggests the following security tips: to protect your mobile device::
· .Conceal your cellphone when you are in a public place.
· Don’t leave your phone in clear view on a table or car dashboard.
· Do not leave cellphones unattended in your office or any other public place.
· Put your phone on silent or vibrate when you are in a public place and only answer when it is safe to do so.
· When you do pull out your mobile handset in public, make sure you are in an environment you feel comfortable in. Ideally, you should check your surroundings while you talk.
· Keep a safe record of your phone’s PUK and serial numbers.
· If your phone is stolen, report it to your operator immediately and obtain a blacklisting reference number. If the phone is blacklisted, the thief will not be able to use your phone and run up your bill.
· If you use your phone for business purposes or to store sensitive information, take the necessary measures to back-up and protect the content, as well as wipe the device clean should it land in the wrong hands.
· Make sure you have adequate insurance.
Source: I Heart PR
Spring was very much in the air for the garden club meeting held at Springkloof Farm, the home of Louise, Ian and Lolly Hill on 11th September. Guest speaker was the renowned Peter Bretherton, on how to revive a mature garden. Peter first began work on Lolly’s garden in 1987. It has been a 25 year project. All this work can be seen in a glorious spring garden which is bursting with colour and form. As Peter said the garden is no longer young, but like him, it is fabulous! In life our needs change as we get older - our gardens need to change with these needs.
What tends to happen in an old garden is the shadow becomes too dominant and there are too many trees which could make the garden become dark and oppressive. Peter suggested pruning heavily in an old garden to bring light in-to create spaces for the sky to come into the garden. If grass is not growing under the trees give them a sever prune so you are able to see through the trees.
Another problem with an older garden is it tends to become overplanted Shrubs need to be cut back shrubs and ground covers replanted. .
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed Peter’s talk and look forward to applying his advice in their gardens.
Next garden club meeting is at Esther and Deon Van Rooyen’s home, 260 Pine Street, on 9 October , 9 – 9h30. Speaker is Trish Barrow on using edible flowers in cooking. . Don’t forget a chair and a hat.
Vehicle owners who apply for Police Clearance for their vehicles are asked to note that as from this month all vehicles have to be micro dotted, at the owner’s expense. The procedure is that the Department of Transport will issue the owner with a Request Police Clearance (RPC) form and thereafter the vehicle must be micro-dotted by a registered private company, who will issue the owner with a certificate, and only thereafter the vehicle can be inspected and cleared by the SAPS. ;
In Greytown and for the district, the approved Micro Data MicroDot fitment centre is Vee’s -phone 033413354 or 083 630 1770
Microdot is a procedure whereby a company affixes thousands of microdots by means of specialized equipment to the vehicle. These dots will not be visible to the naked eye and can only be examined by the SAPS specialized units.
In an innovative and exciting project, Outreach KZN, a spaying and educational programme, sponsored by the Department of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs,took place over three days in Greytown last week.
The team of 6 veterinarians, vet nurses, administrative support etc , and in the three days spayed 170 bitches and 14 cats. Pet owners streamed in from Greytown and surrounds to benefit from this free service.
A Greytown Gazette reporter who visited the project in the Enhlahlakahle hall last Wednesday was very impressed with the slick, professional and caring approach of the 16 member team and the top quality equipment in use. Each animal was tagged and details recorded; examined, given anti rabies, dewormed and other medication as required; prepped for the spaying op; after which into the recovery section to be monitored until ready. No animal was allowed to walk home after the op - if no transport was available, State Vet personnel transported them, The owners were advised on how to handle their dogs, not only post op, but daily care.
Project Manager of Outreach KZN., is Hilda Hermanns, who after working for an SPCA , realised the need for such a campaign and put a proposal to the Department-head of Veterinary Services (South Region), Dr Themba Sikhakhane, gave it his full support . The project has been funded until October next year and concentrates on the rural areas of KZN
SASOL SLOLAR -Local link
So exciting - Sasol solar challenge teams with their own built innovative vehicles passing through Greytown on Thursday morning from Pietermartizburg on their way to Dundee...they leave PMBG at 8.30. Greytown link with these exciting renewable energy vehicles is Kyle Edkins , who has just completed his Masters in mechanical engineering at University of Johannesburg and is one of the drivers in this very exciting futuristic UJ vehicle seen in the photo. Held every two years, the vehicles have travelled from Pretoria to Capetwon and are on their way back to Pretoria.
19 September 2012
It took just three minutes for a gang of 6 armed men to rob FMA store of cash and airtime while they held customers and staff at gunpoint. At 10 a.m. last Saturday the store, opposite the Post Office, was busy with its usual Saturday rush - about 9 customers and 8 staff. Four men came in and jumped over the counters - whilst one stood guard at the door and the other forced the customers to lie down at gunpoint. Three were armed with guns and two with knives. The robbers grabbed money from the tills and safe, took airtime, two cellphones and a firearm from a customer. The gang members wore back packs and as they took the goods packed them into these.
Three minutes later at 10.03 they ran out, down Bell Street and jumped into a waiting taxi. A spokesman for SMA said that Field Security were on the scene by 10.05 a.m. and the Police were informed that information was available in regard to the identification of the robbers - however there was no follow up until Monday. It is reported that the gang members are from Thembisweni and are known. A reward of up to R50 000 has been offered by FMA for information which leads to the arrest and conviction of the robbers.
Non stop investigation by the SAPS PMBG Tactical Response Team (TRT) led to six arrests within 24 hours after an armed robbery on a Wartburg farm as well as the recovery of the gang’s getaway vehicle, an unlicensed firearm and goods taken during the robbery. The armed attack occurred last Wednesday just before 2 p.m. when Mr Rudolf Meyer of the farm Vierquellen was robbed and attacked by a six man band of robbers.
It is reported that Mr Meyer was in his office, when a man approached requesting work. Shortly afterwards a GP registered silver Golf drew up and three men got out -one threatened Meyer with a gun and demanded cash. They then forced him into the house to open a safe and took cash and firearms. In another section of the house.
Later that day ,TRT members came across a broken down silver Golf in Church Street, with two occupants. On searching the vehicle they found a large number of .22 live rounds and cash -the two were arrested. TRT members proceeded to Greytown and arrested another three suspects walking along the main road. A sixth male was arrested in Msinga and a .38 special Rossi revolver, alleged to have been used in the robbery, was recovered.
The three firearms stolen from the farm were recovered from a sugarcane field just outside Wartburg. The six have appeared in the New Hanover’s Magistrate Court .
Make a note of the date right now -Saturday 27th October when Wembley College is hosting Braam Malherbe, one of the country’s most sought after motivational speakers!
Wellknown internationally as an extreme adventurer, motivational speaker, youth developer, TV presenter and author of best seller “The Great Run” and add to all this ... he is a no-nonsense conservationist.
Braam has an infectious energy that is fed by his life-long passion to protect the environment inspiring countless others to do the same!
A three course meal is included in the R200 ticket -date 27th October at the Wembley College Aloe Hall
Please contact Sue Jarvie 082 4155632 for tickets and futher information. There are limited seats available so book early to avoid disappointment.
No pay for ex-mayor?
Ex Mayor Umvoti and IFP PR Councillor Petros Ngubane issued the following press statement to the Greytown Gazette last Friday:"
“It is with great disappointment that Mayor of uMvoti Clr.P.G.Mavundla is failing the Administration to perform its necessary duties.This is done through ignorance and failure to uphold good governance.
He urged the Municipal Manager Mr B.Xulu not to process the salary to myself Petros M.S. Ngubane PR Councillor and Ex Mayor of uMvoti Municipality.
I became a Councxillor on the 4th of July 2012. It is now two and half months having been unpaid because of poltically interference and immaturity for no valid reasons.
I wish to urge the ANC leadership to consider Mayor Mavundla for Political Education.
I now seek legal advice to assist me on this poor deicsion of the Mayor”
ENDS the bag! .
It is such an exciting, easy and rewarding concept. Take any used 25 kg bag -mealie meal, flour etc , a few stones, growing medium ,seedlings and enough vegetables can be grown in this unit to feed a family of four!
LETCEE came across the concept and are putting it into operation. The first veggie bag has 90 plants sprouting all round and on top and can be viewed at LETCEE in Voortrekker Street.
Last week a group of Eshane ladies were shown how to start their bag gardens. Family facilitators were given the materials for their own bag gardens and will also demonstrate to other families how to grow their own vegetables. The bag is filled up with soil step by step as a core pillar of stones is piled up in the middle -this acts as a filter for the 1 to 2 kilolitres of water a day...and, another bonus, “grey” water can be used.On a hot day the stones lock in the water and a wet day help drain it away. A couple of marigold and chili seedlings planted in the bag helps keep the bugs away.
LETCEE personnel expressed their thanks to CPS for the generous donation of growing medium and seedlings.
The sudden death of wellknown Greytonian Mbongeni Khumalo (wellknown as “Doc”) on the golfcourse on Saturday morning was a huge shock to his family and friends. He was playing with his grandson Mcebisi and two others when he collapsed and despite intensive CPR could not be revived.
He grew up in Greytown, attending Tholinhlanhla and Buhlebuyeza schools then worked as a an ambulance driver at Greytown Hospital until his retirement in 2009.
A man with a real passion for the game of golf, which began in his youth when he used to caddy, “Doc’ was a very popular member of Greytown Golf club and St Cathryn’s -and he played to a 12 handicap! He passed his love of the game on to many others having been instrumental in the promotion of Greytown Development golf.
‘Doc’ leaves his wife, Nomsa, daughter Thandeka and four grandchildren. A service will be held in Greytown Town Hall on Saturday 22nd at 11 a.m.
Date of this year’ Spring Equinox is Saturday 22nd September at 14.49 - just three weeks after the “official” start of Spring on 1st September. Actually the Equinox is the first day of spring season but the 1st seems to have become the more popular indication.
What is an Equinox? The term is from Latin “aequus “ meaning equal and “nox” meaning night. Because the sun is positioned above the equator, day and night are about equal in length all over the world . This is due to the 23.4 degree tilt of the Earth’s axis , as a result of which the sun’s rays are most direct in sumer. In winter as the earth is tilted away from the sun, the rays pass through the atmosphere at a greater slant, bring lower temperatures.
Equinoxes occur when the axis of rotation of the earth is exactly parallel to the the direction of motion of the earth around the sun. They do not occur on the same day each year because the earth takes approximately 365.25 days to go round the sun, but our year is 365 days. Every four years is leap year when another day is added to the calendar to make up for the missing quarters so that there is not a gradual drift of date through the seasons.
This year, the winter equinox was 20th March at 5.14a.m. -next year, 2013 it will be at 11.02 onn 20th March and the Spring equinox 22nd September at 20.44
Duane Corbishley lost out on the money as he was not present at the time of the draw. Next draw will be on Friday with R200 up for grabs. Be here at 6:30 – 7pm and you could be the lucky winner.
Great sadness has come over the Club with the passing of Mbongeni (DOC) Khumalo who died of a heart attack over the weekend. Our deepest condolences to his family, especially to his grandson Sbonelo, who is a member of the Club. Doc was a real gentleman and a role model for young golfers. He will be missed.
Winter league squash continues this week with the following games: Both 3rd and 5th leagues play home games against Golf club on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively. 7th league plays against Eston, away game. Thank you to Barts Computers who have been one of our sponsors this year.
Please take note that the golf course will be closed from Mon 17 Sept due to Spring Treatment.
The Greytown Classic is coming up on Saturday 20 October. Format is a Betterball Stableford. Enter early to avoid disappointment; there will be a morning and afternoon field. Entry is R170 p\player and it includes your Green Fee, Halftime & Supper. There will be great prizes to be won.
Beer festival is happening on Fri 26 Oct. Tickets are only R50 p\person includes a free 330ml draught of your choice and your meal (pig on a spit) and the live entertainment will be “The Chameleon band”.
Dates to diarize
Fri 28 Sept – Happy Hour Sponsored by Platt plant
17 – 29 Sept: Course closed for SPRING TREATMENT
Sat 6 Oct – Mascor Monthly mug
Sun 14 Oct – Midlands League
Sat 20 Oct – Greytown Classic
Fri 26 Oct – Beer Festival
St Cathryn’s News.
Great golfing philosophers once made a comment, “it never rains on a golf course”………but what these great men never mentioned was, “it never rains but it pours”. The skies opened for the Hermannsburg Golf day on Friday afternoon with a very cold drizzle and Saturday morning it opened further and wider. Welcome rains fell and just kept on falling all day. Golfers and caddies shared umbrellas and there was some Old Brown sherry consumed. …but the rain kept on falling. Many golfers pulled out after watching the long term weather forecast for the weekend.
It is with sadness that we report the death of our very special golfing friend, Mbongeni Khumalo, who passed away on the golf course on Saturday, of a suspected heart attack. Fellow golfers administrated CPR to no avail. Golfers were called off the course and held a moment of silence at the clubhouse in honour of Mbongeni. The idea was to carry on with the golf competition in honour of Mbongeni. All golfers expressed their condolences to the Khumalo family. Mbongeni was a member of St Cathryn’s for well over ten years.
The results of the Hermannsburg Golf day were then based on the maximum numbers of holes that all golfers had completed by the time play was suspended due to the rain. .
1st Barry Oehme and Steve vd Merwe oco
2nd Martinus Steyn Flip Botha oco
3rd Liekie Steyn and Warrick Pitout 16 Points.
Nearest to Pin for 2 on the 12th :Johan Marx
Nearest to Pin 2nd and 11th : Flip Botha
Nearest to Pin 9th and 18th : Daan Scheuer
Longest Drive 10th Ladies : Liekie Steyn
Longest Drive Men 19th : Merwin Rabe.
A special prize was given to Erich Ortmann for being the only HMB school boy playing.
Lucky Draw : Alpha Zwane
Anyone who did not receive their prize must please contact the school as all prizes and banners were delivered to HMB.
Supper this Friday night will be a cooked dinner of the cooks choice and veggies from the garden – please book by Thursday 20/12/2012.
To book for golf and / or meals please phone Piet 083 269 1661.
What an achievement! Four Greytonians, with 71 year old DR Aheer as the inspiration, conquered Mount Kilimanjaro!
DR, Neeran and Yoganie Aheer and Abi Ramurath are seen in the photograph at Uhuru Peak, the highest in Africa -5 895m up there in Tanzania. With them are their two Tanzanian guides, Francis Kimaro and Lazarro Muggaro whom the group said were “Wonderful”.
This climb is definitely not a walk in the park -its a six day physical, mental and emotional challenge! Each of the four have a certificate issued by the Kilimanjaro National PArk and Tanzania National Parks that they “sucessfully climbed Mr Kilimanjaro the Highest in Africa to Uhuru Peak 5895m ams!”
The date was 31st August 2012 and the peak time 8.35 a.m.!
Congratulations all round -many just dream about it -they actually did it!
Spokesman for the Muden community Jeffrey Ngobese, has issued a statement to the Greytown Gazette, expressing their deep disappointment at the total lack of response to the ongoing requirements which have not been met despite letters, meetings, marches, road blockades in the the hope that Government leadership including the Municipality will provide an amicable solution at Muden but to date no one cares..
Over the past 17 years through “incompetent officials at the Department of Land Affairs and subsequently Department of Rural Development,” the community have not been granted their right to basic services such as water, electrification and sanitation, although many meetings with the stake holders have been held and many promises made..
Mr Ngobese states “This must be known that this community have exhausted all avenues you can think of in trying to make Government aware and do the necessary intervention in the interest of the community. We had hope that President Zuma would use his powers as Head of State to rescue his poorest of the poor families of Muden. President Zuma was the community’s last resort but no intervention was made, the community remain starving and no one to complain to. President Zuma himself or his representatives have been invited to some other meetings and during the march actions but we only receives apologies and then after that nothing happens. No response to memorandums submitted by the community either.”
Likewise there has been no reaction to our detailed submissions and appeal for assistance from the Public Protector. We have reported to the Public Protector that submissions to Government Departments are just acknowledged by junior staff and no action taken - ”Surely something must be done in order for our Government to deliver as per the Manifesto -our rights, in terms of Chapter 2 of the Constitution are violated and we have no one to protect us.”
We need to know what the role and responsiblity of the Public Protector is and also when is our President going to intervene on behalf of the Muden community.
For well over twenty years, several hundred Greytonians, in particular members of the Indian community who completed applications then, have been waiting for the provision of lower and middle income housing...and they are still waiting.
A recent petition of Ward 9 residents attracted 500 plus signatures appealing that the Umvoti Municiplaity immediately revives previously existing plans for housing in Ward Nine.
In June this year, the MEC for Human Settlements, on a whirlwind trip to Greytown, assured Tentown, Lindelani and Coloured Village residents that the upgrading of these, plus housing would be fast tracked ...they are still waiting.
Residents are demanding action - a Greytown Housing Development Committee of George Sonny (073 833 8667), Mohamed Rafik Saib; Ntombifuthi Chamane and Desmond Spelman told the Greytown Gazette on Monday that Municipal Housing Manager, Milton Chonco had said there would be a meeting at 3 p.m. on Sunday to discuss the housing issue. However while over 100 residents waited - Mr Chonco did not arrive. In response to a query from the Greytown Gazette Mr Chonco said he had not called a meeting - knew nothing about it and had been ill.
He said however that there is a Housing Forum meeting on Friday at 10 a.m. to which housing committees were invited.
It is difficult to accept, even with problems such as water supply, infrastructure costs, land availability etc that members of the Greytown community have been waiting over 20 years for housing...and are still waiting!
Christian for Truth in Greytown.
A Christian for Truth Association formed a committee on 9th September and spokesman D.J. Bosman reports as follows: “They will act as ‘Watchmen on the wall’ sounding the trumpet in Greytown whenever there is any aspect introduced which may do more harm than good. They have already taken note of the notices put up by illegal abortionists in town and will address this matter. The chairperson is Rev. Khumalo. There are 9 committee members from different denominations in central Greytown and the Township.
Christians for Truth recently had a two day conference at the KwaSizabantu Mission near Kranskop. Delegates from Europe and other neighbouring countries were present. It was evident that people all over the world including South Africa, are deceived by a secular humanist programme which is endeavouring to capture mankind, drawing them into a one world government.
This process has already proceeded much further in South Africa than most people notice or are aware of. It is important that Christians and the public prepare themselves for much tougher times to come.”
12 September 2012
Members of the Zuma clan, led by President Jacob Zuma, were present in large numbers in Greytown over the weekend to celebrate the fourth annual Inkosi Matomela lecture and gala dinner on Saturday. KZN Premier Zweli Mkhize, deputy Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene, Amakhosi, Umzinyathi District Mayor, Umvoti Mayor and many other dignitaries were present.
A delegation of Chinese businessman, led by the Chinese Ambassador to South Africa attended the dinner.
For the first time all the activities on Saturday took place during the day at Lake Merthley .Festivities were started off by the burning of incense to communicate with the Zuma ancestors.
Creating a vibrant and happy atmosphere the ladies dressed in bright traditional outfits mingled and enjoyed the action. Amabutho were bussed in from various parts of KZN to take part and also in traditional gear showed their stick fighting skills. There was dancing by the maidens and others and singing.
The Lake was abuzz with excitement throughout the day as the get together of the entire Zuma clan proceeded. Several beasts were slaughtered - the cows had been donated by the eight regions representing the Zuma clan, two donated by amakhosi in Nkandla and Impendle and the President donated 6.
Although newly appointed African Union Commission chairperson, and Home Affairs Minister, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma was not present, many gifts were given to her to wish her well in her new position.
In his speech, President Zuma emphasised the need of preserving the history of “where we came from as Africans” and urged other families to promote similar functions. He said the unity of the group in celebrating their ancestry helped the younger generation to understand who they were and where they came from.
At the gala dinner held in Greytown Town Hall on Saturday night, the fourth annual Inkosi Matomela lecture was delivered.
Proceeds from the dinner, which was attended by several hundred guests, go towards the Matomela Trust established to ensure that every child of the Zuma clan will be educated.
Police and security personnel told the Greytown Gazette that even though there was a tremendous increase in traffic count and people, the weekend had run smoothly without any problems.
An urgent appeal from ex-Greytonian, Wendy Moss -if you are offered a petrol water pump and fuel container by a non-recognised seller, please do not purchase this item but contact the Police.
The pump, as well as carpets, cement and roof timber, tools and other items were taken in two break ins to a house in Muden over the last couple of weeks.
A distraught Wendy told the Greytown Gazette that she had spent the whole of Saturday attempting to contact the Muden Police Station to report the burglary and investigate - she confirmed with Ops 911 that she was dialling the correct number - but to date no reply and no-one has contacted her despite a 911 request!
So please if you are offered any article which you think could have been stolen - don’t buy - report to Greytown Police immediately.
Greytown Bowling club is holding a soup evening this Friday - all different soups with croutons and tasty bits with some sweet finger snacks to follow! Don’t miss out on the fun bowls either that day -from 4 p.m. onwards!
Another date to remember the fun day of bowls on Sunday 30th September. Lots of prizes thanks to the generous sponsorship of PANNAR -contact Bryan Paul on 033 413 2157 soon to enter.
Also remember to diarise now the Umvoti Tyres bowls day on Sunday 28th October - another fun day of bowls.
There is a memorial service for Hazel Wulfsohn this Saturday, 15th September, at 10 a.m. at the Methodist Church.
Martin Eggers walked away with the cash on Friday. Next draw will be on Friday (14 Sept) with R100 up for the winning. Be here at 6:30 – 7pm and you could be the lucky winner.
Due to the rugby test between the Bokke and the Aussies on Saturday the 8th, we had a 07h30and a 11h30 tee-off for the NLDTF/Mascor Monthly Mug and Business League. A good field of 36 players took to the course on a beautiful day. It always amazes how quickly nature reacts to good rains, with green bursting forth on the fairways and greens, and trees budding all over the course. Gary Schwarz certainly enjoys early Spring because his winning score was a magnificent 62 net! Close on his heels came Patrick O’Sullivan with 63 net. Third was Paul du Preez (64 net). Stableford points winner was S Buthelezi (41 pts).and Bracken team won the team prize. Our sincere gratitude to our main sponsors NLDTF, Mascor as well as Katkor (a new electrical supply company) who sponsored the nearest to the pin prizes.
Congratulations to Flip Botha who won the national Sanlam competition in the C section at Prince’s Grant and he is now moving on to the next round and will be playing in Sun City at the finals.
Squash results:
The 3rd league won against Epworth, 9-7, the 5th league lost to Lynwood 10-5, 7th league lost to Howick 12-2 and the 9th league lost to Hilton village 12-1. Next week all the teams have a bye. A big thank you to Farmers Agri Care one of our sponsors this year.
Please take note that the golf course will be closed from Mon 17 Sept due to Spring Treatment.
Dates to diarize
Fri 28 Sept – Happy Hour Sponsored by Platt plant
17 – 29 Sept: Course closed for SPRING TREATMENT
Sat 6 Oct – Mascor Monthly mug
Sun 14 Oct – Midlands League
Sat 20 Oct – Greytown Classic
Fri 26 Oct – Beer Festival
Although traditional weather patterns throughout the world seem to have lost the plot Umvoti , much to the delight of farmers and gardeners, reverted to type with early Spring rains. From the 1st to 9th September a total of 79.4mm was recorded at the Pannar research station.
According to the stats received from Ram Bhagdath at Pannar, 38.4mm was recorded on Wednesday 5th followed by 25.8mm the next day. Temperatures were not very high on those two days either -maximum 12.3 and 12 !
To date this month the highest temperature recorded was on Sunday -27.16 and the latest minimum 6.64 on Sunday 2nd September!
Kranskop however had tremendous downpours last week with over 170mm recorded!
28 year old Khawulani Mkhize was jailed for 18 years in Pietermaritzburg High Court on Friday for his role in the murder of NFP Councillor Isaac Nhlebela. Khawulani Mkhize and former Umzinyathi District deputy Mayor Felamandla Mkhize had appeared in Dundee Magistrate’s Court last week charged with the murder of Nhlebela on 6th July and were remanded in custody
Khawulani Mkhize however had pleaded guilty before Acting Judge M.T. Ncube. In a statement to the Court he stated that he had been hired by the deputy mayor to drive the killers after he had approached him for a job as his family was starving.
On July 6th he had driven two men, Madondo and Nyambose (who have been charged with murder) to Nquthu where they told him to stop on a farm road and they jumped out- Madondo was armed. The two told him to wait until they called him when they were finished - they called about 30 minutes later on his cell and he drove them back to Dundee. On the way he heard Nyambose tell someone on the cell that “everything was alright.”
Khawulani said that that evening deputy mayor Mkhize had thanked him for driving and two days later had paid him R5 000.
In sentencing Judge Ncube said he had taken into account that Khawulani had played a secondary role in the murder and appeared to be remorseful.
Deputy Mayor Mkhize and four others will face charges of the murder of Nhlebela.
Perfect tennis weather and 12 teams lead to a fun filled four-a-side tennis tournament sponsored by Daddy’s Service Station last Sunday. Every team played all the other teams – 88 games in all, so after a day of serious exercise, laughter and some good shots everybody really enjoyed the tea, eats and the lunch and braai. Thank you very much to the members who provided these.
Mrs. Lynn English handed out the prizes on behalf of Daddy’s - a big thank you for the generous sponsorship for this popular tournament.
Winners were “One hit and three misses" Martin Platt and Wendy Edkins, Trish Köhne and Ingrid Surendorff. Runners up- “Fieresome Foursome” lead by Lynne English with Lags English and Peter and Maggie Hardy.
Best dressed team. were the “Tennis Tarts” - Steve and Cathy Cope and Ian and Louise Hill. If their wives hadn't been with them the "Greytown Tennis Tarts" would have remained unrecongised and unidentifiable!

The best named team was The Wimbledon Originals of Jack and Ruth Drew and Brian and Naomi Armour.
Players are also reminded to play the outstanding Handicap matches .
Rain rain rain…..a total of 170mm rain was measured during last week’s torrential rainfall. Fairways were water logged, rough areas were swamps and greens…well they were just wet. The course was closed for Thursday and Friday with one or two golfers venturing out over the weekend. The bass dam released water through the perennial pipe and even had water gushing over the spillway . If you sit quietly ….shh ..shh…… you can hear the grass grow!!!!
All green keeping staff are hard at work with mowing cutting raking and preparing for the Hermannsburg Golf day to be played either on Friday 14th field or Saturday 15th September field. Unlike other years, there will be no shotgun start and the field has attracted well over the budgeted number of golfers. Sponsors and players from all over KZN will be playing and they look forward to good German hospitality and a Golfer friendly golf course. Learners will be on hand to caddy and we are working with the school to allow the scholars to caddy both days. The money raised from the caddying is for their German exchange program next year.
Supper on Friday will be delicious gammon, salads and rolls and must be booked for non- players and parents and the Rosebud society can also look forward to the excellent meal on Friday. Cost R 50.00 for adults and R 25.00 for junior school learners. To book for meals for Friday and / or Saturday please phone Annette at HMB 0741250054 or 0741577913. To book for golf please phone Piet 0832691661.
Hermannsburg’s old scholar, Hermann Reuter, left Hermannsburg School, in 1985, matriculating with flying colours then studied medicine at Stellenbosch University.
After completing his studies and housemanship, he joined with Doctors Without Borders (Medicine sans frontiers) and started working in the Eastern Cape in the 1990s. During this time wellknown author Jonny Steinberg “shadowed” Reuter for a number of months and published the thought-provoking book “The Three Letter Plague” on Reuter and his groundbreaking work in the Lusikisiki area in the Eastern Cape, treating patients with ARVs long before the Government had woken up to the fact that this was the way to go, in the fight against the HIV-pandemic in southern Africa.
The message of the book is a positive one and although the tragedy of HIV-Aids is a reality, the way in which Reuter and his colleagues were able to reach out to rural Xhosa people in the remote clinics in the greater Lusikisiki area is heartening and to this day, the positive effects of the work done there has had a tremendous lasting influence.
He is now stationed at Mbongolwane Hospital, near Eshowe and continues his fight against HIV and Aids. Hermann lives in Eshowe with his Ethiopian doctor wife and their two daughters.
It is indeed heartening to see the results of dedicated people like Hermann Reuter, who started in Hermannsburg as a boarder coming from Namibia. The book, “The Three letter Plague” written by Jonny Steinberg, who also wrote the intriguing book “Midlands”, is a good read and leaves one with a feeling of hope for all of us, who are aware of the severity of the HIV-pandemic.
Hermannsburg School is very proud of yet another one of its successful old scholars.
A man who was knocked over and killed in a hit and run accident just outside Greytown has to date, not been identified. Greytown Police are urgently requesting information from anyone who might be able to identify the man.
Approximately 35 years old he was dressed in a khaki jacket and black trousers. The man was found on the left hand side of the road near the silos and from his injuries it was obviously he had been the victim of a hit and run.
Police also believe that the vehicle involved was damaged in the impact - any panelbeaters who have any information in this regard are urged to come forward.
Whatever information available please contact Detective Warrant/Officer Khoza urgently on 073 648 7438
Over 100 schools in the Umvoti circuit management cluster will benefit from the new Education Resource Centre at Indlovana Primary School. Launched last Thursday on literacy day, the event was also to highlight the importance of reading, particularly with understanding which would contribute to positive academic change.
Learners from Indlovana, Tholinhlanhla, Mount Ernestina, Kranskop and Greytown Primary Schools took part in the programme, reading poetry, stories and choral verses. At the end of the function these learners were each presented with a “digital dictionary”. Principals and teachers present were very excited about the strategies outlined to promote reading in their schools.
The Education Resource Centre will provide a comprehensive range of services to schools and principals were urged to make full use of it - the resources are in line with the latest curriculum requirements.
Among the invited guests were Ms Nombulelo Skosana of READ; Ms G,D Masikane of SADTU, Greytown; Mrs NE Ndlovu of the Premier’s office; Ms Dlungwane of Dancing Pencils project; Mr Mavundla District office, ELITS; Ms Sbongiseni Mbongwa, Head Office, ELITS; and Mr Ntombela of Msinga circuit management cluster.
Umvoti circuit management cluster expressed its appreciation to all who attended; the organizing team and sponsors, READ; Indlovana; Gangai Bus; Min Cash Foodtown and Aheers supermarket for their support in making the function so successful.
5 September 2012
Yet another fatal bus accident !Two dead; 8 seriously injured and 50 with slight injuries when a bus SASSA crashed on a dirt road near Ntunjambili hospital just before noon last Wednesday. It is alleged that the driver lost control when swerving to avoid a goat on the steep hill with sharp bends - the bus actually fell on top of some of the passengers who had been thrown out .
The passengers were permanent and temporary members of the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) on their way to rural stations to carry out the re-registering of social grant beneficiaries for new cards.
”It was the worst accident I have ever attended” said Kranskop Police chief Lt Colonel Caroline Minnaar, who together with other Kranskop Police used brute force and strength to save the lives of seven of the passengers who were entrapped -in the photo Police and Rural Metro personnel can be seen working their way into the vehicle. Caroline actually bent a steel bar while Warrant/Officer Tim Steyn pulled off the metal sheeting at the back of the bus. Together with Constable Patricia Cele, they rescued, dug out and gave life and hope to seven passengers including digging one out of the ground who had been trapped by a window frame and a pregnant lady!
As a result of their super heroic efforts six of the seven entrapped passengers actually walked away, under their own steam, from the scene
Once Rural Metro were on the scene, the jaws of life were used to free those still trapped.
Also on the scene were members of the Search and Rescue unit from Richards Bay who had been attending a meeting in Greytown and responded to the call out. The leader told Caroline that he had never in his life seen Police work so tirelessly to rescue and save lives.
Passengers said that they clung to their seats and to each other as they prayed for their safety when bus went out of control.
A case of culpable homicide is being investigated against the driver.
Top decorator and landscaper, Peter Bretherton, is the speaker at the next Umvoti Garden Club meeting to be held Tuesday 11th September at 9h00 for 9h30. This meeting will be held in the beautiful gardens of Lolly, Ian and Louise Hill at Springkloof - about 4 km out of Greytown on the Mooi River road.
With temperatures warming and the anticipation of imminent Spring rains, many gardens are already bursting into bloom. What better time to begin casting one’s thoughts toward getting into the garden and developing new areas or making changes to dull or uninteresting areas. Peter Bretherton is no stranger to Greytown, having spoken at a previous Garden Club meeting and been instrumental in the design of a number of beautiful gardens in the district. Garden Club members can look forward to hearing of the latest gardening and décor trends and gain a wealth of interesting new ideas from this highly sought after and talented speaker. After the talk members will be able to enjoy tea and a stroll through the beautiful gardens of Springkloof.
As the meeting will take place in the garden please remember to bring a chair for seating and a hat as protection against the sun. Members are also requested to bring along empty plastic 2 lt ice-cream containers or 1 lt yoghurt tubs with lids for a LETCEE project.
from the ditch
A very cold drizzling Saturday put paid to any idea of bowls but it did give us some time to take stock.
Pannar sponsored fun day takes place on Sunday 30th September which is the first slot available.The only obstacle to the day could be rain. But weather permitting, please come and join us for a day of fun. Entry is R30 -wear flat soled shoes and bring along your meat for the braai. Salads will be provided and ...there are prizes!
Contact Bryan Paul on 033 413 2157 to enter.
Tony Smith, Erika and Chris Fischer and Karen Cordy travelled to Vryheid for a weekend of bowls. The weather was extreme and the greens difficult, but the team won both games on Saturday and were on top of the log.
Sunday they lost their first game, dropping to 8th, but won their last game to get 5th overall.
Winner was Ken Hooper’s team - ex Greytown and second was Kevin Williams from Maritzburg. Both very good teams so well done to Tony and his Greytown team.
I make an appeal through your newspaper to make contact with Vodacom. We have had continuous problems on and off with Vodacom for years, but for the last three days we have been unable to communicate with anybody, let alone Vodacom.
My wife and I have walked far on life’s road and find it very uncomfortable not being able to contact friends or family.
In the past telephone communication with Vodacom has yielded little joy -I think our calls have been “escalated” so often they must be approaching the moon.
My real concern is that I believe that Vodacom’s priority is profits and advertising, and that service to the consumer -who happens to be their customer -is very low on the priority list, if not non-existent.
Once upon a time long ago, companies had people called ”reps” who serviced a particular area and solved problems. These were real people.
Are there any real people in Vodacom?
If so we have not seen them at “Came”.
Tony Dutton
Seven Oaks
Popular Pasella lifestyle programme is to do a feature on Greytown! Insert director Carla Penzhorn and her team will visit during the week of 25th September and apart from the wellknown tourist and historical attractions is looking for five”showstoppers” - quirky, with a difference to show a more fun aspect.
If you know of a :"showstopper” please see Roy Harris at the Country Nursery this Saturday from 8 to 2 or Sunday from 10 to 1 and help put Greytown back on the tourist map!
Greytown Country Club news
Next draw will be on Friday (7 Sept) with R500 up for the winning. Be here at 6:30 – 7pm and you could be the lucky winner. Happy Hour on Friday night was once again a big success. Thank you to our sponsors: Bryan Paul from Greytown Drug store for the meal and Greytown Beer Distributors for the SAB beer. The big winner of the night was Saheel Rajnarain who walked away with the cash and Jenny Platt took the Chivas Regal. Estelle & Chantelle won the consolation prizes.
Wembley College fundraising golf day on Saturday was a resounding success. There was a full field of 80 players, we were fully subscribed over a week before the day! The sponsors were once again, fantastically supportive, with Mascor, CPS Seedlings and Build it taking our major sponsorship slots. A big thanks to the Greytown Country Club for all their help and organisation.
Results were : P Els, JL Rawstorne, E Kassier & R Furniss – 1st with 96 points P Peckham, L Reed, I Baines & T Southey – 2nd with 94 points D Khumalo, S Khumalo, B Zuma & O Ndawonde – 3rd with 93 points Men’s longest drive : JL Rawstorne and Ladies to P Peckham Nearest to the pin on the 12th was O Ndawonde
The NDTLF Wednesday league have been reintroduced - green fees are R40. and on Sunday mornings “9 @ 9” league has been launched -Green fee is only R20 to play 9 holes. T off at 9am. We would like to remind golfers about the Mascor Monthly mug and the NLDTF Business league playing Sat 8 Sept. Entry of R40 includes green fee & half time. T-off is from 11am . Please take note that the golf course will be closed from Mon 17 Sept due to Spring Treatment.
Dates to diarize Thurs 6 Sept – Ladies Open day Sat 8 Sept – Monthly mug Tue 11 Sept – CHEAP-AS-TUESDAY 17 – 29 Sept : Course closed for spring treatment Fri 26 Oct – Beer Festival
‘road killers’run rife
It happens just about every day to most drivers and it really doesn’t make any difference if it's the Greytown/Pietermaritzburg; Greytown/Kranskop/Stanger; Greytown/Dundee road or further afield. The “road killers” do not differentiate -they are everywhere.
One driver has now “had enough trying to out think and anticipate what some idiot behind a wheel is going to do as he tries his best to get himself and others killed on the road.” So Rikus Kloppers , who drives daily ,has collated the lawless misdemeanours regularly put into operation by potential road killers as follows:
*Overtaking on blind corners and solid lines
* Parking in the middle of the road, or on a corner, to take on and offload passengers – anywhere ...anytime.
*Putting the indicator on after the turn has been made or not bothering to indicate at all
*Bakkies transporting school kids may MEC’s of transport are still going to say the following words “ I will have a full investigation done so we can avoid these tragedies”? How many of the officials actually get out on the roads, without their blue light brigades, and driving at normal speed check this out?
* Chucking fast food empty containers, bottles, whatever through the window of the moving vehicle
On being overtaken on a double solid line blind rise, Rickus managed to get hold of some traffic police who pulled the driver over - he has been charged and will appear in Court
A second incident -the driver was overtaking vehicles which had stopped at a railway crossing stop sign - double solid lines all the way. Rickus caught up with him - A Sun Courier driver-he contacted the company which promised to take action and to call Rickus - still waiting.
A third incident -last Wednesday just after 7 in the morning with the road humming with vehicles transporting kids to school.
KZN Department of Health (Toyota Hilux - KZN 210 008) overtook Rickus on a solid line, blind rise on the Greytown / Kranskop road ...this particular spot have seen many dead bodies lying on the road after similar stupid behaviour.
In any one of the incidents mentioned, either Rickus or his family or other road users could have been maimed, injured or killed.
This brings back the same old question which road users in Umvoti have been asking over the past few years -”what is being done by officials to stop the “road killers”?
Make sure when you pay this month’s water account that you pay to Umzinyathi and not Uthukela Water! Water consumers in Greytown are notified, that without any prior warning Umzinyathi has taken over from Uthukela Water in issuing monthly accounts. Greytown residents have not been informed of this change-over - mind you Umvoti Municipality were not informed or consulted either!
The Greytown Gazette hopes that somewhere along the line in the next week or so Umzinyathi DIstrict Municipality will have the courtesy to consult and inform both Umvoti Municipality and the residents of Greytown officially.
A number of water consumers have contacted the Greytown Gazette with complaints on wrong account numbers; incorrect billings; no meter numbers. such as - “I now have a statement with an account number on I have never seen, stating that there is a b/f balance of R61016.52 which reflects on 60 days!! (that was some water usage in 60 days!!!!) “
Please check your water statements carefully and query any problems before you pay the amount to Umzinyathi District Municipality.
The aged.The sick.The disabled. The babies. The children. They stood in the heat, the cold, the dust from one to three days.
No water on tap. No toilets. No shelter. They had to sleep in the bushes as no money to travel home and back again.
This is the sad, unbelievable uncaring harsh reality of thousands of grant and pension holders who had absolutely no option to re-registering for the new SASSA biometric card.
No-one can challenge that SASSA is doing the right thing by re-registering to eliminate the multiple corruption that has haunted the issue of pensions and grants for so long.
But was this process really thought through for the issue in rural and outlying areas.
In Muden after the stress of waiting and waiting only to be told on the third day - sorry “run out of documents - we will let you know when you can come back again to re-register.”
Did SASSA spare a thought as to how the gogos, the disabled, the children, are going to survive?
Obviously not.
The Greytown Gazette contacted SASSA head office in Pretoria to request a comment on what was being done about this sad and unacceptable situation -to date no response.
It can only be hoped that some politician or official out there who reads this takes immediate and positive action not only in Muden but in the other rural areas suffering similar experiences.
If only we had known……..then many of us would have been on the golf course on Friday and Sunday, but many opted to watch the cricket instead. Our beloved Proteas disappointed us once again with strange fielding and bowling selections.
The course is starting to lose its brown wintry colour with tinges of green coming through. Our light verti-cutting two weeks ago has helped, but the irrigation schedule got blown away with the amount of wind and heat we have had. We are trying to catch up, but this is also causing its fair amount of problems, because the August winds are still blowing and according to our Fire Chief Charlie Hayden, we are urged to be careful of the fire danger still to be expected.
Preparation for Hermannsburg School golf day to be held on the 14th and 15th of September is well underway and golfers can select to play in either the Friday afternoon field or Saturday field. This golf day is always a highlight on our calendar with good golf, great food and friendship to be enjoyed.
Bookings for the golf to Piet - 0832691661.
This Friday supper will be a bring and braai with pap and sous and salad. To book let Piet know.
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