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Greytown Homepage
16 December 2009
(next issue 13 January 2010)
Greytown Gazette wishes everyone a future of peace, health and love. To those celebrating Christmas, may it be joyous and blessed.
To all travellers, hambe kahle and safe return home
Greytown Gazette inifisela uKhisimuzi ongcwele nomnandi nonyaka omush ogcwele izibusiso nokuthula nenhlanhla kubantu bonke.
Wir wunschen allen ein Gesegnetes Weihactsfest Mit Familie und Freunden und die besten wunschezu gute Gesundheit, Freiden und Gluck in 2010
Mag vrede en die liefde van Christus u almal vergesel hierdie Kersfees.

The hardworking ladies - the Arcadia team and Trish Barrow and her team of willing helpers who all combined to bring about Christmas luncheon on Sunday in a warm and loving atmosphere and... with superb food.
Jurie and Inge-Louise De Jager, were married on 12th September at Mvubu Lodge, Richards Bay. Inge-Louise is the daughter of Piet and Poppet Nel, formerly of Greytown. The couple are living in Richard's Bay.
The Greytown Gazette office will close on Friday 18th at 1 p.m. and will re-open on Thursday 7th January at 8 a.,m. First issue of 2010 will be datelined Wednesday 13th January-advertising deadlines of this issue Friday 8th at 1 p.m. for display ads and 10 a.m. Monday for classifieds.The Greytown Gazette would like to appeal to readers to submit special holiday pix; matric highlights;community reports; sporting events etc. for the first issue.
Its a double whammy - take part in the Hermannsburg 10-Week Mudman Fitness Challenge Programme and you could win a two day beach visit for you and your family. This the time to learn how to run, swim or cycle in 10 weeks. Enter the Mudman Multi Sport Event at Hermannsburg before 31st December and you could be a winner!
For more information and tips go to:
Three disciplines, swimming (or paddling) running and cycling make up the triathlon. But if you are not strong in all three -relax...find yourself two others, form a team and each can do one of the disciplines. And what's more participants can choose between the full distance and half diastance. In the meantime start training now and kick off the new year as a fit lean machine.
Everyone likes one of the three disciplines more than the other two. Perhaps you like swimming (or paddling), but running and cycling were always your weak points.
If you have never participated in a triathlon before, start by selecting two disciplines and work on them for a while, because to tackle three disciplines at once is asking a lot.
You can also choose only one, but it will probably become boring after a while! Alternate the two disciplines: for example one day swimming (paddling), the next day running and the third day resting.
After a couple of weeks, you will feel fit and ready to tackle the last discipline, i.e. one day swimming (paddling), one day running, one day cycling , one day resting.
See your own progress. But remember, in Hermannsburg you need not do all three disciplines. You can be part of a team where each member does one discipline only, AND you can choose between the Full Distance and the Half Distance.
Enter NOW!
On Friday 4th December Hugo Smith from Warden, a Contractor who has been staying at Ivala Lodge for nearly a year while working in the area, was on his way to Muden when he hit a cow in the road. Sadly he passed away on the 12th December.
Gene Bradway of Ivala Lodge has asked the Greytown Gazette to assist in obtaining answers to the follow queries raised by her:
”Is there anyone out there that knows who we should contact regarding the cattle and goats on public roads??
Should there be compensation for the families concerned??
Our pleas with the Muden Police have fallen on deaf ears. We constantly phone the Pound Master in Weenen, but he informs us that he is unable to assist unless the Police phone him. We then phone the Police Station who in turn NEVER contact the Pound Master.
This has been an ongoing problem and no action is taken.
Anyone with the same complaint, please email Gene Bradfield : -”
A big crowd was treated to some well contested and exciting matches at the Mascor squash championship finals at the Country Club last Wednesday. Matches were played in a good competitive spirit and all the winners and runners up are to be congratulated on their performance.
At the prizegiving held after the matches Pete Koller, Squash club chairman thanked Mascor for their continued and generous sponsorship -on behalf of Mascor, Bill Comins and Harry Drury congratulated the winners.
Results were: Men’s plate: Winner Vijay Roopai; runner up John Odendaal
Club handicap: winner Herman van Rooyen and runner up Martin Platt
Ladies champion: Winner: Lauren Cawood; runner up: Estelle Fourie
Most improved lady: Lauren Cawood
Most improved man: Conrad Fourie
Best league captain: Pete Koller
Chairman’s trophy for service to squash: Clive Edkins
Pete Koller was proud to be awarded a tee-shirt from fellow players with the inscription ”the older I get the faster I was.”
Wednesday Golf was won by R Aulfes and R Chiazzari.
C Walker lost out on the prize money at Friday evening’s attendance draw. There will be R200 up for grabs on Friday 18 December, but remember you have to be here to win.
Our Mascor Monthly Mug was not played on Saturday due to the weather.
Dates to diarise: On Saturday 19 December we will be having our annual Bring and Take golf competition. T-off from 12pm. Please join in the Christmas festivities and come and enjoy a fun-filled day on the golf course
Sunday 24 January 2010 - Jen’s Jug’s (20th Anniversary). There will be lots of great prizes available with great food prepared by Jack Mason Please support this event. Shotgun start at 8:30am. Mixed better ball format. R140 includes half-time refreshments and lunch.
Umvoti Special school task team has been hard at work and chairlady Mrs T.G. Fourie told the Greytown Gazette that over the past eight months various aspects of the project had been tackled. Currently the task team was establishing suitable land which needed to be publicly visible, close to a hospital, relatively flat and large enough to accomodate about 200 children.
A good response had been received to the competition to choose a name for the school. After selecting ten suitable names, these were screened to check whether they were already in use and after that there were just 4 names left which have now been submitted to the Department of Education to select the most appropriate to be announced early next year
A code of conduct and a constitution has also been prepared by the task team,.
Mrs Fourie said that she would like to thank all involved with the planning, sponsoring and hard work, especially the Municipality, Umvoti Disability Forum, Greytown Gazette, Mica Greytown and Mascor Greytown, Aheers, Min Cash and Greytown library and the community as a whole. Certainly without this support the task team would not have been able to move forward and achieve what it has.
Next meeting is to be held at 10 a.m. on Tuesday 12th Janaury at Umvoti Municipality - all interested welcome.
Umvoti Mayor Councillor Petros Ngubane has issued the following message to the residents of Umvoti:
"Christmas is a very important time of the year for all of us and its important that we all enjoy the festive period in a happy, safe and peaceful manner and that 2010 will provide us with more opportunities to build on the foundations of success we’ve already achieved. As Mayor of Umvoti, I intend continuing to do my best to represent all the people of the town by promoting reconciliation and healing and working to continue providing strong leadership for the people of Greytown as I believe a lot can be achieved to make our town a safer, cleaner and more pleasant place for the community to live, work and socialise in.
As we all join together with our loved ones this Christmas let us all take time out to think of those less fortunate than ourselves and to remember what Christmas is really about. With that in mind, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the residents and visitors to Umvoti a very peaceful, holy, safe Christmas and Prosperous 2010.
Isikhathi sika Khisimuzi isikhathi esibalulekile enyakeni kuthina sonke. Kubalulekile ukuthi sisithokozela lesikhathi ngokuthula siphephile ukuze unyaka esizowuqala u 2010 siwuqale namathuba amaningi okwakha isisekelo sempumelelo.
Njengo Sodolobha (Mayor) ngizoqhubeka nokusebenza kanzima nangokuzikhandla njengoba ngithunyiwe abantu baseMvoti ukuba ngikhuthaze ukubuyisana nokuthobelelana nokusenzisana.
Ngiyakholwa ukuthi singenza idolobha lethu libe elinokuthula lapho abantu bengakuthokozela ukuhlala nokuphila khona kube mnandi.
uKhisimusi isikhathi sokupha nokunakekela abanye, isikhathi sokukhuthaza ubungani nokubuyisana nokuqinisekisa ukuthi bonke abantu, abahlali, nabavakashi baseMvoti siyabanakekela.
Njengoba sonke sizohlangana nabathandiweyo bethu kufanele sibathande sibanakekele ngothando.
Ald PMS Ngubane, Mayor Umvoti Municipality.
National recognition for LETCEE
Congratulations to LETCEE which has once again put Umvoti on the map. In the recent Absa/ /Sowetan Early Childhood Development (ECD) awards LETCEE featured amongst the winners. These awards are the results of a competition held nationally each year to recognize excellence in the Early Childhood development field.
There are five different catgories in the competition which are first judged provincially .
LETCEE won 2 of the categories - KZN award for Best Resource and Training organisation and Best Innovative ECD programme for the Siyabathanda Abantwana project.
Ayanda Xaba a grade R practioner at Macongco crèche , who did her initial training at LETCEE won the KZN Best practitioner award and was judged as runner up in the national Best ECD practitioner category.
Charmayne Forster, deputy director of Letcee and Ayanda Xaba spent last week in Pretoria for the national adjudication process.
Congratulations to these three young Greytwon ladies who done outstandingly in a wide range of achievements in different fields in their Grade 11 year following through their final year at their respective schools.
Congratulations to Michelle Holdt on been chosen as headgirl 2010 of Voortrekker High School as well as head of Boarding. This year Michelle was the Academic leader and was awarded the prize as the most versatile pupil in the school.
Michelle is the daughter of Willem and Gerda Holdt of Greytown
Congratulations to Leslie Bloy who is a prefect next year at Epworth High School, is head of Boarding as well as Head of Outreach, Epworth’s wellknown charity program. She was awarded her half coours for academics and edits Epworth Out Load, the school newspaper published twice a term. The L.F. Forsyth award for service to the school awarded to a pupil in Grade 10 or 11 who has made the most significant contribution to the life of the school during the year was awarded to Lesley. She is the daughter of Dave and Heidi Bloy of Greytown.
Congratulations to Jess Stamp who will be a prefect at Epworth High School next year. Jess is head of Marketing at the school. She has full colours in academics and half colours in dancing. Jess also won a drama subject prize. She is the daughter of Steve and Shan Stamp of Seven Oaks.
Umvoti wins greenest town awards
Congratulations to Umvoti Municipality on receiving two awards in the recent Provincial greenest town competition. Greytown was in the final ten and came fourth in KZN. The awards, which were presented in Port Shepstone on 27th November were for : the greenest town and the best waste disposal site.
Acting manager waste and cleaning S. Dlamini expressed his thanks to Umvoti residents and businesses who comply with environmental and waste management legal requirements.The Municipality does its utmost to stop any illegal dumping and urges residents to refrain and use the legal dumps. Thanks were also expressed to the Greytown and Ntunjambili hospitals for complying with the requirements.
The national competition takes place in Gauteng in March next year and Umvoti is determined to be in the finalists!
9 December 2009
A gang of six armed robbers attacked G4S guards round about 10 on Monday morning as they were collecting money from David’s MIDAS in Durban Street. According to reports, the security driver remained in the car while two guards went to collect the money. About ten metres from the vehicle, the one guard was grabbed from behind and suddenly there were six attackers one of whom fired a shot and hit one of the guards who then ran off to the Police Station to report the robbery.
The security firm’s driver also fired a shot at the robbers.
The gang leapt into to a red Ford Bantam bakkie and drove off on the Kranskop road with the cash box. One shoe was later found in the vicinity which is presumed to belong to one of the robbers.
Late on Monday evening, Greytown Police received information about the bakkie which was found by them in Eshane.
It is also reported that when the cash case was opened a dye exploded coating the money which is therefore not able to be used.
Anyone with any information or who witnessed anything at the time of the robbery is asked to contact Greytown SAPS Investigating Officer, Captain Bobby Naicker on 082 469 9189
Important information for all ratepayers is published in today’s issue of the Greytown Gazette-please take note of the following:
Pages 8,9 and 10
There are 700 names listed of people who have applied for Indigent Relief policy. Anyone wishing to lodge an objection as to the qualification has until the 18th December to do so.
Pages 15 (English and Zulu)
Information on how pensioners qualify for rate relief are listed. It is important to note that such ratepayers need to register as follows:
Enhlalakahle hall: 17th and 18th December
Greytown Town hall: 21st and 22nd December
Kranskop Hall: 14th December.
In view of the late notice given by the Municipality to ratepayers on the availability of rate relief the Greytown Gazette hopes that an extension of time will be given for applications to be made again in January.
There has been extensive media coverage following the news that bodyguards for Umvoti Councillor Philani Mavundla were costing in the region of R70 000 per month. Radley Keyes DA member of the KZN Legislature queried, the exorbitant cost of the provision of eight bodyguards with Community Safety and Liaison MEC, Willies Mchunu recently in the Legislature.
In his reply the Minister said that security was provided only if there is a threat on the life of a councillor. A spokesman for his department said that security for public officials and individuals whose lives were under threat was handled by the relevant law enforcement agency after due process.
The court case in which Councillor Mavundla is being charged with malicious damage to property after setting fire to a truck belonging to Jan Fourie after the truck driver had allegedly driven over cane planted on the Councillor’s farm, has been remanded to 10th December in the Greytown Magistrate’s Court
readers write
Beware!Telkom scam?!
I have had a telephone call this morning from “someone” in Telkom (he spoke so badly I gave up trying to get his name) - he told me that my account (gave the only listed number in the book) had been overcharged for the last several months and I was due a refund of some R2940.60 - I said that was great, thanks, I will look for the credit on my Telkom account. “No - we have to pay it direct into your bank” - NO WAY HOZAY!!!! - he was quick to put the phone down when I insisted it be credited to my Telkom account and not my bank account!!! Scam -?? - rather sounds like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kat Chaning-Pearce
David’s Motors has achieved yet another exciting milestone in its 49 year history with the launch of the Midas franchise at its Durban Street premises. The launch coincides with the completion of a flagship parts store that includes a comprehensive “front of store” range of automotive parts and accessories, car care kits, DIY tools and equipment and outdoor lifestyle merchandise. And true to the adage “there’s more to Midas” -there are lots of items for ladies, kids, pets and dads, too.
Manager Suren Maharaj told the Greytown Gazette that the acquisition of the Midas franchise was part of a restructuring programme which would offer customers a vast range of quality products at competitive prices in spacious and customer friendly surrounds. Midas is a popular and well respected national company , and Mr Maharaj said that management was confident that the new franchise will position David’s Motors as the leader in Umvoti’s automotive parts aftermarket.
The restructuring program has also focused on the company’s service station, where the forecourt has been extended to ease congestion and, in order to improve traffic flow, new high tech pumps have been installed and the number of nozzles increased to 21. In addition, a new convenience store and fast food outlet will soon be launched.
These exciting new developments all stem from the informal workshop started by the late David S. Maharaj back in the forties - David’s Motors as such came into being in its present location in 1960 and has been evolving and growing ever since.
”While we look back with pride on our history and corporate heritage, we now look forward to an exciting future in the Midas family and promise our customers great products, great prices, great promotions and an overall great motoring experience” said Mr Maharaj
Fair progress has been in the Shri Vishnu Mandir’s undertaking to produce a Centenary brochure to recall, reflect and record the history of the local Shri Vishnu Mandir and the history and contribution of Indentured Indians in the economy of this Province and in particular in Umvoti, covering Greytown, Seven Oaks, Harden Heights and Kranskop.
An appeal is made to local residents to contribute information relating to their senior family members who were Indentured Indians, Free Indians or Trader Indians. Details are obtainable from immigration documents, ship’s lists,certificates of discharge etc. These, with correspondence, documents in their possession, literature as well as information can be obtained from:
The Department of Arts and Culture,KZN Archives, Durban Archives Repository, Private Bag X22/14 (de Mazenod road) Greyville 4023;
The Greytown Museum, as well as the Documentation centre in Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg and the SA Indian Archives, 526 Old Greytown Road, Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg.
Family profiles, individual profiles, articles on relevant issues and events, personal anecdotes, poems and supportive material such as photographs, letters of commendation etc. will form part of the publication.
Business houses and commercial enterprises have opportunities to advertise. The Sabha is in contact with the 1860 Legacy Foundation in Durban which has undertaken to observe the Legacy of the 1860 settlers, nationally.
For further information or details please contact Mr B.D. Roopai who submitted this report on behalf of the Shri Vishnu Mandir Vidya Pracharni Sabha.
All second hand goods and scrap dealers are reminded that they must renew their certificates for trade for 2010 as the current certificates expire on 31st December 2009. A spokesman for the SAPS points out failure to renew a licence to deal in second hand goods could lead to a criminal charge in terms of the Contravention of the Secondhand goods Act.
Application forms can be collected from Police community services in Pine Street or contact Superintendent Mapalala for more information.
On completion of the application form (SAP 343 Annexure B) the following documentation will be required for processing:
Certified copies of owners and all employees Identification Document (ID).
A sketch plan where the business will be conducted.
Vat Registration (Proof of business).
Wednesday Golf was won by Stan Clarke on 28 points. Friday evening’s attendance draw was won by Chris Odendaal.. The next draw will take place on Friday 11 December at 6.30pm with only R100 up for grabs. Remember you have to attend to win.
Saturday’s FNB Golf Day went off very smoothly. The weather held out well and 32 golfers were excited to get out there and compete. Thank you to the sponsor of the day: First National Bank. Well done Pam Pitout, we enjoyed a great day of golf complete with lovely prizes.
1st - J van Rooyen and JL Rawstorne on 46 points
2nd - S Buthelezi and P Khumalo on 43 points (on count out)
3rd - T Larkan and D Brown on 43 points
4th - B Oehme & S van der Merwe on 43 points
5th M Duranty & W Kohne on 42 points
The most golf played: Di Mason & Olivia Corbishley
Congratulations to all the winners. Well done and enjoy your prizes
The restaurant will be closed from 20 December until 4 January 2010.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our members a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Thank you to all our loyal patrons and sponsors and everybody who enjoys socialising at our beautiful Club. We appreciate all of you very much and hope that you have a wonderful festive season. Safe travelling to those who will be leaving Greytown for the holidays.
Dates to diarise: 24 Jan 2010 - Jen’s Jug (20th Anniversary)
The notorious Greytown to Pietermaritzburg road claimed yet another victim last week when Mr Peter Madonsela, principal of Sangweni School in Matimatola tragically lost his life -the occupants of two other vehicles which were involved were not injured.
Less than three weeks ago a young Greytonian, Avinash Ghoorahool, lost his life in yet another horrific accident -four other people were injured.
The Greytown Gazette has been inundated with calls and letters from drivers who use this road regularly. The common theme of the complaints is that very seldom is visible policing seen - apart from the occasional speed trapping. But anyone who regularly drives on the 71 kms between Greytown and Pietermaritzburg, or vice versa, have non stop reports of being passed on barrier lines; no lights used when its raining or misty; speeding way over the limit; talking on cellphones etc. etc. And of course don’t forget the close shaves so many drivers have had as cattle decide the grass on the other side is greener!
In the past year the volume of traffic appears to have increased considerably on this road -compounded by more and more heavy vehicles using it in preference to a toll road.
A constant query is how many people have to be killed and/or seriously injured before the authorities take action to improve not only the standard of driving but also the condition of the road?

Rain! Rain! Wonderful rain!
The golf course is wet, the roads are wet, the birds are wet and there is mud .................
But we are not complaining ! The dams are full and the overflow is flowing strongly. There has not been much golf played lately and we are looking forward to the week-end of 19th and 20th December. On Saturday 19th we will play the December Farmers Agri-Care Monthly Mug, and on Sunday 20th the Farmers Agri-Care Mug of Mugs.
All members are invited to the AGM and Awards Evening, and selection of Office Bearers : to be held on Saturday 19th after golf ( around 17h00 ) and this will be followed by the members Dinner. Please RSVP to Piet by sms should you and your family wish to join us for dinner.
Garden Club, Book club and the Rose Bud Society members , are also included and should please feel very welcome. Please will the Chairman of each group prepare a Report. ( 3 mins only ) ( Please RSVP )
On Tuesday 29 December, our club is having the family outing - this year we are off to visit Duggie and Sandra at Howick Golf Club. Sponsor for the day is Prosurvey - Thank you to Peter and Carina Rommelspacher.
Should you want to play golf - RSVP Piet on 083 269 1661.
Should you want a cart - Howick G.C. 033 330 6560.
After golf we are all going to have a meal at Yellowwood Cafe & Restaurant - please make your own reservation - 033 330 2461.
Should anyone require any more info please phone Piet.
We are open for golf every day - Paul 084 5966 292 and Tanya 084 523 1144 are serving meals , as well as Sunday lunches and Christmas lunch. T
We would like to thank everyone who reads our news and lets us know how much they enjoy it. We are grateful for all our members and supporters and we wish you all a Very Blessed Christmas, and a Happy and Healthy - Soccer Filled 2010.
Free rabies vaccination clinics are being conducted in Umvoti by the Dept. of Agriculture on Saturday 12th Dec ember as follows:
Seven Oaks Woman’s Institute Hall:
7h00 - 12h00
A team will also visit compounds and villages to vaccinate in the Seven Oaks/Rietvlei area - anyone who needs animals vaccinated , please leave a detailed sms on 082 920 6117, or phone Freddie at 072 906 5716, or e-mail Elise/Natasha at
In Greytown vaccinations will take place from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at King Edward Park; Greytown Community Centre and at Zakwe Place in Enhlalakahle.
For any enquiries, please contact the Dept. of Agriculture in Greytown at 033 413 2155 or Freddie at 072 906 5716
All pet owners are requested to take their animals along to one of the clinics.

Christmas should be a time of love and giving but unfortunately not for some who appear to regard it as an opportunity to get rid of pets. Greytown SPCA personnel were horrified when two young children, with a friend, arrived with a small dog stating”their mother didn’t want it anymore.”
Like with this delightful young man, Sparks, a vibrant fun Jack Russell who was thrown out of a car somewhere in Bell Street and was seen by a petrol attendant at Mascor who alerted dog lover Angie Gifford, who then weaved her way round cars and eventually managed, with the help of husband Grant, , to catch the, by this stage, very frightened dog.
Sparks, with a twinkle in his eye, is full of the joys of his young life (despite being abandoned) and will be a very special addition to any loving home and family. And he really would love to be in his own home for Christmas .
So please if you can provide what this young man so desperately wants contact Greytown SPCA on 033 417 2274 during office hours.
2 December 2009
A number of ratepayers have expressed their concern to Ward Councillors and the Greytown Gazette on receiving letters of demand from a Pietermaritzburg firm of lawyers for outstanding monthly rate payments. Included in these are a considerable number of ratepayers who applied for Indigent relief but as the list of those who qualify will only be published in the Greytown Gazette next week they were included in the age analysis highlighting non-payment.
Acting Municipal Manager, Mr S.N Malinga however told the Greytown Gazette on Tuesday morning that the Municipality had instructed the legal firm to hold all action until after such time (next week) as the Indigent relief list is published.
Umzinyathi Official suspended
As Umvoti is one of the four Municipalities making up Umzinyathi District Municipality the following report which appeared in the Northern Natal Courier (Dundee) last week is for information.
”An Umzinyathi Municipal official has been suspended following allegations of tender fraud.
The suspension was confirmed by District Mayor, MS Yengwa, who was hesitant to comment further, saying that ‘the matter is sub judice’.
”The Council has done everything in compliance with the Municipal Finance Management Act. All procedures are being followed in the correct manner.
”We are not taking any short cuts.”
He said the Municipality has been in constant contact with the Provincial Government and the Auditor General’s office and the Council’s own internal auditors.
Mayor Yengwa said his ‘Council is very strong on clamping down on corruption’.
”I am not sleeping at night… even tablets are not working: that’s how committed I am to rooting out the bad elements that are damaging the image of our District Municipality.”
The Courier understands that the amount involved is around R500 000.
It is also alleged that four other employees have been fingered for alleged corruption related to tenders but Mayor Yengwa could not comment.
He urged those who ‘have evidence of such activities to come forward so an investigation can be launched.’”
When are the authorities, local , Provincial and National do something about the Greytown/Pietermaritzburg road which is so aptly known by the frustrated drivers as the “death road”.
Although drivers continually moan that traffic police are seldom seen on the 71 kms of disaster - lately they have been spotted,where they make easy money ,catching drivers exceeding the 80kph speed limit through the “bustling metropolis” of Seven Oaks
Thanks to their excessive vigilance in guarding the speed limit of this village barrier line passers; cellphone users; excessive speedsters (not in Seven Oaks) on an hourly and daily basis blatantly break the law...and get away with it.
What are the authorities waiting for. One death;one serious injury;one accident; is already one too many.
My New Year wish is that I no longer will be haunted by headlines such as last week’s in the Greytown Gazette.
Please lets do something positive about this death road and soon.
readers write
My congratulations on your front page highlighting yet another death, yet another devastated family.
The 500 meters of the road past “Came” -from the Dalton turn off to the D468, must surely be high on the list of “black spots”. Horrific accidents are almost a regular occurrence and in all cases the common thread is SPEED. The road is long and straight with a gentle undulation, and for some inexplicable reason this transforms sane drivers into fiends with only one objective - to go as fast as they can to prove something to somebody.If the driver travels at 160km/hr instead of 90km/hr on that stretch he would save about 18seconds travelling time - hardly worth a shattered life.
Apart from regular and visible mobile police presence, would it not be wise to place 50 meters of “rumble bumps” just after the Dalton turnoff on the way to PMB, and the same after the D468 on the way to Greytown?
Seven Oaks.
There are not that many third generation family businesses still around in South Africa ...but Greytown has the Aulfes family which last week launched the exciting new Build-it store in its Pine Street premises.
Featuring the house colours of red and green the brightly lit store has everything required to build a house...from start to finish. There is also a wide range of items for anyone into do-it-yourself...and the staff are geared to assist.
In an interview with the Greytown Gazette, Build-it Greytown Managing Director Rudolf Aulfes said that Build-it was more geared to the rural trade whereas the previous Mica franchise related more to urban markets.
He is very proud of the continuous family link - the building supply business was started in 1952 by his father, Friedl Aulfes, he had joined the company in 1955 and his daughter, Robyn in 1995!
Continuing the generation link - there are now fourth generation customers whose great grandfathers made their purchases in this Pine Street store!
Build-It is a division of the SPAR group ...its huge buying power enables the stores to carry a wide range of building materials, hardware, DIY and domestic implements at very competitive prices
An interesting aspect is the commitment by Build it to the skills upliftment of customers ...a series of educational booklets are available to guide home builders;DIY enthusiasts etc with hints and tips from building a house to adjusting hinges!
The opening of the Build it Greytown is also a positive economic input and belief in the future growth of the town and district.
READERS WRITE zero tolerance for “death” road
Following on from last week’s Greytown Gazette lead story, the last time the Greytown/PMB road was completely resurfaced was in 1978. That was 31 years ago!
Government must stop using motoring and transport revenues (fuel levies, licence fees etc), to cross subsidise T.B. hospitals, low cost housing, and the likes. Keep the money where it belongs, and improve our roads.
This road needs to have adequate passing lanes, lanes for traffic turning right (Seven Oaks Tea Room and the Elandspruit road spring to mind), the road must be widened and the entire road needs resurfacing.
It is about time that we motorists stand together and demand zero tolerance when it comes to the suitable construction, and maintenance of our roads, with the ultimate view of saving precious life.
Ernie Venter.
Elsie Mtshali School hosted the launch of the child sponsorship programme organised by the Association for Rural Advancement (AFRA) and action aid South Africa.
Principal of Elsie Mtshali Combined School, Ms Gwala told the Greytown Gazette that children from the age of 3 to 12 had been the guests of honour at this function. The youngsters had come from seven schools in the area - Cranham;Quarme;Elsie Mtshali;Springkloof;Tauricus;Onverwag and Corriesrus.
Main object of the function was community development through identifying children’s needs , especially those from rural and poor communities. Sponsorship will then be phased in not to the child but to the needy community.
Musa Zakwe, of AFRA outlined the programme and Ms Zanele Thwala Action Aid SA country director delivered the keynote address. Over 1000 people were present and appreciated the major catering sponsorship- by David Manqele of Boxer Superstore. and the marquee donated by Umvoti Municipality. Among those present were the Mayor Of Umvoti, Pastor Zondi of Shalom; school principals;teachers; and parents ,all of whom enjoyed the poems, speeches and traditional dancing by the children.
Many of the children experienced the fun of a jumping castle for the first time and the arrival of FAther Christmas with present was an exciting and happy memory for them to take away.
Wednesday Golf was won by Chris Odendaal on 35 points with Mike Caldicott in second place on 33 points.
We had a very busy weekend with the SAPS year-end function on Friday, a private 50th birthday party on Saturday and a wedding on Sunday. The PANNAR Lounge was beautifully decorated for all the functions and we would like to say thank you to everybody who was involved in arranging and organising these functions.
Friday night’s Happy Hour meal was sponsored by PANNAR SEED and the beer was sponsored by Greytown Beer Distributors. Thank you to the sponsors. We had a very relaxing evening at the Club with good food and pleasant company. Ashley Mason won the R1 000 and Kinan du Plessis won the bottle of Chivas Regal. The consolation prizes were won by Duane Corbishley and Roger Schaeffer.
Please enter the First National Bank Golf Day happening on Saturday 5 December. Entry is R120 and includes halfway refreshments and snacks.
Dates to Diarise: 5 Dec - FNB Golf Day
24 Jan - Jen’s Jug (20th Anniversary)
Honorary British doctorate for Greytonian.
Congratulations to Mary James of Greytown on been awarded an honorary doctorate in education by Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford United Kingdom.
This tremendous honour is in recognition of Mary’s outstanding work as Director of the Little Elephant Training Centre for early education (LETCEE).
The citation for the degree of Honorary Doctor of Education conferred upon her read” Mary James, in recognition of your inspirational leadership reaching out to tribal communities of KZN, we would like to honour you today.” The graduation ceremony took place on Thursday 26th November at the University campus.
In the 90’s when it became obvious that there was a pressing need for early childhood professionals who could speak Zulu, Mary started the Early Childhood Development training programme - 6 students enrolled but since then over 5 000 have qualified.
The family facilitators’ programme was then introduced offered family based learning to the young -there are now 40 such trained facilitators serving 10 families each. The programme has evolved and focusses on community support as well as child development and learning.
Mary and her team were also instrumental in setting up the Buddy programme where 10-15 year olds are supported to mentor young children to engage in group play and encourage literacy - currently 60 buddies are involved in this important interaction.
ECD training and the family based programme are estimated to touch 15 000 children and 2000 adults annually.
She will be one year old on the 18th December and the best birthday present of all would be the news that a liver transplant has been lined up. Silungile Ndlovu is the daughter of Zwakushiwo (Nicholas) and Zandile (Gloria )Ndlovu - the couple also have a ten year old daughter. When the little one was born just under a year ago in Greytown Hospital she was diagnosed with jaundice which eventually resulted in the doctors telling the parents that her liver was severely damaged and she would need a transplant.
The current situation is that this week Silungile is seeing her specialist at Grey's Hospital and her parents are hoping that there will be news about the next step forward - a liver transplant for Silungile at Red Cross hospital in Cape Town. She is a charming beautiful nearly one year baby - because of the liver problems Silungile's development is slow but she can be given the chance to live a normal life which is what her parents are praying for.
Obviously there is a cost factor involved - the Greytown Gazette has asked the parents to check out medical, transport and accommodation costs -a three month stay will be required in Cape Town after the transplant. As soon as this information becomes available an appeal will be launched to enable Silungile to have a liver transplant and for her parents to be there with her.
The Greytown Gazette will update information as it becomes available. Zwakushiwo, who works for the Department of Home Affairs can be contacted on 072 898 5699 or 033 413 2174