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27 June 2012
In a surprise move at an urgently called a special full Council meeting on ,Umvoti Mayor, PG Mavundla placed on special leave the eight IFP Councillors on the grounds, he said, that IFP leader Dr M.G. Buthelezi had stated that all Party members should re-confirm their standing as members of the Party. However this was generally regarded as a misinterpretation of and over reaction to the IFP statement .
At the end of May the Administrative Secretary of the IFP officially stated that the eight IFP Councillors were members of the IFP in good standing. In the Greytown Gazette of 13th June, the Mayor welcomed and accepted. the confirmation that the councillors were in good standing.
Action now moves to the morning of Monday 25th June when a special Umvoti Municipal Council meeting was called for 8 a.m. to discuss the 159 page agenda as well as a further “in committee” agenda with the main focus being the adoption of the 2012/2013 budget which has to be done by 30th June. This budget has been under discussion for some time with a number of workshops held to explain the budget and to obtain input from residents throughout Umvoti.
Unfortunately these agendas were received late by many of the Councillors who maintained therefore they were not in any position to make worthwhile contributions to the discussions. D A Councillor Paul Buss, who only received his agenda 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting , expressed his views forcibly at the start of the meeting and then walked out.
The Greytown Gazette reporter caught the end of the debate as the Mayor proposed, and was seconded that the Budget be adopted. There was no counter proposal that the Budget not be passed.
However the eight IFP Councillors made it clear that they had not had time to study the documents -this was the first meeting they were present at since May and they also walked out.
The meeting was then closed.
In talking to the IFP Councillors later, they maintained that the meeting had been inquorate at that stage (prior to their walk out).Their viewpoint is that a workshop should have been held to discuss various proposals made as to action to be taken in regard to various services and that only after such briefings could the Budget be passed. They said the agendas had been received so late that there had been no time to study them and make a worthwhile contribution to the debate.
If the IFP’s viewpoint that the Budget was not passed prevails, then further meetings have to be called until such time it is passed - if not Province will intervene.
In a telephonic interview with the Mayor, P.G. Mavundla
he stated emphatically that , without any doubt , the 2012/13 Budget for Umvoti had been passed.
A large turnout of ratepayers was expected for the meeting to be held last night at which acting CFO Martin Swanlow would explain the 2012/2013 Budget.
Why didn’t I think of that?! Guarantee you’ll be uttering those words more than once at these ingenious little tips via the Internet to solve everyday problems … some of which you never knew you had!
*Hull strawberries easily using a hard plastic straw right through!
*Rubbing a walnut over scratches in your furniture will disguise dings and scrapes.
.*Stop cut apples browning by securing with a rubber band to keep the pieces in place as a whole
* Overhaul the linen cupboard – store bed linen sets inside one of their own pillowcases and there will be no more hunting through piles for a match..
*Recycle a wet-wipes container to store plastic bags.
.*Add this item to your beach bag. Baby powder gets sand off your skin easily – just dust it on and wipe!.
*Bread tags make the perfect-sized cord labels.
.*Bake cupcakes directly in ice-cream cones – so much more fun and easier for kids to eat. .
*Turn your muffin pan upside down, bake cookie-dough over the top and voila – you have cookie bowls for fruit or ice-cream.
*Gutter garden: Create a window-box veggie patch using guttering.
.*Use egg cartons to separate and store Christmas decorations etc
A push-pull system sounds like it be operating anywhere from a factory to a gym. But Greytonian Jess Cockburn is studying a different push-pull programme as part of her career in sustainable agricultural pest management.
The push-pull system for controlling stem borers in maize developed by Dr. Z. Khan and team at ICIPE in Kenya, is the inspiration behind the push-pull system for controlling Eldana saccharina in sugarcane - a problem cane farmers have to contend with on a large scale in South Africa .
Kenya has had great success with the push-pull system
because of excellent technology transfer activities by researchers in disseminating this technology to small-scale maize growers in Kenya. This work has provided a really useful framework for Jessica’s MSc project to implement push-pull for E. saccharina in sugarcane here in KZN.
Recently Jessica travelled to Kenya to give a presentation on SASRI’s push-pull and IPM programme at ICIPE. She visited farmers and discovered that the the push-pull programme had had a high impact on farmers’ livelihoods increasing maize yields, up to ten fold via multiple factors including reduction of striga infection, stem borer damage, improving soil fertility etc.
To date, 48 000 farmers have adopted push-pull. The system also integrates very well with livestock production.
Both the pull plant (napier grass) and the push plant (desmodium) are good fodder for cattle, goats and chickens.
Jessica said “It was truly inspiring to hear the farmers talk about how push-pull has improved their lives and how proud they are of their wonderful crops and livestock.” ICIPE has disseminated the information through the farmers -teaching each other in an accessible manner based on demonstration plots for hands on learning.
It really was a worthwhile visit to Kenya as Jessica says she learnt so much from ICIPE and the farmers themselves all of which can be put into operation here by SASRI to improve the sugar cane yield of small scale farmers through the implementation of a push-pull programme.
Thina bahlali base mapulazini ase Mizpah afakelwe icelo. Sice la uhulumeni asisheshisele ukubuyisela amapulazi kuthina ngokusemthethweni.
Si phazamiseka kakhulu ezinhlelweni zezolimo ukuhlelela umsebenzi wethu uma kuhamba kancane kanje.
Sizo phoqeleka ukuqhubeka nokubonisana nabanye abalukumesekile emapulazini bihlangane sibhikishe.
T. Gwala
(071 633 3952)
I taught English at Greytown High School from 1989 to 1993. I am earnestly trying to contact any of the students I taught during this period. I am now teaching overseas and would be delighted to establish some link with students who made a difference to my stay in Greytown.
Some of the names that come to mind are: Nalini Maharajh, Bharath Singh, Saras Moodley, Organie Smith.....
Adv Selvan Naidoo
Over the past decade or more I have been reading about the happenings in Council and the Municipality. My mind went back to the first democratically elected Transitional Council.
I won the ward on an ANC ticket and became deputy Mayor. To me personally it was a privilege and an honour to represent a liberation movement like the ANC and our sight was never on the purse that came with it. (Incidentally it was negligible, in the three figure mark).
We never lived off the treasury. Even during our two important meetings, Exco and Council, I ate peanuts, simba chips and the smallest bottle Appletiser, for which we paid about R50 a month. The S and T for Councillors and senior officials was very limited.
Greytown Gazette (6.6.2012) reported:
”Ten years ago Greytown was rated as one of the richest Municipalities in the country.” I humbly state that we were that Council. In the period that followed the Council lost the road: princely salaries, wasteful expenditure, fun, frolic, good food and deficit financing led to the deterioration and decline of the town.
It is not only important to have the democratic vote or to know legislation governing Local Government but it is more important to have good and responsible leadership. One of the main reasons why most Municipalities have failed in South Africa is because they lacked this leadership.
Umvoti Council must rise to this challenge as the Malaysian philosopher, Sayed Naquib said “A choice for the better is therefore an act of freedom whereas a choice for the worse is not a choice as it is grounded in ignorance.”
AH Moolla
Saturday’s chilly winds and rain put paid to the tennis matches due to be played so these have now been rescheduled for this Saturday as follows:
1.Herman van Rooyen/Ingrid Surendorff vs. Thuba Mzila/Ivanna Dede
2.Lance Comins/Kyla Buchan vs. Martin Platt/Sue Thomson
3.Jack Drew/James Goble vs. Gordon le Roux/Guy Platt
4.Steve and Cathy Cope vs. Mike Barrow/Hillary le Roux
The following matches can also be played if courts are available:
1.Ian Redfern vs. Mike Barrow
2.Lance Comins vs. Ian Hill
3.Andrew Mason vs. Herman van Rooyen
4.Lance Comins/Thuba Mzila vs. Willie Weideman/Kobus Uys (h)
Should you be unable to play, please contact your opponents and Ashley Cotterrell (082 415 0525).
Social tennis will carry on as normal after these matches. Bring visiting friends and family along and enjoy a fun filled afternoon with the rest of us.
Reminder that the PANNAR Greytown winter Tennis Tournament will take place on 11th, 12th, and 13th July at R200 per pupil for all age groups, which includes lunch supplied by the club. There are very generous cash prizes for each age group, as specified on the entry forms.
Please contact Derek Brown to enter.
The numbers swelled and people just kept in coming - what fantastic local support, a projected 54 players ended at 60 players enjoying the Sunday fun day bowls classic in perfect weather conditions!
Two games of 12 ends were played with a tea break in between each session. The bowls was followed by a very enjoyable braai that well into the afternoon.
Greytown can be very proud of the local businesses who came forward with some fantastic sponsorships. The main prizes of terrific meat hampers supplied by Lowlands Butchery went to:
1st: Erika Fisher, Martin Platt and Trish Pearce ;
2nd:Jack Drew, Philip Waller and Jenny Platt
3rd:Theunis Scheepers, Andrea Roberts and Kevin Jonker
4th: Derrick Balfour, Dusty Shaw and Jessica Platt.
There were also session prizes:
1st session: Annette Williams; Laura Redfern and Debbie Comins.
2nd session: Tony Smith; Christina Scheepers and Ankia Jonker.
The club expresses its grateful thanks to Lowlands Butchery; Link Seeds; Aheers; Diederick Panelbeaters; Adendorffs; Wimpy; Hoosens Butchery; Greytown Drugstore; David’s Midas; Bracken Timbers; Dr Terry Owen; Platt Plant; Spar; Mascor; Brokersure; Greytown Office Machines; Umvoti Fuel and Oil; Umvoti Repairs; Old Mutual; Village Signs; China’s Engineering; G.P.S. Financial Planning and Greytown Beer Distributors for their very generous support.
Club champs will now continue with pairs - please check the notice board.
A crisp winter morning greeted the 61 participants in the LETCEE walk to Lilani on Youth Day, Saturday 16th June. Entry was 20% up on last year -it is hoped that this will become a more and more popular annual fixture on the local calendar. The beautifully scenic road was closed to traffic for the morning.
Most did the 10km walk, which took between 1½ to 2½ hours to complete. A group of teenagers decided walking was far too slow and who ran the whole distance.
Several who had tackled the shorter 5km and 2½km walk were well rested by the time the stragglers arrived to the delicious smell of braaiing sausage and hamburger. Spot prizes were handed out and a number of people stayed to enjoy the scenic surrounds warm baths at Lilani, which surprisingly many were visiting for the first time
Last Thursday, June 21st, was the shortest day and longest night of the year as the Winter solstice occurred.
The solstice occur twice a year - winter and summer, when the sun is at the greatest distance from the celestial equator, the great circle on the celestial sphere that is on the same plane as the earth’s equator.
In simpler words, as the earth travels around the sun in its orbit, the north to south position of the sun changes over the course of the the year due to the changing orientation of the earth’s tilted rotation axes -the dates of maximum tilt of the earth’s equator correspond to the summer and winter solstice.
Before and after the solstice the sun appears at its lowest point in the sky and its noontime elevation appears to be the same for several days before and after the solstice. Hence the name solstice is derived from the latin words:”sol” meaning sun and “sistere” to cause to stand still.
After the Winter Solstice the sun follows a higher and higher path each day until it is in the sky for exactly 12 hours -this occurs on Spring Equinox -the sun continues on the higher and higher path until it reaches its highest point in the sky on the Summer Solstice on 21st December.
In the Northern hemisphere legend has it that at Stonehenge when the sun sets on Winter Solstice this celebrates the ascent of the spirits of the dead into the sky on the final rays of the setting sun.
There are also various explanations as to how the massive stones of Stonehenge actually got there. The most romantic myth is that Merlin the magician to celebrate the killing off of some trouble makers recommended that King Aureilius transplant these stones from Ireland - they had been brought there from Africa as baths and had medicinal qualities! Merlin transported them by magic from Ireland to Wiltshire county in England!
Its a big no no please to any release of Chinese lanterns from now until the end of the fire season , 31st October.
It is becoming more and more popular to release these lanterns at night weddings and functions as they are quite a sight drifting upwards and slowly across the skyline. Once the fuel is finished the lanterns extinguish themselves.
However this is an extremely dangerous exercise in this area compounded by being in the fire season in Umvoti. If one of these lanterns drifted and landed on a large dry grass area or a plantation it could spark off a potentially dangerous wildfire .
Therefore an appeal is made that Chinese lanterns, under no circumstances, are to be used until the fire season is over on 31st October when the fire season is officially over.
On sighting of any such lanterns being used during fire season a full investigation will be undertaken by the UFPA.
Any questions contact Charles Haden UFPA – FPO - 076 154 1090
.1. Make effective fire breaks on your property borders.
This protects your property and prevents a fire spreading to neighboring properties.
2. Warn neighbours if you plan to burn fire-breaks.
Use a written notice to inform neighbours of your intentions.
3. Plan your fire-breaks program with your neighbours.Get your neighbour’s approval of your plan of action. Should neighbours find it impossible to come to an agreement, provision is made that the local magistrate may act as arbiter. His ruling will then be binding by both landowners.
4. Insist on your neighbours presence when fire-breaks on boundary belts are being made.
This will ensure that all parties take responsibility for any eventualities. Should a fire occur on a property, and it is suspect of posing a threat to man, animal or property, any person may enter property and apply necessary reasonable measures to prevent the fire from spreading, or to extinguish the fire. These measures may even include setting fire to crops, fire-breaks etc.
5. Ensure that weather conditions are acceptable for burning firebreaks.
You could consider burning fires at night when weather conditions are usually favorable for burning. Check the Fire Danger Rating and regulations for your region.
6. Burn fire-breaks early.
Burning restrictions are enforced in certain regions – ensure that you’re aware of these.
7. Don’t light fires in the open air if you cannot control it.
Ensure that you have enough help and equipment to cope with all eventualities. Lighting a fire within a road reserve, except in fireplace built for that purpose, is also prohibited in terms of the National Veld and Forest Fire Act No 101 of 1998.
8. You are responsible for doing all you can to prevent a fire from spreading to neighboring properties.
If a fire spread it can cause extensive damage and the landowner from where the fire originates, can be held liable for damages.
9. Don’t leave a fire unguarded / unattended before it is properly extinguished.
Unexpected winds can ignite cinders.
10. According to the National Veld and Forest Fire Act No 101 of 1998, carelessness with fires is considered a criminal offense.
PHONE CHARLES HADEN (FPO) ON 0761541090 Email:
It was a weekend of near misses and disappointment for South African sport, with the cricket loss in the T20 final against Zimbabwe and the Test Match Rugby draw against England … imagine if Bafana Bafana had played what result they could have had… AND for the 12 St Cathryn’s golfers who travelled to Mandini for the second leg of the Bill Howard triangular against Mandini and Darnall, it was also a near miss…if only…. if only… if only those putts had sunk.
Most of the team travelled in the sponsored kombi belonging to Up- one Farming, - MD Mr Wally Gevers gave the team a send- off with these encouraging words, ” Two Boiled eggs a day……...will keep the Out of bounds at bay”.
The team arrived at Mandini only to find that as usual they were overdressed for the warm coastal weather.
After the draws were made, the golfers set off in their three balls on a course that had received 15mm of rain during the night which made for nice soft greens the golfers could attack.
All scores ( Stableford points ) for individual players were added up and divided by the number of players per team to determine the winning score.
1st Darnall 31.55
2nd St Cathryn’s 31
3rd Mandini 29.
Best golfer on the day was Piet Coetzee 39 points. Rumour has it that Piet Coetzee went to the pro shop for a “wheel alignment custom fitted new putter” and that seems to have done the trick. Other St Cathryn’s players scores: Oscar Ndawonde 36, Steve Nel 34, Ruan Du Plessis 33 and Paul Els 33.
The floating Bill Howard trophy now has a spot down at Darnall and if all goes according to plan the trophy should find its way back to St Cathryn’s on the 14th October when the third and final leg will be contested for the year 2012.
Sanlam Cancer : 7th July
Farmers Agri Care Monthly Mug : 21st July.
Supper this Friday 29th is “make your own hamburgers. “To book for golf and /or meals please phone Piet 0832691661.
For many children in the Umvoti district, especially those living in remote rural areas, access to pre-school facilities is impossible. At pre-school level most learning is acquired through play and a variety of games and activities need to be provided to satisfy the five developmental areas namely: social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional.
Whilst attending the Toy Library Conference in Paris,LETCEE personnel Charmayne Foster and Mary James were convinced that this concept could be adapted to fulfil a great need in the Early Childhood Development programme facilitated by LETCEE. Through this programme, many women from Greytown and the surrounding rural areas have received training in the field of Early Childhood Development that they then take back and apply in their communities. Because of a dearth of permanent facilities LETCEE developed the idea of “Abahambi”, trained women from the communities who move amongst homes and families with pre-school aged children. Each “Abahambi” has a large bag filled with educational toys and equipment to teach the five areas of development. After two weeks they to LETCEE in Greytown to exchange their bags of equipment for different ones.
After attending the conference Charmayne and Mary believed that the idea of having satellite Toy Libraries out in the rural areas would make the exchange and support for the “Abahambi” more accessible ... these have added a new dimension to their programmes whereby they follow a roster and each facilitator brings her group of pre-schoolers to the Toy Library to play and socialize with another group. Each facility is co-ordinated and run by a LETCEE trained Toy Librarian from the community who is responsible for the cataloguing, marking, checking in and out and exchange of equipment.
There are now three permanent Toy Libraries being successfully run out of shipping containers in Eshane, Mbuba and Matimatolo. The former two are already brightly painted, appealing beacons of hope in their communities and the container at Matimatolo will be painted during the June school holidays. Because educational equipment is expensive a lot of the games and toys have been innovatively constructed from waste. using everyday packaging such as cartons and boxes of all sizes; yoghurt tubs, toilet roll inners, plastic bottles and lids to name but a few items that are recycled and up-cycled to be made into functional, durable educational toys and games in inspirational.
The staff at LETCEE welcome the donation of recyclable waste in the form of scraps of wool or material, cardboard and plastic containers of varying shapes and sizes, plastic roll-on deodorant containers, margarine and yoghurt tubs, old calendars or any old toys in reasonable condition that can be repaired. These can be dropped off at the LETCEE premises behind the brightly coloured walls opposite the Home Affairs offices. Furthermore, if there are any folk in Greytown who would like to avail their skills in assisting with making or repairing toys and equipment please contact Mary James at LETCEE on 0334132736 or 0828580819.
20 June 2012
Gale force winds wreaked havoc in Greytown on Friday 8th resulting in a narrow escape from serious injury for wellknown St David’s teacher, Mrs Marianne Roodt.
The blasting winds raged through the district fanning run away fires, uprooting trees, and creating huge swirls of dust as it swept through construction sites. By late morning the force of the wind had increased as it screeched banshee like throughout. Just before midday, Mrs Roodt had a very lucky escape from what could have been a tragic encounter with a large section of corrugated iron and timber ripped off the Greytown High School roof by the blustering wind. Having just returned from an excursion with her class Mrs Roodt had been to drop off documents at the office. On her way back to her classroom she had to cross the quadrangle between two blocks of classrooms. While walking across this area some instinct made her look upwards and turn her shoulder to bear the brunt of what she described as “a huge mass of something hurtling towards me that I knew I couldn’t run away from.” This quick reaction is possibly what saved her life.
Mrs Roodt was struck on her shoulder by the large piece of corrugated iron and knocked to the ground.
Horrified staff members of St David’s and Greytown High School who had witnessed what happened immediately rushed to lift the massive piece of structure off their unconscious colleague. Fearing the worst and expecting to find at best a severely injured teacher beneath the wreckage, staff and learners from both schools struggled to lift the huge piece of mangled metal and wood. Miraculously, she only sustained a badly bruised shoulder and leg -but no bones broken!
“I am so grateful that the quadrangle wasn’t full of children as it very often is because the flying mass of steel and wood would have killed someone. The Lord was also looking after me because something out of nowhere told me to look up at the right time. I’m just grateful for my life” , said Mrs Roodt.
Despite this traumatic ordeal, sore and very shaken, Mrs Roodt was back teaching on the Monday.
St David's and Greytown High School staff and senior learners struggle to hold up the sheet of iron -at this stage was Mrs Roodt was still unconscious and lying on the ground on the left of the photo.
biz bits
A new and dynamic computer store was opened on 1st March in Greytown by Rishad and Raihaanah Jaenant. The store offers a host of services and goods to meet all manner of technical needs, including PC repairs, networking and CCTV services, Wifi or wireless services, as well as accessories and cartridges and has in stock, specials on Western Digital one terabyte external hard-drives, Samsung printers and second-hand Acer desktops.
Rishad Jaenant brings a wealth of expertise to services offered, with a Diploma in PC engineering from Varsity College in Durban, as well as six years of experience working for Barts Computers in Greytown. He is wellknown for his committed and caring approach to his work. is located at Shop 4 La Fontana Centre near the Wimpy and can be contacted at 033 413 3211 or 071 204 7676 and emailed at
Dangerous destructive dragsters
Irresponsible drag racers caused considerable destruction last Saturday night on the verges of two Pine Street homes. The driver obviously lost control and veered off the road, knocking down the steel gate remote post in front of Mr Nathi Dlamini's home. And obviously still travelling at speed, parts of a brick wall and two concrete posts in front of Mr Vasu Pillay’s home.
Witnesses who heard the bangs said by the time they went out to look the vehicle had disappeared.
However bits of the vehicle were left spread over the verge. The vehicle has been identified as a turquoise Toyota from the fender, bumper and lights on the scene. A case has been opened with the Police.
As both Vasu and Nathi said to the Greytown Gazette reporter Police action needs to be taken against the drag racers who are out on Greytown streets regularly -they must be stopped before a tragedy occurs
Anyone with any information on the damaged turquoise vehicle in the Toyota range is asked to contact Mr Pillay on 033 417 1306
I attended the recent Municipal budget meeting, where it was painfully pointed out to us that the Municipality was down the tubes financially, and that a huge multi-million deficit was inevitable this coming year. The Mayor and finance officer went to great lengths to point out that this deficit was inherited from the previous IFP council, and that some serious belt tightening was in order for the next financial year. We were assured that these two gentlemen and the ANC-dominated council were committed to pulling Umvoti Municipality out of a deep hole.
Imagine my surprise, followed by anger, on seeing huge half page adverts, in the Gazette, Witness, Ilanga and Isolezwi, informing us (and the probably totally disinterested rest of KZN) that the IFP had informed the Mayor that the IFP councillors who he had chucked out of council for allegedly not being IFP members in good standing, were actually paid up IFP members, as they had initially argued.
Enquiries from the relevant newspapers indicate a total of just over R70 000 was spent on letting citizens know that the IFP councillors were back with council, and that the Mayor was chuffed to work with them “to expedite service delivery as mandated by the people we represent”. In addition, the fact that the IFP letter was written to a firm of attorneys indicates further as yet undeclared expense to ratepayers in Greytown.
What on earth went through the vacuous brain of whoever passed this expensive advert? At the public finance meeting ratepayers raised many issues that needed attention, all of which cost money; we were told, and accepted in the spirit of rescuing our town from total bankruptcy, that unwarranted expenditure would be curtailed, and that only the most essential repairs or capital expenditure would happen.
Political point scoring on such an expensive scale falls under the heading of frivolous and unwarranted expenditure, for which several politicians have recently been either fired or redeployed. Mayor Mavundla owes it to ratepayers to explain why such huge expense was warranted.
Mike Barrow Ph.D. (Agric)
Muden Thanks Mayor Mavundla
The frustrations being endured by the Muden community due to unrest and subsequent road closures have been well documented. For weeks the entire population of Muden was adversely affected in one way or another. Pleas for an increased Police presence or some form of action to address the underlying problems fell on deaf ears. In desperation, members of the community contacted Mr Mavundla who responded immediately and effectively by ensuring that more Police were deployed to the hotspots and the Muden road was open once more.
More recently, contractors who were repairing a district road damaged the water canal that supplies water to farms and the local community. Despite desperate negotiations with the contractors to repair the damage, two weeks passed and still no attempt had been made to restore the canal which is the life-blood for people living in the Muden valley. At times like these it feels as though we are living in the Lost Valley and one is more likely to come across Indiana Jones than any form of government assistance. Again, we contacted Mr Mavundla who arranged a meeting for seven o’clock the next morning at Ivala. Proceedings started promptly and only a few minutes into the meeting Mr Mavundla had assessed the situation and came up with a plan of action that elicited the desired results. By 8h30 the same morning the contractors were faced with a lawyer and two representatives from the Mayor’s Office. In short, the damage was repaired and by 15h30 the next afternoon water was restored to all who rely on the canal.
Furthermore, we have also had a welcome visit from the mobile unit of Home Affairs and the Grant Office. The helpful, kind staff efficiently assisted many more Muden residents to become registered South African citizens.
Thank you Mayor Mavundla for your assistance in making Muden the place to live in.
Lee Cilliers
I am so bored of being ripped off!
I recently went to ABSA bank in Greytown to deposit money for my lights account (as I have done for the past five years). Only to be told I cannot pay coins into a third party’s account
First I would have to pay the coins into my own account then transfer them the amount, and if I were not an ABSA bank client I would have to deposit, withdraw and deposit in the appropriate account.
I now have to pay twice to pay an account at ABSA and the municipality get to pay for the cash deposit too.
Thus ABSA gets paid three times for what should have been one transaction.
When I enquired why this was I was told that it was company policy as it was a higher risk to carry the coins and were trying to “phase them out altogether.”
Does the Reserve Bank know this? If so could they please bring back the dear old R1; R2; R5 notes so us poor people, trying to make an honest living as street vendors, don’t have to be ripped off when trying to pay our accounts.
A year ago ratepayers were, due to our dire financial situation, promised “Good Governance” and “Sound Financial Management” by our esteemed ANC Mayor.
Here are some “interesting” developments during this past year:
1) A Municipal Manager, who does not have the stipulated minimum requirements for the post, and who happens to have held the post of ANC Regional Secretary, is appointed.
2) At a cost of R2 500 000-00 to ratepayers, 28 people are sent to Bloemfontein for training as traffic officers. This, despite not having been budgeted for and not being in the Umvoti Integrated Development Plan.
3) A forensic audit, at a cost of R6 000 000-00 to ratepayers, is instituted. Council is informed that due to irregularities, millions will be recovered. What has been recovered so far? NOTHING.
4) A Disaster Manager (yes, believe it or not) who does not have the stipulated minimum requirements for the post, and who happens to have been an ANC councillor in the area, is appointed.
5) The Municipality takes delivery of a Toyota Hilux Raider 4.0Lt. 4X4 D/Cab, at a cost of almost R500 000-00 to ratepayers. This vehicle is “apparently” to be used for disaster management. A vehicle such as this, with optional extras including leather seats, stainless steel roll and nudge bar etc for disaster management?
6) Two weeks before a meeting to pass the Budget is held, a special Council meeting, with only 6 hours notice being given, is called. At this meeting the ANC, in a procedurally flawed action, suspends/places on leave the entire IFP component in Council. The IFP now obviously have no say in passing the Budget.
7) At the follow-up meeting the Budget is passed, with a 10% rates hike for ratepayers, (because our finances are in a bad state-one wonders why) and other resolutions taken, despite there not being the required quorum present. The Budget and resolutions taken are therefore null and void.
Paul Buss
Just in time for spring cleaning a car boot sale is being organised by St Theodore’s Catholic church for Saturday 30th June from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The sale will take place in the church grounds and to be there to sell will cost R50 which will be donated to Church funds.
Car boot sales are a great venue to sell those bits and pieces which have been clogging up the cupboards for years...and of course to buy replacements! For further informaiton please contact Father Francis on 072 363 7739 or Diane Towers on 033 417 2375
The finals of the 2012 Supa-Quick Tennis Championship tournament were played on Sunday 17 June - Thuba Mzila ended a solid tournament when he beat Lance Comins 6-4, 6-3 in the final. The youngsters upstaged many a wily, experienced player on their road to the finals.
Kelsey Edkins beat the ever steady Erika Gevers 6-1, 6-3 to take the ladies title for the umpteenth time. Pam Paul and Trish Kohne silenced Lynne English and Corne Nefdt winning the ladies double title in a tight match 6-3, 3-6, 7-5.
The mens doubles title was won by Richard Cyrus and Dieter Meyer when they beat Juan van der Vyver and Ian Hill 6-2, 6-4.
The large group of spectators were then treated to some quality mixed doubles in an evenly matched final. Dieter Meyer and Sylvia Varty narrowly beat Juan van der Vyver and Corne Nefdt 3-6, 6-4, 6-4.
Well done to the 61 players who entered this year’s tournament with some great tennis being played in good spirit.
The handicap tournament will continue over the next few weeks. One set of matches will be called each Saturday to allow social tennis to continue. The matches are to start at 13h30 and all players must pay the Saturday ball fee of R20 for members.
Thank you to Supa Quick for its generous sponsorship of the 2012 tournament.
Following handicap matches have been scheduled for play on Saturday, 23rd June :
1.Herman van Rooyen/Ingrid Surendorff vs. Thuba Mzila/Ivanna Dede
2.Lance Comins/Kyla Buchan vs. Martin Platt/Sue Thomson
3.Jack Drew/James Goble vs. Gordon le Roux/Guy Platt
4.Steve and Cathy Cope vs. Mike Barrow/Hillary le Roux
The following matches can also be played if courts are available:
1.Ian R vs. Mike Barrow
2.Lance Comins vs. Ian Hill
3.Andrew Mason vs. Herman van Rooyen
4.Lance Comins/Thuba Mzila vs. Willie Weideman/Kobus Uys (h)
Should you be unable to play, please contact your opponents and Ashley Cotterrell (082 415 0525).
St Cathryns News
St Cathryn’s Members had a choice of where to play this past weekend, – some played at Greytown in the Sanlam Cancer Challenge and the balance in the Farmers Agri-Care Monthly Mug at St Cathryn’s. The winter tee- off time at 10h00 is in place because of the shorter days and the longer nights.
The smallish field made for some serious competition but no really good scores were recorded, due to the cooler and drier conditions this could be expected. Greens tend to be harder and faster, extra roll could leave you off the fairway or even in the rough, and with the brown grass conditions, this makes it difficult to spot the ball once it has rolled off the fairways….no matter how clean your ball is. A factor which is very important is the correct warming up exercises needed with a chill in the air, muscles are always less supple and some times golfers forget in winter to take a little extra care with their warming up routine.
Results :
1st :Zane Padoa nett 70
2nd: Piet Coetzee nett 72 oco
3rd: Merwin Rabe
Captains Putter: Jarrod Mansfield
Nearest to pin 9/18th : Paul Els
Best Stableford: Piet Coetzee 38 points.
This coming Sunday 24th , we will be travelling to Mandini to play Darnall in the Bill Howard Triangular. This competition is open to all golfers who would like to play. Cost is R 125.00 for golf entry and this includes half-time and Lunch. Please contact Piet on 0832691661 to enter.
Dates to remember:
7 July : Sanlam Cancer Challenge
21 July : Farmers Agri-Care Monthly Mug
This Friday supper will be bean soup with breads, to book for golf and / or meals please phone 083 269 1661.
St Cathryn’s would like to welcome Aheers to Kranskop. Arvin as our golf member, it will be wonderful to have you closer to your home course and the people of the district are waiting in anticipation for your new store to open on Wednesday 20 June
Responding to popular demand the Bowls Club has organised a follow up to the last fun day to take place this Sunday, 24th June. Bowlers and non bowlers are invited to come along and join in the fun - play bowls - meet new people -all for R50 per bowler!There will be lots of prizes - just wear flat shoes, take along meat for the lunchtime braai -salads will be provided. Funday will start at 8.30 for 9-bowls are avaible at the club. To take part register soon with Jack Drew on 082 555 3518 or Bryan Paul on 033 413 2157.
Greytown Country Club News
Mr. SJ Nel lost out on the cash on Friday night. Next draw will be on Friday 22 June with R200 up for grabs. To avoid disappointment make sure that you are at the Club between 6:30pm and 7:00pm and you could be the lucky one.
On Saturday 16th June Greytown golfers participated in the annual Sanlam Cancer Challenge in support of the fight against cancer. The winners, who go through to the regional finals on the 26th of August at Princes Grant, were as follows: A div: Oscar Ndawonde (43 pts), B div: Barry Oehme (36 pts) C div: Flip Botha (34 pts). Our sincere gratitude to Sanlam and Jack Drew who donated and arranged the prizes respectively.
We would like to remind golfers of the ongoing FNB/NLDTF Wednesday and Saturday Leagues. Entry fees are R40 for players who enter for the leagues/competitions on those days.The NLDTF Greytown Development league is also ongoing on Tuesdays at no charge.
Friday 29 June is happy hour and KM Hydraulics is sponsoring the meal. R20 will put you in the draw for a R1000 or a bottle of Chivas Regal. SAB beer will be half price thanks to Karsten & Greytown Beer Distributors. Everybody is welcome to come and enjoy the evening at the Club. DJ ROB is playing the music so make sure to put on your dancing shoes.
Dates to diarize
Fri 29 Jun – Happy Hour sponsored by KMH
Sat 7 Jul – Mascor monthly mug & NLDTF business league
Sat 14 Jul – Aheers Development golf day
Mushrooms are real good for you!
Mushrooms not only taste good they are also filled with all sorts of healthy minerals and vitamins. Learn all about their importance at a cooking demonstration of oyster mushrooms this Thursday (21st) at Umvoti AIDS Centre from 11 .a.m - the talk and demonstration will be given by Cedara personnel.
Hosting this interesting get together is the enterprising Sekuseduze Co-op -spokesman and organiser Nobuhle Kubheka told the Greytown Gazette that the Co-op is growing oyster mushrooms and will be producing up to 20 kgs a day. Benefits of the oyster mushroom are wide ranging -numerous medicinal purposes, source of potassium, contains zinc, iron, calcium, vitamins B1, B2 and C and helps to reduce cholestral. Oyster mushrooms can play an important anti-oxidant role to protect cells in the body.
Mushrooms can be a meal in themselves - find out all the delicious oyster mushroom at the demonstration.
For further information please contact Nobuhle on 082 705 7923
13 June 2012
Mooi River Road
Road users daily run the gauntlet of this dangerous "twist" in the camber and 30 other varied obstructions over a kilometer of "new" road surface that cost a reputed R9 million and was completed less than 4 years ago.
Many Greytonians will clearly remember the saga of what colloquially became known as “The Groot Gat”, namely a massive sinkhole that appeared less than a kilometre from Greytown on the Mooi River road in September 2006. After an extended wait, much frustration and huge costs incurred by local farmers and cartage companies having to use a lengthy detour, the eagerly anticipated new road was reopened toward the end of 2008. But … the excitement was short lived. Within two weeks of the road being in use extended sections had to be closed off for work to be carried out to repair “heaving”, which occurs when the tar lifts and buckles because the incorrect base course material had been used.
The contractors concerned had, instead of using the correct quarry material from the nearby quarry, for which they would have had to pay, attempted to cut costs on the reputed R9 million project. A deal was brokered with a local smallholder who needed his dam cleared out and the contractors used the high clay content material as base course on the new section of road with less than satisfactory results.
Despite extensive repair work having been done to dig out and replace the incorrectly prepared sections of road by mid-January 2009 the Greytown Gazette ran yet another report on the “tar lifting and pot holes forming” . Throughout 2009 and 2010 repair teams were regularly seen attempting to rectify the disastrous state of the road that continues to ooze, the tar to lift and potholes to form. “Heaving” that has occurred along vast sections of the road have rendered the extreme left-hand side of the Greytown bound lane dangerously impassable to the slower moving, heavy vehicles that are supposed to use this lane.
So the sorry saga of the Mooi River road continues but of greater concern is the development of what appears to be the beginnings of another sinkhole. Maintainence has not been carried out so drains are blocked with litter and vegetation. As a result any rainwater that runs off the road cannot flow away but backs up and begins to undermine the road. A dangerous change of camber within a few meters creating a severe “twist” in the road surface has already resulted in a few incidents where lorries have had the loads shifted or dislodged. Motorists who are aware of this phenomenon and the locality of all the lethal potholes are regularly seen weaving about this section of road in an attempt to avoid the minefield of dangerous obstacles which in wet weather or at night are treacherously less visible. Many an unsuspecting visitor to Greytown has been caught unawares and had a tyre shredded or wheel rim damaged after hitting one pothole while trying to avoid another.
Thankfully, to date, there have been no fatalities
Promising young rugby players Malcom Cele (left) and Sibusiso Sibiya will be representing KZN Districts at the SA Academy week during the June holidays.
The inclusion of talented young rugby stars Malcom Cele and Sibusiso Sibiya of Greytown High School in the KZN Districts rugby team has been a tremendous boost for rugby in the district. Apart from excelling at rugby, both boys show equal prowess in soccer and athletics and accredited their success on the rugby field to their rugby coaches at Greytown High School who discovered and nurtured their talent.
Malcom, who plays flyhalf, is often under pressure when kicking at the goal-posts to score those crucial points, spends hours training his accuracy as well as mental and physical focus. Sibusiso, who is the speedster of the team plays wing also spends hours beyond squad practices working on fitness and skills. It was most refreshing to learn that neither of these players rely on unnatural bulking stimulants to boost their physique or endurance.
When interviewed both Sibusiso and Malcom were humble about their achievements steadfast in their inspiration and motivation being grounded in sound principles instilled by their coaches. Their advice to all aspiring young sports people is to “Believe in your God given talent, and yourself and never give up on your dreams. All it takes is all you’ve got.”
Greytown exhibitors at The Royal Show
A number of Greytonians were kept very busy before and during the course of the Royal Show. Their diligence and attention to detail resulted in a clean sweep of awards to all from the district who exhibited at the Show.
Midlands Mascor won two awards at the Royal Show. A gold medallion for display and the Trophy for the Best Display of Heavy Duty Agricultural Equipment. Marone Lotter of the Greytown branch of Masco was responsible for the design of the display.
Don and Patsy Blacklaw of Wizzard Worms did well to receive a Gold Medllion for their stand at the Royal Show.
LETCEE Great, Big, Fun Walk
What better way to celebrate Youth Day than using your footsteps to make a significant contribution toward improving the lives of young children of the Umvoti District. The LETCEE Fun Walk that takes place on 16th June follows the scenic road down to the picturesque Lilani Hot Springs Resort where walkers can revive their weary feet in the soothing natural mineral baths. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be on sale and a cash bar will offer refreshments. Participants can choose to walk 2; 5 or 10 kilometers of the gently undulating route where refreshment tables will offer sustenance for those who need a break or just to stop and admire the awesome beauty of the area.
All funds raised from the event will be put towards purchasing educational toys and equipment for the Toy Library LETCEE has established in the area. This far sighted and very successful project, established to provide basic edu-care needs for 100 pre-schoolers is already being used by double that number and many school going children are using the facility to do their homework and play after school. The idea of Toy Libraries being established in remote rural areas was conceptualized by the staff of LETCEE who identified a desperate need for children in these areas to have the opportunity to develop basic pre-school skills closer to home.
6 June 2012
Its just on a year since the ANC took over Umvoti Council and the 2012/13 budget passed last week is the first this Council has worked on from scratch. Umvoti is facing an extremely challenging future as a result of the financial situation inherited in June 2011.
Ten years ago Greytown was rated as one of the ten richest Municipalities in the country-now it is budgetting for a deficit .
Greytown ratepayers and farmers turned out for the Budget/IDP meeting held last Tuesday to listen to acting CFO Martin Swanlow present a crisis situation for the forthcoming financial year and beyond. However, as he and Umvoti Mayor PG Mavundla stressed these dire straits can be overcome through the Municipality keeping a tight rein on all aspects and ratepayers and residents working together with the Municipality .
Total revenue for 2012/13 is estimated at R125.9 million with expenditure at R154.6 million leaving a deficit of R28 .63 million.
Rate increase has been set at 10%; there is a non-questionable electricity increase as ESKOM ha increased its charges -this works out across the board for local consumers at a 20% increase. The tariffs for refuse removal have also been reviewed - domestic charge remains the same but refuse will be collected just once a week, instead of twice. Businesses will be assessed, with bins been micro chipped which will enable the Municipality to record what volume collected and charged accordingly. (one of the largest supermarkets in town has minimum waste - everything that can be
In his report to the meeting, the Mayor said that in order to re rectify the wrongdoing which had occurred prior to June last year, KPMG forensic auditors had been appointed. Their audit revealed misuse of procurement, incorrect bonus payments,service providers paid incorrectly etc. The culprits are in the process of being brought to book.
The Mayor said he was aware of appalling state of the roads in Greytown -the MIG funding of R17 million would be spent entirely on the town roads.
He stated that “we need to remain focused on the effective delivery of the core municipal services through the application of efficient and effective service delivery mechanisms.”
Positive action and projects which are already in the Municipal pipeline.
*By 2014, Umvoti will have its own waste disposal site on the old aerodrome site. R15 million has been made available by National Treasury over three years -an Environmental Impact Assessment study is underway. Currently the cost of transporting waste from Kranskop, Muden to Greytown then to Pietermaritzburg is an astronomical R per annum.
*Water - Craigieburn pipeline to Greytown underway and the massification of Matimatolo almost complete.
*Cleaning of Greytown(Greytown includes Enhlalakahle) - town to be divided into ten zones with separate teams encouraged to compete with each other to have the best kept zone.
*No more “nice guy” approach to non payers - it will be publish names
*Residents encouraged to lodge complaints -re unfair tender allocation; non support of local businesses; instances of bribery and corruption.
*Expansion of Protection Services to include fire prevention and response -at present large annual sums being paid to Rural Metro to provide this service.
*Assessment of viability of setting up small co-ops to carry tasks such as verge cutting.
Suggestions made by ratepayers during question time -
*Promote and encourage recycling of paper, glass, plastic etc -separating these commodities for re cycling considerably reduces the cost of waste collection.
*Research using timber trash etc in co-generation plants.
With a positive and combined approach by Umvoti residents and the Municipality Greytown could soon not only regain its previous status but be bigger and better!
With the outbreak of rabies in KwaZulu Natal it is vital that all pet owners have their animals vaccinated against the disease.
Greytown Department of Agriculture, together with the State Vetenarian's Department have organised a series of free clinics in Greytown and Muden this Saturday as follows:
All the clinics are fee and will operate between 9 a.m. and 12 noon...please take your animals to the nearest:
King Edward Park
Rural Metro Offices Cathcart Street (next to Community hall)
Enhlalakahle: Zakwe’s Store
Muden Village.
For further information please contact Mr T. Kheswa, Department of Agriculture on 071 687 5537.
Like young Oliver -we would like some more!!!
Lingering after tastes of songs keep running through my mind - those beautiful renditions of “Consider yourself at home;You’re gotta pick a pocket or two; Reviewing the situation; ”As long as he needs me” etc.
Such talent! A show that normally would take years to refine -so professionally and poignantly human at the same time - I almost forgot those characters were not the artists.
Hats off to Kate Robertson, and all who pulled it off!
Bryan Paul
Floral fantasy
As the dry season of Winter tightens its grip the very mention of “flower arranging” sends many people into a panic. The floral demonstration to be hosted by Umvoti Garden Club on Tuesday 12 June at Concordia has been scheduled for mid-Winter to show that all is not bleak, dry and brown .
Every season presents an abundance of interesting plant material, flowers and foliage that can be used to create awe inspiring floral art and Winter is no exception. To inspire and encourage members and guests, a talented group of local floral artists will demonstrate a variety of styles of arrangements using what is now available in their gardens. A selection of the arrangements will be given as prizes in the monthly raffle to grace the homes of lucky winners who attend the meeting .
Registration is at 9h00 with the meeting starting at 9h30 sharp. Members are reminded to please tender apologies if unable to attend. Guests are most welcome to come along and enjoy a morning of creativity and friendship.
An 11 year old girl is fighting for her life after being shot in the stomach by attackers who killed her mother and father.
Detectives at Matimatolo Police station have appealed for information on the shooting in Ntembisweni in the early hours of Monday morning, 28th May
Armed attackers entered the Khanyile’s residence, opened fire on 50 year old Sbongile Khanyile and her husband Petros Ndlovu - they were shot several times. Their 11 year daughter, Samkelisiwe was shot in the stomach - her six year old sister who was also in the house was unharmed.
It is reported that after the shooting the attackers set the room alight and fled the scene. Bedding and personal documentation was destroyed in the fire.
Samkelisiwe is in a serious but stable condition in hospital.
Anyone who can assist with any information regarding the incident to urgently contact the investigating officer Detective Constable Khulumani Dlamini on his office number on 033 445 9332 or on his cell at 082 977 6217.
Any witness/informant who wishes to remain anonymous may contact Crime Stop on the toll free number 08600 10111.
Muden protestors, although not happy with the current situation, have decided not to block the road again because of the great inconvenience caused to the people .They have also sent an urgent letter to the State President requesting a meeting with him or his delegation before the end of the week. This follows on a meeting with Umvoti Mayor on Sunday when he requested a follow up meeting with the Ward Committee which was scheduled for this week.
Prior to Sunday’s meeting, Mr Bonginkosi Zulu of the Department of Rural Development had informed Umvoti Mayor, P.G. Mavundla, that a new valuator had been appointed and that land valuation would be completed by June.
Price negotiations based on this revised valuation report would be in July with presentation to Provincial and national land application approval structures in August depending on the land owners accepting the valuation price.
Accordingly land acquisition would be October/November this year.
Mrs. E van de Vyver lost out on the money as she was not present at the time of the draw. The next draw will be on Friday 8 June with the jackpot standing at R2000. To avoid disappointment make sure that you are at the Club between 6:30pm and 7:30pm and you could be walking away with the cash.
There are various reasons why people play golf: to win the prizes, to temporarily escape from reality, wife, for exercise, to hone skills required etc. All of these were in evidence on Saturday 2nd June during the Mascor/NLDTF Business League and Monthly Mug. Special mention has to be made of Duane Corbishley who became the first player in a long time to hit the green with his tee shot at the 10th. Pity that it was the 9th green he hit, but congratulations anyway Duane! Winner on the day was the CPS team under the capable leadership of Steve Muna, with 110 points combined. The Greytown Development Team is still leading overall, with several other teams hot on their heels. With a lot of good fortune Pidelta earned bragging rights over Mascor on the day!
Winner of the Mug competition was Oscar Ndawonde (66 net), 2nd and winner of the Mug itself - M Msomi (67net), 3rd Boy Zuma (68net) and stableford Doc Khumalo (37pts oco). Our sincere gratitude to Greytown Beer Distributors, Umvoti Tyres and Quality Meats, New Hanover who added to the prizes for the day.
We would like to remind golfers of the ongoing FNB/NLDTF Wednesday and Saturday Leagues. Entry fees are R40 for players who enter for the leagues/competitions on those days.
The NLDTF Greytown Development league is also ongoing on Tuesdays at no charge.
The ladies invitation golf day played on Sunday and with a chilly breeze in the air the fire inside helped the golfers to recharge and take on the remaining holes. A very big thank you to Di Mason and her team of ladies who ensured the smooth running of the day. Jack Mason sponsored the lunch and what a lunch it was indeed. Thank you to everybody that contributed to making this a very special day.
1st – I Meyer & R Cyrus & D Brown & M v\d Berg on 84 points oco
2nd – L Reed & T Southey & B Zuma & R Furniss on 84
3rd – M Cole M Dammonn & G Clarke & J Lawless on 82 oco
4th – D Mason & G Ngubane & D Corbishley & A Billinge on 82
Longest drive for Men – T Marcovich
Longest drive lady – P Peckham
Nearest pin on 8th – A Britnell
Nearest pin on 17th – B Mlangeni
Congratulations to all the winners and Thank you to the faithful golfers that always support us.
CHEAP AS TUESDAY: Come and have burger & Chips & SAB beer for only R30. Starting on Tuesday 5 June this special will run on a monthly basis on the first Tuesday of every month
The kitchen will be closed on Friday night due to the Kammaland function happening in the Pannar lounge.
Dates to diarize
Tues 5 Jun – Cheap as Tuesday
Fri 8 June – Kitchen CLOSED
Sat 16 June – Sanlam Cancer Challenge
From the courts
There was another titanic tennis match this weekend in the 2012 Supa-Quick Championship and Handicap tournament. Mike Barrow and Ian Hill did the Comrades Marathon on the tennis court in a singles match lasting almost 2½ hours. Mike snuck through in a thrilling 6-7, 7-5, 7-5 win. Well done to both players for an entertaining match. The draw has been struck another blow with Darryl Evans having to pull out with injury. Mend quickly Darryl!
The Championship matches are approaching semi-finals stage, so come along and watch some good tennis. There are bound to be a court or two available for social tennis.
This weekends tennis will be followed by a bring’n braai with the Springbok vs. England rugby test match being shown on a big TV at the Club from 17h00.
Following matches have been scheduled for play this Saturday, the 9 June::
Saturday- 13h30
1.Mike Barrow vs. Thuba Mzila (c)
2.Juan van der Vyver/Corne Nefdt vs. Mazwi Simelane/Ivanna Dede (c)
3.Lance Comins vs. Herman van Rooyen (c)
4.Kelsey and Wendy Edkins vs. Pam Paul/Trish Kohne (c)
5.Kyla Buchan vs. Micaela Tedder (h)
Saturday - 14h30
1.Ian Hill/Juan van der Vyver vs Lance Comins/Thuba Mzila (c)
2.Herman van Rooyen/Penny Cutten vs. Dieter Meyer/Sylvia Varty (c)
3.Eric Nefdt/Mazwi Simelane vs. Gordon le Roux/Guy Platt (h)
4.Steve and Collette Muna vs. Pierre Steyn and Pam Paul (h)
5.Steve & Cathy Cope vs. Mike Barrow/Hillary le Roux (h)
6.Debbie Comins/Trish Kohne vs. Lynne English/Corne Nefdt (h)
Saturday - 15h30
1.Ian Hill/Erika Gevers vs. winner Herman/Penny Cutten and Dieter/Sylvia (c)
2.Mike Barrow/Trish Kohne vs. winner Juan/Corne and Mazwi/Ivanna (c)
3.Jack & Ruth Drew vs. winner Muna’s and Pierre/Pam (h)
4.Ivanna Dede vs. Angela Blaine (h)
5.Herman van Rooyen vs. Josh Meyer (h) (if possible)
6.Lance Comins/Thuba Mzila vs. Willie Weideman/Kobus Uys (h)
Should you be unable to play, please contact your opponents and Ashley Cotterrell (082 415 0525).
Stefan Fortmann, an ex scholar of Wartburg Kirchdorf School , currently studying at Elon University in North Carolina USA, was named Freshman of the Year at the Southern Conference men’s tennis awards. In his short time at the University, Stefan has made a very good impression on the tennis court and in the classroom Stefan played as No 2 for the Phoenix school team posting a 15 – 6 mark. He is working hard at his tennis and has recently moved up to the No 1 doubles position with teammate Cameron Silverman and the duo closed the season with a 5 – 0 mark. Stefan travels with his teammates to Wimbledon in June... a dream come true for any young tennis star.
insika yabesimame...what an inspiration
She grew up in Greytown, matriculated at Buhlebuyeza High School and is wonderful proof that “nothing is impossible” through being strong and putting your trust in God.This belief enabled Nomusa Mazubane,to obtain a loan to educate herself over a range of diplomas and courses -she is Finance accounting officer in the Department of Justice, Pinetown. Through her work Nomusa is constantly meeting women who are facing a wide range of problems - divorce, economic hardships, abuse etc. Responding to these women to give them help wherever possible, has led to her first book, ”Insika yabesimame” Basically the theme throughout the motivations is “Trust God; love yourself; be strong; communicate and speak out.”
Nomusa’s family is still in Greytown -her mother, Mrs Nsele worked for many years at Nel and Stevens and the book is dedicated to her. Living in Pinetown, Nomusa is married to businessman Musa Mazubane and they have a 7 year old son and three year old daughter - and another due in September! With her full time job and caring for her family, Nomusa still finds the time to study for her
law degree through UNISA and writing more motivational books-this time in English!
“Insika yabesimame” is available at Greytown Bookshop at R100 each and would be an important ,positive and worthwhile acquisition for all women.
After reporting about the birdlife at St Cathryn’s last week, the golfers have been searching the skies and waters for more bird species – and on Saturday two fish eagles were seen over the bass dam. It was a busy weekend of golf, for 12 golfers from Durban on their annual golf tour to St Cathryns . Golf was played Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday - and in between they enjoyed the rugby…… ( there were Lions and Western Province supporters amongst them ……… ) The inclusion of Keagan Daniels in the Bok side was a major discussion point late into the night.
This Monday 4th will see the first meeting take place for the planning of the Hermannsburg School Golf Day that will take place on Friday 14th and Saturday 15th September . Golfers need to diarise this date as this is always a wonderful day, with German hospitality, a well prepared golf course and good prizes.
Some of the St Cathryn’s golfers played in the Ladies Invitational at Greytown last Sunday and had a great time – Thank you Greytown for your well organised day.
Supper on Friday 8/6/2012 will be Chicken-a-la-king, rice and salad. To book for golf and / or meals - please phone 083 269 1661
After an emotional two hour statement in which he confessed he had killed his lover, 31 year old Ndumiso Mabaso used a prison issue blanket to hang himself in the New Hanover Police holding cells. An intensive search had been carried out for Constable Bongiwe Precious Zuma who went missing on 22nd May - the charred remains of her body were found by the Police in the bushes at the side of the road in Baynesfield on the 1st June when Police investigations led to the arrest of Mabaso.
In his confession to Pietermaritzburg Magistrate, Ashen Singh, Mabaso said that after killing his lover, he had driven around with her body in the car looking for ways to end his own life.
During the early hours of Sunday 3rd June during a routine cell visit at New Hanover Police Station, members found the body of Mabaso hanging from the burglar bars -he had hanged himself using prison issue blankets.
An inquest into the death is being undertaken and a post mortem will be held to determine the exact cause of death. No foul play is suspected.