Eckhard Drews sadly reviews the charred burnt remains of the famous Traveller's Rest pub
As the public servants' strike enters its second week Impasse is the name of the game as strikers and Government stick to their demands and response.The Congress of S.A. Trade Unions (COSATU) is demanding an 8.6% salary increase and a housing allowance of R1 000 stating emphatically that the strike will continue indefinitely until Government grants this. In response Government last week maintained it would implement its 7% salary increase and a R700 monthly housing allowance within 21 days. Government are stating that the 1.5% pay progression brings the salary increase to 8.5%- this is not being accepted by the Unions.
Over the weekend COSATU announced that protests would take a different form this week with strikers staying home - however mass marches will once again be held on Thursday throughout the country.
COSATU and SACP have jointly issued a statement calling on the Government to return to negotiations so that this matter can be resolved "in the interest of peace, development, economy and nation building"
The annual NGK Tent Bazaar is always a well attended event and should be even more so this year as the goods are on last year's prices! Held in the grounds of the church, the Tent Bazaar opens at 5 p.m. on Friday 27th. But earlier in the day -tasty pancakes (220 litres of dough will be prepared) will be on sale from 10 a.m. and takeaway lunches, wors rolls and curry will be available between 12 noon and 1 p.m.
From 5 p.m. the stalls will be open with a wide range of goodies on sale. New and exciting this year is the Blkkantien (Home Industries) with mouthwatering cakes, koeksisters, homemade bread, veggies and needle work available. Then there is the meat market, pudding table with trifles etc,; cooldrink table with lots of prizes to be won; white elephant with lots of interesting items ;homemade sweets; second hand books and CD with free tea or coffee as you browse...and lots more!
Entertainment for youngsters starts at 4 p.m. and includes a jumping castle, ball pond, target shooting "glam guru"-makeover for girls, and still more.
Before you leave there is supper - mutton and beef curry and rices; wors rolls;chicken and pork with salads on the menu for you.
There is not much news this week as the golf course is still closed for spring treatment. It will re-open on 1 September.
On Friday evening Debbie Commins lost out on the attendance draw prize money. It rolls over to 3 September where R400 will be up for grabs, but remember you have to be here to win.
We would like to thank the Ladies’ Golf Section for their sponsorship of a new mower. Thank you ladies, it is much appreciated.
The monthly Happy Hour draw takes place this Friday. A R20 ticket could win you R1 000 or a bottle of Chivas Regal. Supper will be sponsored by KM Hydraulics. . SAB beer will be sold at half price, sponsored by Greytown Beer Distributors. Thank you to all our sponsors, without your support the Club would not be able to grow.
Hope to see you all here as Happy Hour is open to everybody, members and non-members.
The Baby Expo will take place on Saturday, 4 September from 1pm. Please support this very exciting event.
Dates to diarise:
27 Aug - Happy Hour
4 Sept - Mascor Monthly Mug
18 Sept - Spot-on Golf Day
30 Sept - Ladies Open Day
One should never give up rights as you never get them back. That applies to press freedom too.
There is little opposition to the Government in this country except from Cape Town. I fear what small opposition there is, is easily intimadated because they are not seen as speaking for the majority. The responsibility therefore falls heavily on the media to fill the important watchdog role Where else can the opposition, disgruntled black voters, ordinary members of the ruling party etc express themselves but in the media..
No one likes criticism but it goes hand in hand with power. Our government has to learn the skills to handle it like we all have to do in our private lives!!
In sport, the best game is played by evenly matched players. The same competitive game applies to governments, politicians and businesses. Don`t spoil the free press game!
An independent media that is flawed is still infinitely better than media that is controlled and dictated to by government or political or business leaders. We need checks and balances.
Listen to the peoples` protests.
Frank du Toit,
It is with sad news that we have to say farewell to our Club President Jacques Minnaar. Jacques has found a new bowling green in Nelspruit and leaves Greytown at the end of this month.
Jacques has been the chairman of the Greytown Bowling Club for the last two and a bit years and his enthusiasm, interest and hands on approach to maintaining our greens and general maintenance of the club house and surrounds will be sorely missed. A well attended farewell bring and braai was held at the club on Friday evening with a resounding message of good wishes to Jacques and his family. Once again a very big thank you and all the very best in your new work environment.
League is now over for the time being and social bowls is the order of the day! Should there be anyone interested in playing a friendly game of bowls. Saturday afternoon at 1.30 is the time.
An all day Talent Identification exercise is being held this Sunday, 29th at the Greytown Bowling Club starting at 8.30a.m. This exciting event is open to all club members with a bring and share luncheon. The Club is very thankful to Frank Taggart from Pietermaritzburg who has so kindly offered to share his expertise.
Laugh a little...give a little
Its Casual Day next Frioday, 3rd September with the theme this year of “dress for laughs”!
Object of Casual Day is to give all individuals the opportunity to show the world that they care about persons with disabilities by donating just R10.
Casual Day is the biggest fundraising and awareness creating project for persons with disabilities in South Africa. Every year on the first Friday of September people are requested to dress differently to how they normally would, and to wear the official Casual Day sticker to show their support.
The following National Welfare Organisations are beneficiaries of Casual Day:
The National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in SA;
SA Federation for Mental Health;
Disabled People South Africa ;
Deaf Federation of SA;
Epilepsy SA; and
SA National Council for the Blind
These organisations represent about 400 different schools, homes and workshops for persons with disabilities. Every year more than 200 local welfare organisations participate to raise funds for their own needs via the infrastructure of the project.
This year Casual Day encourages people to dress for laughs. Wear something funny, fancy or utterly ridiculous with your Casual Day sticker and join in on the fun. Laughter is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together. So, celebrate life and be grateful for what you have by showing your support for persons with disabilities by wearing your Casual Day sticker on Friday, 3 September.
Show your support for persons with disabilities by donating only R10 for an official Casual Day sticker.
The recipe to participate is as easy as this:
Convince your boss and colleagues to participate and collect R10 from everyone.
Obtain your Casual Day sticker at a participating welfare organisation (listed on our website), any Absa Bank, any outlet of Game stores, Jet, Edgars, Boardmans, CNA or order online at
Decide on your outfit or simply wear your sticker on 3 September to show that you support persons with disabilities.
Read something, listen to music, write an uplifting poem and go out into the garden and smell the roses.
Find something to laugh about!!
”The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is now”
Arbour Day will be celebrated again this year at the Umvoti AIDS Centre following on the multi-tree planting there last year. - this second Arbor Day ceremony will take place on Saturday September 4th at the new Umvoti AIDS Centre ( old Visick Timbers property). It will also be an open day to enable members of the public to see the amazing developments which have taken place since last Arbor Day...and to see how well the 2009 trees have grown!
To commemorate Arbor Day please plant a tree to continue beautifying the property. You can either purchase a tree or donate an amount to cover the cost of a tree or two-concentrating on indigenous and fruit trees such as; Freyilinia Tropica, River Bush-willow, Pompon tree, White Stinkwood, and fruit trees (orange, naartjie, plum).
Why not plant a tree to celebrate a birth, commemorate a death, or just rejoice in the spirit of giving this Arbor Day. Come out and support the Umvoti AIDS Centre next Saturday, plant a tree and plant a seed of hope in our community.
If possible please take along a shovel and an empty 10-20l container for watering.
If you would like to attend please contact Project Manager Justin McAmmond at 033-413-2745 to RSVP as soon as possible.
Medical Memos
This being women’s month it presents a good opportunity to discuss the ailments perculiar to women. The 3 we are going to discuss over the next three weeks are abnormal uterine bleeding, breast cancer, and cervical cancer.
Lets start off with abnormal uterine bleeding. Usually a girl starts to have menses at the age of 11-15 years and this is called menarche. This is triggered by a surge in hormones in her brain called LH and FSh which stimulate the ovaries to secrete progesterone and oestrogen, the net effect being breast development, a growth sprout in height, intellect and menarche. Sometimes due to the way the body handles this change abnormal bleeding can be seen in young girls due to what is called Dysfunctional uterine bleeding. There are 2 types, ovulatory and anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Ovulatory cycles make up 10% of the cases and the problem is lowered secretion of oestrogen, resulting in continous secretion of progesterone and breakthrough bleeding. The cause is thought to be endocrine dysfunction.
Anovulatory cycles on the other hand are seen in 90% of cases where the problem is diminished secretion of progesterone and contiunous secretion of oestrogen leading to increased thickening of the uterine lining and delayed menses, when the period comes it is painful and heavy. Here the causes are thought to be related to stress, a poor diet, certain drugs like contraceptives and neoplasms.
The management depends on the treating doctor, some prefer to give a combination pill to balance the hormones, some are more specific and depending when the bleeding occurs, midcycle-oestrogens ; late cycle-progesterone. Your doctor will also encourage a good diet, exercising in moderation and stress management.There may be a number of tests recommended such as haemoglobin- to determine how much blood you have lost, LH, FSH, Thyroid function tests,Progesterone and Oestrogen. The main aim of treatment is to stop bleeding and treat anaemia ( loss of blood).
Of interest are the contraceptives themselves, what they do in the body is to interfer with the hypothalamus-pituitary glands’ function of secreting the hormones necessary to trigger normal menstruation.
When making a choice always ask you doctor, nurse , pharmacist of the potential side effects that might happen. For an example the pill increase the chance of blood clots occuring in the veins in the legs and also in hypertension. The injectibles like Depo and Nuresterate are good in that they are not always needed at a daily basis but have the problem of causing a prolonged period of not menstruation. There is a misconception amongst Africans that not menstrating can lead to illness.
Do visit your family doctor to discuss this topic and other related conditions.
Dr M.C. Mkhize of Mpilenhle Medical Centres.
Dalton SA Police detectives have issued a warning on a scam operating in Pietermaritzburg and surrounding areas. An advertisement for goods is placed on line, generally under the name of Maktel Importing. The fraudster corresponds via e-mail, the current e-mail address being Goods are sold on line using the “bid or buy” process. Once the person agrees to purchase he is requested to deposit money into a bank account. After verification of the deposit the fraudster then makes excuses, e.g. Courier services delays etc. and the goods are never delivered. Dalton Police are appealing to anyone who may have fallen victim to this spam to contact the Branch Commander, Detective Warrant Officer Marvin Govender on at 033 501 1552 or 082 459 7167.
Info wanted on Pretorious family
We are busy compiling a Family Tree. I am a descendant of the Pretorius family.
I have been able to trace my grandmother and great-grandfather to Greytown. The family lived in Greytown for approx. 5 years in Sargeant Street in a railway house across the road from a school! I am not too sure but I think it was the old Greytown High School, and my grandmother did her last schooling year around 1939.
Thereafter, she started working at a store called “Ross”.
I have been able to ascertain the following:Great-grandfather: Gerhardus Pretorius (Ganger on the Railways);
Great-grandmother: Susan Pretorius.They had 4 children: Eldest – Catherine (also known as Kay and/or Babsie)
Helena (also known as Lettie) ; Adrian (also known as Attie); Christiaan (also known as Chris)
The eldest two attended the high school and the boys attended the primary school.
Also of note, when electricity was first made accessible to the public, apparently they were living in Greytown at that time and from the info gathered, my great-grandmother was so impressed that the first month’s bill only came to ” Seven-and-Sixpence”
They used to attend the NG Kerk, but then started attending a church which held services in a tent!
From Greytown they moved to Pietermaritzburg.
I would truly appreciate it if someone could confirm my findings and hopefully help me substantiate my facts with further information pertaining to my family. Any photos will be absolutely appreciated.
Contact number is o31 700 4388 (work)or you can email me on or
Tracy Emslie
17 AUGUST 2010
In a tremendous and positive boost to the district South Africas President Jacob Zuma will be in Greytown for the weekend of 4th September to visit projects being run by non governmental organisations and to host the second Inkosi Matomela Memorial Lecture and gala dinner to take place on the Saturday night. Here not only in his role as President of the country, but also as chairperson of the AmaNxamalala clans, the State President will be the guest of honour at the annual memorial lecture. This event is aimed at increasing awareness of the cultural heritage and historical legacy left by Inkosi Matomela who is buried in Greytown.
The President will be accompanied by local, national and international investors who will be able to see and view the potential for development of Greytown and district. They have also been invited to join in and become involved as part of corporate social investment. The organisers believe that there will be an extremely good turnout of big corporate representatives, as well as more local stakeholders. Umvoti Council agreed at its meeting last week to give its full support to this Presidential boost for Umvoti.
In response to a presentation by event organising committee members Mr S. Zuma and Mr Oscar Zondi to Council it was agreed to contribute an amount of R45 000 to the event. On Saturday 4th September the Presidential group will start the various visits and meetings at 10 a.m. Local businesses are advised to book a place as soon as possible to commit themselves to be part of this initiaitive.Please contact DNA Projects (031 261 8418)to book.
This years event is being planned on a much larger scale following on the popularity and success of last year. 800 guests are expected to attend the gala dinner which is being organised as a red carpet event in the style of the Durban July! It is planned to erect a marquee in Pine Street, which together with the Town Hall,will provide the venue for this occasion.
A spokesman for the organiser DNA Projects in Durban said that tables ranging from platinum, gold and silver will again be sold to groups as well as individuals. Apart from the invaluable national and international publicity the Presidents visit will engender local businesses will also benefit from the large number of visitors from all over South Africa as well as international coverage. Accomodation is already booked out - anyone who is able to offer accomodation is asked to please contact DNA Projects on 031 261 8418.
Two members of an armed gang of five who went on a robbery spree in the Kranskop area last Friday did not have a chance to enjoy their spoils thanks to prompt and positive action from the Kranskop Police and other Police personnel.
According to reports, round about 8 last Friday morning a cream coloured Toyota Cressida was seen in Kranskop with five men in it. However because of an obvious Police presence and activity the gang drove off.
At about 10 a.m. two tuck shops were robbed of cash, airtime and goods in the Nkandla and Mbongolwane area.The gang then crossed the Tugela River and were in the Ewosi area when the Police (Kranskop, Muden, Matimatolo) were alerted .Members of the Police Mounted unit as well as the dog unit were also involved.
Police and the robbers met up about a kilometre from the Mbisi clinic - the Police tried to get the attackers to stop but they continued to fire at them. In returning fire the Police hit the petrol tank and the vehicle came to a halt. The five robbers jumped out and still shooting at the Police, disappeared into the surrounding thick bush.
In the meantime, Kranskop Police Chief Lt. Colonel Caroline Minnaar had called up a Police helicopter and the crew spotted one of the robbers in the bush - he was arrested. A second robber was found dead in the bushes.
Three escaped and a major manhunt is underway to find them.
A HMV assault rifle was recovered from the arrested man and a 38 special from the dead man. 30 spent cartridges were recovered by the Police.
The arrested man, Nkwanyana Nkosikhona appeared in Kranskop Magistrates Court on Monday on charges of attempted murder, possession of unlicenced firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition.
Anyone with any information on the robberies and the three outstanding robbers is asked to contact Investigating Officer Cst.Ndo Mhlongo on 073 244 6827.
Lt Col Minnaar also said that her team had been working tirelessly on rounding up the suspects in the armed robbery on Siyabonga store on 7th July and a further two had been arrested bringing the total to seven altogether who were appearing on charges of armed robbery and attempted murder
Greytonians travelling to Pietermaritzburg this Saturday are asked to note the following road closures , from 4 a.m. to 10 p.m., due to the partial demolition on the Chota Motala Bridge over the N3:
* South Bound carriageway will be closed to traffic at CEDARA. Light motor vehicles will be detoured along the R103 to PMB and back onto the N3 to Durban .
*North Bound carriageway will be closed to traffic at New England Road, a detour route will be marked out for light motor vehicles (detour via Boshoff Street to Chatterton Off-ramp back to N3) .
* Traffic entering and leaving PMB using the Chota Motala Road will not be able to access the N3,City Centre or Greytown Road. Vehicles on the M10 (Greytown Road) entering PMB will be detoured on various routes to get to destinations. The three detour routes will be Ohrtmann Road, Manning Avenue and Willowton Road. Detour markers will be clearly placed showing which detours to use for which destination being travelled. Police and flagmen will be in place.
Winners of Wednesday golf on 4 August were S Clarke and JL Rawstorne on 47 points with M Caldicott and J Crowe in second place on 43 points. The winner on Wednesday 11 August was JL Rawstorne. .
The attendance draw winners who lost out on the prize money were Corne Kleynhans (6 August) and Louw Lotter (13 August), thus R300 will be up for grabs on Friday, 20 August. Remember you have to be at the Club at 6:30pm to win.
Results of the Mascor Monthly Mug played on 7 August:
1st - S Dlamini
2nd - B Oehme
3rd - S van der Merwe
Best stableford - G Schwartz
We hosted the FNB Golf Day on Saturday, 14 August. Thank you to Pam Pitout from FNB for all the great prizes sponsored. Thirty five golfers took to the course and enjoyed a full day of golf.
1st - C van Niekerk and G Ponting on 46 points
2nd - C Odendaal and M van der Berg on 45 points
3rd - E Kohne and M Caldicott on 44 points counted out to
4th - S Bondesio and S Clarke on 44 points
5th - S van der Merwe and B Oehme on 43 points counted out to
6th - M Crowe and JL Rawstorne on 43 points
Longest drive - JL Rawstorne
Nearest to Pin on 17th - M Zakwe
Nearest to Pin on 3rd - C van Niekerk
We would like to congratulate our Sanlam Cancer Challenge winners who went through to Princes Grant on Sunday, 15 August. S van der Merwe, S Khumalo and S Buthelezi braved the wind and played lots of golf. They enjoyed the day immensely and will try for the first prize again next year.
Dates to diarise:
16 - 25 Aug: Closed due to spring treatment
4 Sept - Mascor Monthly Mug
18 Sept - Spot-On Golf Day
30 Sept - Ladies Open Day
Join in one of the most exciting and different cycle classics -the 45 km Husqvarna Weenen game reserve classic hosted by Ezembelos Weenen game reserve on 5th September.
The ride is between two game reserves, Weenen and neighboring mTontwane, making for some great, but demanding riding, especially on the 4X4 section of the reserve.
The 26 Km intermediate is pleasant, covering the main section of the reserve with some single track for riders wishing to enjoy the views and have some exciting riding. The 10 Km fun, ride for those who wish to take it easy and enjoy the magnificent views, is suitable for parents to amble along with their children .
. This is the only opportunity to cycle in the reserve - take the family and enjoy the day . Facilities include clean ablutions, catering and refreshments.
All proceeds are put back into the reserve for all to enjoy which means wildlife and conservation are the ultimate beneficiaries.
For more information, accommodation and entry forms visit or contact Brian on 082 7798406 or e mail
readers write
In March 2007, a petition with approximately 1700 signatures from residents was handed to the Umvoti Municipal Manager requesting speeds humps in Durban Street due to the number of accidents in the vicinity of the Lutheran Church .
The then MM,Mr Archer confirmed that the speed humps were authorised but due to the fact that the budget had been depleted before getting to Durban Street, they could not be done at the time.
In 2009, another letter was written to the Municipality about the very same issue. This time the question How many people need to die before this issue would be addressed? was posed. At no stage has a reply been received to this letter.
I applaud the fact that eventually on the 10th and 11th August 2010, speed humps were erected in the High School/Church vicinity but am at the same time very sad that it was also too late!!! On the 6th and the 7th of August there were 2 very serious accidents
in this very section of Durban Street and one was fatal!!! That is - 2 accidents in one weekend!!! Where does one get 2 accidents in one weekend at the same place? So why has it taken so long for anything to be done about it?
Top end Durban Street residents have been begging and pleading for how many years, warning not only the Greytown Municipality but also the NPA, and the Traffic department of the dangers.
On behalf Greytown High School, Greytown Junior School, Kinderhuis and all the residents in Durban Street, thank you for the erection of the speed humps. We hope to see another set of speed humps between the Kinderhuis and the Junior school as well.
To Durban Street road users, please remember there are families living along this road and we would appreciate your consideration when driving down Durban Street. Please do not speed or drive recklessly, we need to get in and out of our drive ways, and would like to do so safely. The speed limit is 60km p/h. Get your babies to school alive, and allow us the opportunity to stay alive as well!!
Wendy Moss
Mysterious circumstances surround the shooting on Wednesday 4th August of Lindokuhle Dlamini and the disappearance thereafter of one of his passengers.
According to Police reports Linokuhle had arrived at his Msinga home on Friday 30th July from Johannesburg where he ran a tuckshop in Alexander township - he was driving a white Toyota Corolla with the registration NPP038 GP. On Wednesday morning he left his home at 8 and picked up a friend at Keates Drift to drive to Greytown. In Ngome he stopped to give a hitchikera lift - he sat in the back seat.
At the Bracken compound a green Avensa, also with GP registration, was parked on the side of the road with its bonnet up and two men peering into it. Linokuhle just had passed this vehicle when his cellphone rang -he spoke and then told his friend that it was from a man in the Avensa whom he knew as he worked for his uncle in a taxi business in Johannesburg He turned the Toyota round and stopped at the Avensa. But as the two men walked towards the Toyota -the one took out a firearm and shot Linokuhle four times -then shot and injured the passenger in the front seat.
The hitchiker in the back was not shot. The two attackers pulled out Linokuhles body and the passenger threw them into a ditch. One of the attackers drove off in the Toyota, with the hitchhiker in the back and the other drove the Avensa. They evidently filled up with petrol at Engen in Greytown - they were spotted driving through Muden and Weenen.
Investigating Officer Captain Bobby Naicker told the Greytown Gazette that there was no evidence as to what had happened to the hitchiker - he was said to be a man of Asiatic appearance but no reports of such a missing man have been received from Ngome or surrounds.
Anyone with any information in regard to the shooting or the missing man is asked, as a matter of urgency, to contact Captain Naicker on 082 469 9189
It has been my privilege and pleasure to have been associated with Dr Jan Strydom since arriving in Greytown in July 1972 writes Bryan Paul of Greytown Drugstore.
We have been professionally linked for many years in the traditional doctor/pharmacist patient relationship and have also had photography as a common interest over many years.
When Doc Jan retired from private practice, he continued service at the Greytown Hospital, and as many patients will testify, has been the pillarstone of service to the community.
It is with great respect and humility the I wish to honour him in his retirement, and to say Lekker Rus!
Dr Jan retired from Greytown Hospital on 1st July after 47 years in Greytown of highly skilled professional caring care of the sick in his private practice and as Medical Superintendent of the Hospital and part time.
Apart from his popularity as a highly respected medical man Dr Jan is also wellknown for his amazing photographs of wild life and his other hobby of writing articles for Country Life.
On behalf of the thousands of people who have been helped by Dr Jan over the years, the Greytown Gazette wishes him a happy and healthy retirement.
Baby Expo update
--The Baby Expo to be hold on Saturday 4th September at the Greytown Country Club is getting bigger and bigger by the day!
Apart from the stalls selling almost everything that a baby could possibly want there will also be talks and demostrations - Kammaland on How to stimulate your baby; Lizet van der Walt on Baby and Musicand Wendy Botha - the effects of cell phones and other radiation.
There are only three stalls left -the balance will be stocking personalized embroidered baby items, Hooligans children clothing range, Baby Bumpy products and Nappy Cakes, Mother Nature alternative to disposable nappies,Tolo toys, Busy Bees knitted baby items, English and Afrikaans reading books, Homemade doughnuts, toy barrels, and sleeping bags, Tupperware, Homemade baby bibs Baby quilts, Children gifts and cards, cupcakes, and still more!
The event is hosted by Greytown at a Glance -for more information please phone Wendy Moss on 033 413 2157
Petunias are the perfect way to say goodbye to winter. With their vivid flowers in a kaleidoscopic range of colours, these annuals are a sure fire way of banishing the winter blues.
Ever popular, petunias have wide trumpet shaped flowers with a distinctive spicy scent; leaves are hairy to touch and a little sticky..Petunias are prolific bloomers and if you remember to deadhead them, they are a perpetual carpet of colour from now all the way through summer. They come in almost every conceivable colour, including striped bi-colour and spectacular double varieties. Petunias grow in mounds - perfect for borders. They also trail well which makes them a must-have in containers, pots or hanging baskets.
Petunias do best in full sun, but can handle partial shade, especially in hotter areas, but give them at least six hours of full sun every day. They are extremely slow to grow from seed so rather chose seedlings.. They can survive the cold and do well if planted in late winter so have established themselves by the time springs warmth triggers flowering time.
A tip for later in the season; if plants get leggy, pinch back the plant by half. This will encourage a neater shape and better blooms. When it comes to water, petunias do not like wet feet so make sure that you plant them in well drained soil.
Information Supplied by the Bedding Plant Growers Association. Go to for more.
Oil well in Greytown ?
A vehicle servicing/inspection pit near the old NPA camp has not been in use officially for the past 30 years or so. But it is still being used by anyone wanting to drain/replace engine oil etc.It is a well researched fact that 1l used motor oil can contaminate up to one million litres of ground water! If just 3 vehicles a month have been"srviced" over this pit for the past 20 years over 3 million litres of ground water could have been contaminated!
The big question is - who is responsible for this...snf what is going to be done to clean up this hazard to the health of the community?
10 August 2010
Congratulations to Sheena Unwin, daughter of Geoff Unwin of Greytown on winning the Vodacom Durban July 2010 young designer of the year competition with the above outfit.
At a public meeting in Greytown just over a month ago, KZN Premier, Dr Bheki Mkhize, in responding to various points raised, requested Umvoti Ratepayers Association to consolidate problems being experienced in regard to Umvoti Municipality and to then submit these to him. Members of the public who raised issues at this meeting were contacted by the URA and matters raised included in the submissions as requested by the Premier.
The Premier said that all matters raised would be investigated thoroughly and depending on the outcome further action would be instituted instituted.
Last week the letter from the Umvoti Ratepayers Association, signed by the Chairman, Mr M.Mason, was submitted to the Premier .
At the public meeting with the Premier it had been emphaisised that the problems with the Municipality were being raised at the meeting as the Umvoti Ratepayers Association members had not been able to obtain any response from letters to and meetings with the Municipality.The URA introduced the list of problems stating to the Premier ”we as ratepayers are concerned about the general lack of good governance, waste of money, nepotism, incompetence and lack of service delivery.” Among the items brought submitted to the Premier:
*Deputy CFO, Martin Swanlow, suspended two years ago, is being paid full salary but not permitted to work in the Municipality contrary to the finding of the Chairperson of the Disciplinary hearing - this has not been discussed by Council..
*Over one million rand spend in three months on Municipal social functions in Umvoti in April and May. Decor, catering and out of town artists mainly used.
.*The Mayor’s two trips to China at ratepayers’ expense with no benefit to the District whatsoever. CFO accompanied him in 2009 and Council requested forensic audit on R50 000 taken - no results as yet. Mayor in process of organising yet another trip to China.
*Municpality was given 6 months notice of waste removal private contractor’s termination of service in January 2009.Truck and trailer plus two containers ordered by Municiplaity for R1.8 million, -due to licensing problems truck only became operative in August 2009. Because of incorrect specifications supplied by Municipality, truck was incorrectly sized and needed continual repair work. Pietermaritzburg contractors have been used almost monthly since January 2009 at cost of R120 000 monthly to ratepayers.
*In October 2009 Municipal Manager, Hamilton Ntshangase one year contract was not renewed (he had previously been suspended for 3 years by Department of Culture for theft of over million rand but IFP Council said it did not matter and appointed him.) IFP majority decided to appoint HOD’s on a 3 month rotating basis as acting Municipal Managers since then. None of them are qualified as Municipal Managers and their departments are left headless!
*In October 2009 full Council resolved to increase the Council’s credit card limit, with the proviso that regular analysis of expenditure be given to Council. To date no such reports have been given.
*Serious impact of consolidation of rates and electricity accounts from July whereby Municipality can prioritise payments for arrears, was only advertised in Witness and Umvoti Light so that the majority of ratepayers not aware of this far reaching move.
*Affirmative action/employment equity ratio completely ignored by Municipality.
*Major health hazard being created by the lack of public toilets throughout the town -school children and members of public use pavements or walls wherever.
*Concern as to the awarding of tenders to contractors lacking in capacity of experience and capability of carrying out work awarded and the calibre of road consultants beig used to audit. Projects completed need to be checked by properly qualified engineers and an audit done on work to specifications and work paid for.
In regard to this a list of contracts awarded has been submitted to the Premier with this letter.
*Greytown water supply -because of the major problems and lack of development of another supply of water, houses are not being built to alleviate the grave housing shortage and businesses or industries unable to develop to alleviated the major unemployment problem.
Several other points were raised in the letter - the Greytown Gazette will keep readers informed of the response from the Premier.
This year, 2010, the Faculty of Law is celebrating 100 years of the teaching of Law at UKZN.
The Centenary celebrations planned involve a number of high-profile public lectures and alumni events, culminating in the Book Launch and Tree Planting Ceremony on the 22nd October and Law Centenary Dinner on 23rd of October, which will be addressed by Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo and President of the South African Rugby Football Union Oregan Hoskins.
We are attempting to contact as many past law graduates from the University of Natal, University of Durban-Westville and University of KwaZulu-Natal. Contact Robynne Louw at or telephone 033 260 6257 for further information.
Graham Noot
In last week’s Greytown Gazette under the heading “Electricity facts you should know” the article reported on the new Municipal electricity charges as approved by NERSA (National Energy Regulator S.A.).The article referred to the new monthly basic charge of R117.90 for all domestic consumers (excluding indigent) which NERSA had agreed to instead of the normal annual increase per amp.
Concerned at this change , which impacted more heavily on the 5 and 15 amp users, the Greytown Gazette queried with the acting Municipal Manager, Mr Malinga as to why the Municipality had changed the formula and the following reply has been received from Mr G. Balzer (Engineering Technician Electrical)
”I have been requested to investigate the matter.
I have found that we (the Municipality) did not request a tariff change on the basic charge from per amp to a monthly basic of R117.90. as of the application letter dated 28 May 2010.
Application is for a 22% increase from R2.15 TO R 2.62 per amp calculated on the sum total of the tripping current of the circuit breaker.
I shall investigate further with the N.E.R.S.A. on the matter. (it seems as NERSA has copy pasted from someone else’s letter on to the Umvoti letter)
At present it is unfortunate for the low circuit breaker user to pay more, but we have to implement the basic tariff until clarification from the regulator.”
Thought provoking talk
“At its most practical, biomimicry is a way of seeking sustainable solutions by borrowing life’s blueprints, chemical recipes and ecosystem strategies.”
One of the country’s top experts in this field, Claire Janisch will address Greytown Probus on Tuesday 7th September at the Senior Service Centre, York Street. Claire heads up the Biomimicry Insitutute of South Africa for primary, secondary, teritiary and professional levels.
Entrance fee is R10 (includes tea and cake) and all are welcome to come along to listen to this excellent speaker and her fascinating subject.
The Muslim world (Ummah) is going to be visited soon by an auspicious guest, the Blessed month of Ramadaan -the 9th month of the Islamic calendar.
In South Africa subject to the sighting of the moon, most probably Ramadaan will begin on Thursday 12-08-10.
Yes indeed, Ramadaan is a guest that will come and very shortly depart. Unlike other guests, it requires nothing. Rather it grants such abundant blessings to those who will appreciate and honour it that these blessings cannot be achieved at other times, as there are seasons and special occasions for everything in this world.
The glorious month of Ramadaan is also a special occasion for one’s spiritual and physical upliftment, and also for gaining proximity to our Creator Almighty Allah. One of the amazing qualities of Ramadaan is its tremendous power to transform the lives of people provided that they value and appreciate this month by giving it the full due it deserves. That is why, even ordinary Muslims find a sudden urge to perform good deeds and to stay away from sin and this is all due to the magnetic pull of Ramadaan on the believer’s hearts.
According to a “Hadith” Ramadaan will have a bearing on our entire year. If Ramadaan goes well, the whole year goes well. If not, the whole year goes off beat. All it requires is hard work and sacrifice for one month and then ease for eleven months.
Main purpose and object of fasting and performing as many good deeds as possible in Ramadaan is to attain “Taqwa” as mentioned in the Holy Quraan. The bottom line of “Taqwa -Piety” is abstention from all sins while engaging in acts of “Ibadaa”(worship). The fast is the greatest Ibabah in Ramadaan. It gives the entire body, heart and soul a complete overhaul.Therefore, it should be taken as one of the duties and tasks of Ramadaan to ensure that every single adult healthy Muslim male and female fasts this month.
It was in the month of Ramadaan that the Holy Quraan was revealed. Hence this month requires a greater connection with the Quraan than any other month of the year. To complete the recitation of the entire Quraan in Taraaweeh prayer in congregation is also an important and basic duty a Muslim has to fulfil during Ramadaan.
Charity should be increased in order to raise a sense of sympathy towards the poor and needy. Special care should be taken about guarding the eyes and ears from sin as well as refraining from backbiting, lying taunting, swearing, fighting , thinking of evil etc.
In short by observing the above, beauty will come into the fast .This is what will make it enjoyable and rewardable as well.Every moment of Ramadaan is an opportunity to build up and earn immense rewards.
May Almighty grant a prosperous and productive Ramadaan.
To all Muslims and their families:Ramadaan Mubarak.
More and more activities are lining up for the Greytown High School two day Nguni festival to take place at the end of October at the school. It starts off on a high note on Friday 29th October with an evening performance by the Blarney Brothers and then on the Saturday night , after all the fun of the fair, a performance by The Campbells. Tickets R150 for both.
On Saturday a wide variety of stalls will be selling items, focussing on hand made crafts and art - on sale will be beadwork, handbags, clothing, soap, jewellery , paintings etc. There will plenty of food stalls and for the young a funfair, merry-go-round,jumping castle and face painting.
There will also be an opportunity to see it all from the air with helicopter flips.
To show the school’s awareness of the importance of preserving the environmen there will be the Hilton Daisy tea garden socalled to raise awareness of this highly endangered species which grows in Umvoti. Delicious cakes will be sold and live classical music will entertain the customers throughout the day. There will also be a beer garden.
Sorry about July but the Gnome computer went AWOL!
Now firmly on track, let us get down to business.
My little garden is suddenly coming to life in the Valley. Primulas are in full bloom and the petunias have a new lease on life. I started pulling them up but then gave them another chance! The plants had been badly hammered by frost but have really burst forth in the past week filling the little patch with colour.
Roses all pruned, sealed, fertilized, and about to be composted.
I know spring is not yet upon us but August is always full of hope.
Hope winter is finished.... it has not.
Hope we shall get rain.... doubtful.
Hope there won’t be any more frost... what a hope!
Hope.... the really nice hope.”He who plants a tree plants HOPE”!
So full of hope I shall get cracking on the patch.
I have just taken a book out of the library called “Chicken Soup”. 101 short stories on Life.
One passage I think was very edifying was quoted by Nelson Mandela about gardening.
”A leader must also tend his garden; he too plants seeds, then watches, cultivates and harvests the results. Like the gardener he must take responsibility for what he cultivates; he must mind his work, try to repel enemies, preserve what can be preserved and eliminate what cannot succeed.”
This month remove what you do not want or anything that is not doing well in the garden. No point in trying if it is not working.
Remove any alien plants that have crept in to contaminate your garden and the neighbors. Repel the bugs. Look after with special care all the wonderful plants you have already.
Wonderful time to fill in the bare patches with either annual, perennials or bushes.
When planting always take care to group your plants to give more impact. Look at nature..wild flowers are never scattered they grow in groups! Nature is so perfect, pity we mess it up.
Keep piling on the compost and the manure.. Leave it on the top and the nutrients will gradually find their way to the lower levels.
If you have the time to spare do join the Garden Club. You will find that it is such a wonderful learning curve that you will enable you to develop a truly beautiful garden .
Happy Gardening.
It was quite a chilly start to Saturday 31st July as GSS educators, learners and other stall holders set up the various stands but as the mercury levels rose, so did the fun and excitement. There was an incredible turnout throughout the day and it was such a pleasure to see young and old of all races intermingling.
There were so many highlights: Mhlopeni Game Reserve’s stall was constantly surrounded by enthusiasts wanting to learn about the activities and also eager to win a free day trip to the Game Park. Sonja Fowler won a lucky ticket draw for 6 people to the Mhlopeni for the weekend!
GSS talented learners wowed the crowd with their singing and dancing skills. Excitement reached fever pitch when a group of young men the “Lovenotes” took to the stage and their energetic and well synchronised moves had the crowd stamping their feet for more!
Winners of the 5-a-side soccer was Greytown United; Blessing Ngcobo of Pannar was player of the tournament ; Siyanda of Greytown United leading goal scorer and Donny Singh was declared goalkeeper of the tournament.
There was quite a lot of interest in the baby competition with all babies absolutely gorgeous and adorable -winner was Vihaan Sewpuchan .
Winners of the Thunee competition which was fierecely contested was the team of Yashveer and Kuvesh Babooram.
Winner of the car sound competition was Vedanth Mewa in his Corsa Num 1. Onlookers gathered in numbers to watch and listen to the booming sounds issuing forth from the vehicles.
Participants in the Ms/Mr GSS pageant confidently modelled three clothing lines:sports; winter and evening wear. An external panel of judges adjudicated the pageant and the following learners were chosen:
Ms GSS/Queen: Ngenelile Ngcobo;1st princess: Tia Pillay; 2nd princess: Nomvelo Dumakude.
Mr GSS/king: Mpumelelo Sithole;1st prince: Notokozo Mtolo; 2nd prince: Sizwe Dladla.
The delicious food sold at the GSS food stall was sold at very affordable prices which kept the educator’s team manning the stall on the go throughout the day.
As the sun set, the smoke from the braais curled slowly into the air and people gathered round to catch up on old times and share a good laugh and chat.
GSS principal, staff, the SGB and learners, would like to place on record their heartfelt thanks to the community of Greytown for their wonderful support in this fundraising initiative. Without the generosity and kindness of the Greytown community, the day would not have been possible.
GSS thanks those learners who worked so hard to make the Family fun day such a success as well as the GSS staff a big thank you for a job well done and for working so well together as a team.
Greytown Gazette’s birding expert, Kevin Cockburn, was asked to comment on the photograph taken by Wendy Edwards of a pair of seagulls seen in Durban Street a few weeks ago states as follows:
“The birds photographed are Grey-headed Gulls (Larus cirrocephalus). Seagulls do not usually occur around Greytown, but have a wide distribution in the Southern African region along the coastline as well as on inland waters. These gulls are scavengers and opportunistic feeders by nature, and have discovered the value of rubbish dumps as a food source, particularly in the bigger centres.
Under normal conditions they would be associated with coastline or open inland waters habitats. Hopefully the birds in the photograph are passing through, and not considering settling in Greytown! That would indeed be an indication, (in Umvoti) of an environment which is attractive to this species because of edible (if you’re a Gull) rubbish lying around, and scavenging opportunities! Some readers may also have noticed the recent arrival and increased presence of Pied Crows (Corvus albus) around our beautiful town. This is, in my humble opinion, symptomatic of the factors mentioned above!”
* That if you take bananas apart they will not ripen as quickly as If you leave them connected at the stem.
*Store opened chunks of cheese in aluminum foil. It will stay fresh much longer and not mould!
*Peppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating than peppers with 4 bumps on the bottom which are firmer and better for cooking.
*Make scrambled eggs or omelettes taste richer -add couple of spoonfuls of sour or heavy cream or cream cheese, then beat.
*Heat leftover pizza in a nonstick pan on the stove on medium low heat. This keeps the crust crispy
*Wet torn nespapers and layer around the plants, overlapping as you place .Cover with mulch and forget about weeds
*Use a wet cotton ball or Q-tip to pick up small bits of glass which are not easy to see.
*Static causing skirts or pants to cling embarassingly -try a small safety pin the seam of your skirt or pants
*Before pouring sticky substances like peanut butter or honey, into a measuring cup, rinse it out with hot water -and don’t dry before pouring in the goo!
*Shades of schooldays. Eliminate foggy windscreen or windows - keep a blackboard eraser in the car and use that.
*Envelope sealed and something vital left out. Just place the sealed envelope in the freezer for a couple of hours and it will open easily.
*Hairy legs? Use some of your hair conditioner to shave -leaves legs really smooth.
3 August 2010
As from Tuesday the contractor, Ubunye Plant Hire started work on the road. KZN Department of Transport spokesman Blake MacKenzie said therefore
"there will be no through road available to anybody including local residents. All road users will have to make use of the detour."
The cost of fixing the road is R2 400 000 and it is scheduled to take three months.
Over 800 cyclists are expected at this year’s CLAAS Tour de Krantz Cycle Race, which takes place this Saturday 7th August in the picturesque village and surrounds of Harburg. This fantastic day caters for the whole family against a backdrop of German atmosphere and hospitality.
Once again the 45km and 25km courses will retain the tough but scenic formula that has proven so popular over the past 7 years – single track, fast, winding downhills and a few hard climbs with breathtaking views of the Valley of a Thousand Hills, as the reward. A 10km fun ride caters for the less adventurous. All the races are ROAG administered - pre-enteries on -
Alongside the cycle race is a German Fest which includes breakfast, a German Kaffeestube and beer tent, Farmer’s Market with delicious German processed meats and cakes on sale, children’s entertainment, crafts and lunch.
Andrew Hill, the MTB Media Liason, commented on the 2009 race as follows: “The CLAAS Tour de Krantz is one of those races that you find yourself going back to year after year. Some put it down to the superb views of the valley of a 1000 hills, some the brilliant single track through plantations but, everyone agrees that the warm German hospitality received is what really keeps everyone coming back year upon year… Notably the guys from Harburg know how!”
Be sure not to miss out on this exciting event!
Further details are available at
readers write
Our Council obviously thinks we have a botoomless pit of money to expend on functions.
As reported previously, we spent R8 00 000 on functions in April and and although we expressed our dismay, the Council went ahead and spent another R300 000 on functions in May.
As a reminder to readers the R800 000 went on just six functions - for the disabled; IDP/budget mayoral imbizos; artist indaba and gospel competition.
The R300 000 in May covered Workers Day -R125 000; Sports Day - R41 000 and Mr and Miss Umvoti - R138 000 of which R120 000 was paid to the events co-ordinator!
Instead of these funds being spent on once off events that benefit the few, the scarce resources of our District would better serve the people if they were directed to improving the services residents and ratepayers pay for.
Councillor P.Buss
Democratic Alliance
What do the above have in common? Allow me to explain. The arrival of a new baby is such a special occasion, but this can be severely marred if said arrival has to be followed shortly thereafter by a trip to the local Dept of Labour to claim UIF maternity benefits.
Having been down this road before, severe trepidation set in, but I reassured myself that this time round, it would be better – I would come armed with all the paperwork filled in and ready. I visited the Department’s website, downloaded the forms they listed and made copies of all supporting documents. This also involved a trip to the bank to sign the bank form, a trip to the doctor to confirm your baby has been born and a trip to ones employer to sign the employer form.
I took several deep breaths and, along with my documents, newborn baby, snug ‘n safe carseat, dummy, ‘spoegdoek’, post pregnancy hormones and nappybag in tow, I bravely entered the Department of Labour’s offices in Greytown, which have been boldly decorated in the ruling political party’s colours.
There was a lady comfortably reclining on a chair behind counter no 3, her desk sans anything at all except two large avocado pears and a radio blaring choral music. I politely asked her if she was able to assist me, to which I received a blunt “No!”, with no further explanation. k. I patiently awaited my turn to be assisted by counter no 2. Finally my turn arrived, only to be told that the form signed by the bank was outdated and that “we are using the new form”. I compared the ‘old’ form (downloaded from their website a week earlier) to the new one. The content was, verbatim, identical, but merely appeared in a slightly different order. I pointed this out to the department official, but was merely told again that “we are using the new form”. This meant another trip to the queue at the bank, along with newborn baby, snug ‘n safe carseat, dummy, ‘spoegdoek’, post pregnancy hormones, nappybag et al.
I calmed myself down by remembering that I at least have a car, unlike countless other moms who may have spent their last few rand on taxi money, only to be told to come back another day with a new form.
I returned a few days later, only to find a queue out the door and when I went back later, in between breastfeeds and nappy changes, the offices had already closed. It was only on my fourth trip that I was finally assisted.
So to all moms out there, you need the following: TWO forms signed by your employer, a form from the doctor, a form from the bank (the new one!), recent payslip, ID book, bank statements and calmatives.
Don’t bother with rescue remedy – you’ll need prescription drugs to stop you from climbing over the counter and assaulting guacamole lady with your nappybag!
Brigitte du Preez
Over twenty local artists will be on display this weekend in an art exhibition at the Senior Service Centre on the corner of York and Okes Streets. Umvoti has an amazing number of really talented artists as will be seen in the range of works in different mediums on show.
The exhibition will be open on Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Centre, which is the old Scout Hall.
Admission is free. Refreshments will be on sale throughout the three days.
For further informaiton please contact Gerald Clark on 033 413 2801 between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Its all about babies - a special day for them (and of course, moms, moms-to-be and grans) at Greytown Country Club on Saturday 4th September from 1 to 5 p.m. Expo organiser Wendy Moss told the Greytown Gazette that there is a tremendous amount of interest and enthusiasm already being shown.
To date there will be talks on breast feeding; impact of music on babies; Kammaland address on hand/eye co-ordination;demonstration of eco-friendly nappies and on the clothing side so far hand embroidered items and knitwear from Concordia’s Busy Bees. Anyone interested in promoting any baby related benefit please contact Wendy on 0822 772 4894
One of South Africa’s major polocrosse tournaments, the S A Club hampionships, is scheduled for Noodsberg this weekend. With entries from most clubs in the country, as many as thirty six teams are expected to contest the various divisions. Fortunately, Noodsberg has the space and facilities to cope and we have the personnel to organise a smooth, well-run tournament.
Mascor Toyota Umvoti will have three teams in action. Damien O’Sullivan, Steve Gilson and Patrick O’Sullivan, Ulrich Bosse, Wesley Flowers and Jarryd Jacklin form the A team and everything depends on the draw. With luck, they will be drawn in the B Division where they can give a good account of themselves and retain the B Division trophy which they won last year. Nyati could start as favourites in the A Division with Umhlali and Richmond not far behind.
Matthew During, Colin Storey, Tysen O’Sullivan, Jane O’Sullivan and Caroline Minnaar make up the B team, and, again, the draw will be most important. They are all more than useful players and, given an even chance, they could do well. Skhumbuza Xaba, Ruth O’Sullivan, Cavan O’Sullivan, Jacquie Minnaar, Camryn Minnaar and Ryan Gibbs, are in the C team. They will be drawn in one of the lower divisions where anything can happen.
Polocrosse this weekend is expected to be of top quality with the cream of South African polocrosse players in action. Locals should not miss this opportunity to witness some top quality polocrosse. There will be full catering and all are welcome.
In just over a year a dedicated, committed and visionary group of people have converted the old rundown SAPPI site on the outskirts of Greytown into the new Umvoti AIDS Centre bringing hope and care to so many in Umvoti.
Where just 12 months ago there were piles of rubbish, broken glass and waste, now plants are flourishing, trees line the newly built road and gardens are taking shape in what for many years was an abandoned wasteland. With time and a great deal of effort the vision is to eventually have flourishing orchards, food gardens as well as areas of peace and beauty.
Justin McAmmond, who as project co-ordinator is responsible for much of the development at Umvoti Aids Centre will be presenting an illustrated talk on the progress and vision for the gardens and surrounds of the Centre at the August Garden Club meeting which takes place on Tuesday 10 August, 9h00 for 9h30 at Concordia Senior Citizens Centre ( accessed from York Street).
All most welcome to attend. The new program for 2010 – 2011 will be available at the meeting and a reminder that subs for the new year are now due.
St Cathryns news
Its business as usual at St Cathryns despite the fire which destroyed a building on the property on the night of Tuesday 20th July. Cathy Nel writes “we were called and told by the men staying there that the roof of the accomodation cabin was on fire. All the men were safely out, with their belongings, and they were trying to move furniture out.”
Within 15 minutes the sky was aglow and the fire raging. Cathy continues “Our neighbours and local farmers came with their fire tenders after being alerted by the Farmers Radio network and Golf 911. The heat was intense and we were afraid the fire would spread, but the smaller accomodation and the Hall kitchen were saved through being sprayed with water. The farmers stayed until the flames were doused and the danger passed’
The Nel family, Piet, Cathy, Louise and Steve have expressed their thanks to all the residents, neighbours and friends who assisted -either with tankers or bakkie sakkies; offering accomodation for the guests and just being there. They say “we are rebuilding in the near future and hope you will all come and visit us then.”
Golf dates:
Sanlam Cancer regional final:15th August: Prince Grant:
Farmers Agricare monthly mug:28th August
Contact Piet on 033 444 1945 (landlines fixed - thanks Telkom) or 083 269 1661 and the restaurant -084 596 6292
Umvoti’s unique flower - please help to save
He has fought long and hard to preserve one of Umvoti’s most prestigious and precious tourist attractions - Greytown’s Vic Schutte is determined that the Hilton Daisy remains and flourishes in the
Umvoti wild flower reserve at Lake Merthly.
Vic is given all the deserved credit in a comprehensive article in the August issue of “Country Life” written by Andrea Abbott. The Hilton Daisy (Gerbera aurantiaca) is unique and also endangered. One of the biggest remaining populations is that at Lake Merthley -saved by Vic when in 2001 he convinced the Municipality to conserve the two hectare site and the Umvoti Wild Flower Reserve was declared. Making the reserve even more special -there are up to 60 species of wild flowers to be seen during the October/November season.
BUT the introduction of goats in to the Merthley grasslands 4 -5 years ago poses a real threat to ther survival of the wild flowers.
In particular the scillas of which there were hundreds in the Flower Reserve -this could become an endangered species as the goats graze on them. In fact there have been no flowers over the last few years which means no seed produced for future generations.
Three years ago the Wild Life Society Umvoti branch erected a fence round the reserve at a cost of R20 000- but there are several weak points in the fence which allow the goats to get in.
With the scillas due to sprout within the next two weeks, the goat proofing of the fence is extremely urgent and Ezemvelo Wildlife Honorary officers are appealing for urgent assistance -cash or kind.The following materials are needed -even second hand would do if in good condition:
*roll of Bonox goat proof fencing
*Gate approximately 1 m wide x 1.2 m
*Signs - one at the Lake entrance to give directions to the Flower Resrve and one at the Reserve entrance listing the do’s and dont’s.
*trail markers.
*20 to 30 cubic metres soil to fill up a road which is rapidly turning into a donga
Donations of cash can be deposited in the cheque account: Greytown Honorary Officers, Nedbank Greytown; account no: 134 406 6933; branch code: 134-431 and confirm by SMS to Nic Klapprott on 073 383 9455. Please inform Nic too of any material donations.
Greytown Country Club news
Wednesday Golf winners were R Aulfes, S Clarke and C Odendaal (80 points). J de Nysschen, G de Nysschen and R Chiazzari took second place with 77 points. Congratulations and thank you for your loyal support on Wednesdays.
Friday evening’s Happy Hour meal was sponsored by Platt Plant Services. Thank you Guy and Linda! The Ladies’ Golf Section won the attendance draw once again. The Chivas Regal went to Taru Thomas. Zane Fourie and Pete Koller received the consolation prizes. Congratulations to all the winners. Enjoy your prizes.
The annual MOTH Golf Day took place on Saturday; 28 players took to the field. Thank you very much to Tubby Larkan who organised the very successful event. The food was lovely and the prizes even better.
1st - B Mlangeni & S Dlamini on 45 points (count out)
2nd - B Oehme & K Kluver on 45 points
3rd - G Larkan & M van der Berg on 44 points
4th - S Clarke & R Aulfes on 43 points (count out)
5th - T Egner & R Miller on 43 points
Nearest to the Pin on the 3rd - S Buthelezi
Nearest to the Pin on the 8th - M van der Berg
Nearest to the Pin on the 12th - B Mlangeni
Nearest to the Pin on the 17th - B Oehme
Worst drive on the 1st - G Larkan
Dates to diarise
7 Aug - Mascor Monthly Mug
14 Aug - FNB Golf Day
21 - 28 Aug - spring treatment (course closed)
As Monday 9th August is a public holiday, National Women’s Day, deadlines for the Greytown gaztte of 11th August have been moved forward. Advertisers are asked to note that deadline for display advertisements and classifieds is 1 p.m on Friday 6th August.
The Gazette office will be open on Monday 9th until 12 noon but it would be greatly appreciated if schools and sport reports and photographs could be submitted early early!
Your co-operation is much appreciated!
Enjoy the long weekend and travel safely!